“ Please (help) yourself to the coffee before it gets cold."
A: May I take you order?
B: Yes, please.
A: What would you like to have?
B: I'd like to have Bulgogi
“ Don't cover the label on the bottle. Let the guests (see) what the host has selected for their enjoyment."
“ The line is out of order. "→ 전화가 고장 났습니다.
A: Who's your favorite singer?
B: I guess I'd have to say Elton John.
“ What kind of Bourbon whisky do you have? "
대답: Jim Beam
* Bourbon Whisky 종류: Jim Beam, Wild Turckey, Early Times, I. W. Harper 등
Present a bottle of wine for the host's (approval)
How long have you been ( in ) Korea?
한국에 오신지 얼마나 되십니까?
What is the most famous orange flavored cognac liqueur?
대답: Grand Marnier
* 그랑 마르니에는 흔히 오렌지 큐라소의 최고봉이라는 수식어가 따라붙는다. 트리플 섹, 블루 큐라소와 같은 일반적인 오렌지 큐라소 뿐 아니라 코앵트로와 같은 리큐르도 재료의 차이는 있지만 일반적인 주정을 원료로 오렌지 껍질 및 기타 재료로 만드는 반면, 그랑 마르니에는 흔한 주정 대신 브랜디, 그것도 꼬냑 지방에서 생산된 브랜디(Cognac)를 이용해서 만들기 때문이다.
“우리는 새 혼합기를 가지고 있다.“
We have a new blender
Would you like me to catch a taxi (for) you?
무엇에 대한 설명인가?
「Spirits made from fermented juice of sugarcane, sugar syrup, or molasses.」
*당밀이나 사탕수수의 즙을 발효시켜서 증류한 술이며 화이트 럼과 다크 럼이 있다. 각각 생산지나 제조법에 따라 헤비 럼, 미디엄 럼, 라이트 럼 등이 있다.
You ( should ) drink your milk while it's hot.
Which one is the cocktail containning beer and tomato?
Red eye
* 토마토 주스로 숙취시의 '충혈 된 눈'을 표현한 칵테일이다. 이름에서도 풍기듯이 해장술로 적당한 칵테일로도 알려져 있다. 미국인들이 칵테일 재료가 없을 때 무엇이든 토마토 주스나 세븐 업에 섞어서 마셨던 풍토에서 탄생했다고 한다. 기본 레시피에는 비어와 토마토 주스의 배합이 반반이지만 기호에 따라 조절할 수 있다. 재료는 모두 아주 차게 식혀 두어야 한다. 아주 차게 식힌 토마토 주스 Half, 비어 Half를 하이 볼 글라스 또는 비어 머그 글라스에 부은 다음 가볍게 젓는다. 서양에서는 마지막에 달걀노른자를 넣기도 한다.
I'd like a table (for) three, please.
(3인용 테이블 하나 원합니다.)
칵테일을 만들때 「Would you like it dry?」에서 dry의 뜻
not sweet
「You are wanted (on) the phone」
What is the negative characteristic in taste and fisnish of wine?
다음 ( )안에 들어갈 적당한 말은?
“ Let me see the wine list. You have both domestic and ( importied ), don't you?
Which one is mde with rum, strawberry liqueur, lime juice, grenadin syrup?
strawberry daiquiri
Which one is the cocktail containing "Midori"?
June bug
A: What do you do for a living?
B: I work at bank
Which cocktail name means "Freedom"?
Cuba libre
If you (ask) him, he will help you.
I am afraid you have the (wrong)number.(전화 잘못 거셨습니다.)
"This is produced in Italy and made with apricot and almonde"에서 의미하는 것은Amaretto이다. Amaretto는 이탈리아산, 아몬드 향취가 있는 리큐르를 말한다.
"(Fermentation) is the chemical process in which yeast breaks down sugar in solution into carbon dioxide and alcohol."
"Not all food is good to eat."→ 모든 음식이 먹기에 다 좋은 것은 아니다
"You are in good shape for a 50-year-old man."에서 밑줄 친 부분의 뜻은 healthy다.
Are you interested in ( making cocktail )?
Ice pail은 Ice bucket에 해당된다. 아이스버킷은 얼음을 담는 통을 뜻한다.
"초청해주셔서 감사합니다."의 가장 올바른 표현은 Thank you for inviting me다.
Which is the correct one as a base of Pink Lady Cocktail in the following ?
-Gin (핑크레이디의 베이스를 묻고 있다.)
Select the cocktail based Gin in the followings.
-Bulldog Highball
"Dry gin merely signifies that the gin lacks (sweetness)."
Would you care (for)a drink?
Which one is made with vodka, orange juice and galliano?
-Harvey Wallbanger
(보드카를 베이스로 오렌지 주스와 갈리아노 리큐어를 넣어 만든 칵테일.)
When is your check-out time?은 "호텔의 퇴실시간은 언제입니까?"라는 표현이다.
I'll come to (pick) you up this evening.
What is the name of coffee liqueur?
*칼루아는 멕시코의 대표적인 커피 리큐르로 멕시코의 데킬라에 커피와 코코아, 바닐라를 혼합하여 만든 것이다.
"먼저 하세요."라고 양보할 때 쓰는 영어 표현은 “After you, please.”이다.
여럿이 술을 마실 때 "마시던 걸로 전부 한잔씩 더 돌리시오."라고 하고 싶을 때의 가장 적당한 영어 표현은 “We'd like to have another round, please.”이다.
A :"Why didn't John go there yesterday?"
B : "John didn't go there because it rained."
소프트드링크에는 Lemon squash, Ginger ale, Lemonade가 있다.
What is meaning of a walk-in guest?
-A guest with no reservation.
“당신은 무엇을 찾고 있습니까?”의 올바른 표현은 “What are you looking for?”이다.
Which country does Bailey's come from?
Which is the correct one as a base of side car in the following?
What is the meaning of port wine?
-Port wine is Portugal wine
“Twist of lemon peel"의 의미
레몬껍질을 비틀어 짜 그 향을 칵테일에 스며들게 한다.
설명에 알맞은 술 이름
「It was originally made in Russia, from Potatoes, but in the United States it is usually distilled from grain, primarily corn and wheat.」
Mixed drinks are increasigly being ordered " on the rocks".
밑줄 친 의미는 on the ice와 같다.
Champagne should be drunk cold. The ideal way to cool it is by (placing ) the bottle in a champagne bucket (filled ) with water and ice.
What are used to measure out liquors for cocktails, highballs, and other mixed drinks ? Jiggers
Please (help ) yourself to the coffee before it gets cold.
「Are you free this evening ?」의 뜻은 오늘밤에 시간 있습니까? 라는 뜻이다
"나는 진토닉이 싫다. "의 영작
l don't like Gin with tonic
She (takes) a good picture. This baggage (takes) much room.
He bought me a telephone. 의 다른 표현은 He bought a telephone for me 이다.
「(Vermouth) is a white appetizer wine flavored with as many as thirty to forty different herbs, roots, berries, flowers and seeds.」
What is the meaning of sherry?
Spanish white wine
"Would you like another cocktail (while) you are waiting ?"
『If you carry the process of fermentation one step further and separate the alcohol from the fermented liquid, you create what is essence or the spirit of the liquid. The process of
separation is called(distillation).』愾
Put a piece of ice in the glass.
"Are the same kinds of glasses used for all wines ?"에 적절한 대답은 No, they are not 이다.
( ) 안에 동사형을 바르게 변형시킨 형은 went 이다.
「It's time we all (go) home.」
Select the cocktail based Vodka in the following.
Bloody marry Cocktail
Which of the following wines should be served not chilled but at room-temperature ?
Red Wine
*다음은 중 냉장 상태(차게)에서 서버를 하는 것이 아닌 와인은?
The covering or skin of any fruit is generally referred to as the ( ).
어떤 과일의 껍질도 일반적으로 껍질을 덮는 것으로 나타낸다.
( )안에 동사형을 바르게 변형시킨 형은 fallen 이다.
We found (fall) leaves here and there.
John studies very hard (so that )he will pass the examination.
「주문 하시겠어요 ?」의 가장 적당한 영어 표현은 May I take your order ? 이다.
A:How many in your party ?
B:Three of us.
C:Do you mind (sitting) with this lady ?
We don't have any (empty) tables.
Please, select the cocktail based Brandy in the following.
B &B Cocktail
"Any liquid with (sugar) in it could be subjected to
the chemical process of fermentation if a yeast is
available to serve as the catalyst."
May I take (your) order, sir ?
Which of the following are made from grape ?
Are you interested in (Making cocktail) ?
"나는 전에 서울에 가본 적이 있다."를 바르게 한 영작은 I have been to Seoul before 이다.
"이 곳은 우리가 머물렀던 호텔이다."의 영작은 This is the hotel where we stayed.
Our shuttle bus leaves here 10 times (a day).
Carbonated drinks should (never )be stirred vigorously. This releases the gas and makes the drink go flat quickly.
다음 영문에서 나타내는 것은 Champagne 이다.
The white sparkling French wine because it is charged with gas.
A fortified yellow or brown wine of Spanish origin with a distinctive nutty flavor. Sherry
"Distilled"의 의미는 증류된 이다.
"May I have some ice,please ?"
( )안에 동사형을 바르게 변형시킨 형은 have passed 이다.
Ten years (pass)since I came here.
Which drink is prepared with Gin ?
Tom collins
*Tom collins 재료: 진, 레몬쥬스, 설탕, 소다수 / 기법: 셰이킹+빌드/ 장식: 레몬+체리/ 글라스: 칼린스글라스
I'll have a glass of red wine, please 의 대답으로 적절한 것은
I'll bring it soon.
I'll get you it, thanks.
Thank you, OK.
Which of the following is made mainly from corn grain ?
Bourbon Whiskey *콘(Corn) 위스키라고도 함.
A bartender or cocktail waitress should be (familiar) with the
English names of all stores of liquors and mixed drinks.
Remove the wire muzzle with one hand while (holding) the bottle in the other. The cork should be eased (out) gently, tilting the bottle slightly. Then comes the sublime moment of tasting.
A: What will you gentleman have ?
B: I'll have a double Johnny Walker (on) the rocks.
*on the rocks : 1 파탄 직전인, 2 얼음을 넣은, 두 가지 뜻이 있다.
위의 문장에선, “나는 Johnny Walker(위스키종류)에 얼음을 넣을 것이다.”
상대방이 말을 잘 알아듣지 못했을 때 상대방에게 사용하는 말은 I beg your pardon 이다.
다음 물음에 맞는 것은 Cutty Sark 이다.
「What kind of scotch do you have ?」
Who is the tallest, Kim, Lee, (or) Park ?
Which is scotch whisky ?
Cutty sark
The post office is close to Hotel.
「 한잔 더 주세요..」에 가장 정확한 영어 표현은 I'd like to have another drink 이다.
「 무엇을 사시려고 합니까 ??」의 가장 올바른 표현은 What would you like to buy? 이다.
"Where are you going for vacation ?“의 대답은
up to the mountain
to learn how to swim
down to the sea
Who is the he tallest, Mr. Kim, Lee, ( or ) Park?
A : Come on, Marry. Hurry up and finish your coffee.
We have to catch a taxi to the airport.
B : I can't hurry. This coffee's ( A ) hot for me ( B ) drink.
A : too, B : to
Which of th following is one of aperitif wines as before-meal appetizer?
Dry sherry
In English, the term "Sirop De Gomme" is
(Gum syrup).
(Brandy) is distilled from fermented fruit. sometimes aged in oak casks, and usually bottled at 80 proof
"Espresso"와 관계 깊은 단어는 coffee이다.
(Germentation) is the chemical process in which yeast breaks down sugar in solution into carbon dioxide and alcohol.
An alcoholic drink taken before a meal as an appetizer is (aperitif).
Choose the best answer for the blank.
A : Do you have a new job?
B : Yes, I (work) for a wine bar now.
A : Why the (long ) face?
B : The coffee machine is out of order again.
A : Have you ever been in Rome?
B : No, but that's the city (I'd most like to visit ).
I (was ) born in 1987.
“ How often do you go to the bar?"
대답: Quite often.
For spirits the alcohol content is expressed in terms of proof, which is twice the percentage figure. Thus a 100-proof whisky is (50) percent alcohol by volume.
다음의 상황에 가장 적합한 것은 Fruit Smoothie 이다.
These days, chances are that among your friends and co-workers there are those who do not consume alcohol at all. It's certainly important that you respect their personal choice not to drink.
First come first serve」의 의미는 선착순 이다.
다음에서 설명하는 Bitters는 Angostra Bitters 이다.
It is made from a Trinidadian secret recipe
What is the liqueur on apricot pits base?
Which is the syrup made by pomegranate?
Grenadine Syrup
Which is the name of sherry?
Tio pepe
Which one is made with Ginger and Sugar?
Ginger ale
What Kind of drink would you (like)?
Main ingredient of ( Vodka ) is potato. ( Vodka ) is characterized by no color, no smell and no taste.
It is usually used by base of cocktail.
"I feel like throwing up. " 의 의미는 토할 것 같다 이다.
"This milk has gone bad"의 뜻은 우유가 상했다 라는 뜻이다.
“우리 호텔을 떠나십니까?”의 올바른 표현은 Are you leaving our hotel?
It is important to be (on) time for all business (Appointments ).
“스카치 위스키는 내가 가장 좋아하는 술입니다.”의 영어 표현으로 가장 적합한 것은
Scotch whisky is my favorite drink 이다.
Being a (Bartender)requires far more than memorizing
a few recipes and learning to use some basic tools.
(Gin) must have juniper berry flavor and can be made
either by distillation or re-distillation.
A : What would you like to drink?
B : I'd like a (beer ).
"the meeting was postponed until tomorrow morining."의 문장에서 postponed와 가장 가까운 뜻은 put off이다.
"Can you charge what I've just had to my room number 310"의 뜻은 내방 310호로 방금 마신 것을 달아놓아 주시겠습니까? 이다.
(Chartreuse ) is called 'the queen of liqueur'. This is one of the French traditional liqueur and is made from several years' aging after distilling of various herbs added to spirit.
고객과 종업원간의 대화
W : Welcome to Toscana restaurant.
G : Do you have a table for three?
W : Sorry. All the tables are occupied for now. Would you wait for a while in front of restaurant?
G : Ok.
-----a few minute later-----
W : (I am sorry to have kept you waiting. )
We have table for you.
What ( garnish ) do you serve with a Manhattan?
아래에서 설명하는 용어는 house wine 이다.
A wine selecte dby manager and served unless the customer specifies a different one.
여러명이서 함께 술을 마실 때 "마시던 것으로 전부 한잔씩 더 돌리시오" 라는 표현으로 가장 적합한것은 We'd like to have another round, please 이다.
"같은 음료로 드릴까요?"의 표현은 May i bring the same drink for you? 이다.
When do you usually serve cognac?
After meal