Korea's Consumer Price Index High Among OECD Nations
The cost of living in Korea is as HIGH as some leading industrialized nations.
Korea ranked 11th among the 30-member Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development with the highest consumer price index.
Korea's index was over 123 last year, UP nearly three percent from the previous year, according to the National Statistical Office, which has started gauging consumer inflation at home and abroad based on a benchmark of 100 since 2000.
Iceland's consumer price index was in first place with 194.
OECD countries saw their index go up 2.5 percent on average, higher than that of the European Union.
Gauge 계랑, 기준, 규격, 표준 치수
Inflation 통화 팽창
Benchmark 수준기표, 기준, 표준 가격