Dear Flower and Grass
Oh my gosh, look what I found
A flower with a name that sounds so foul
They call it dog's testicle bloom
Oh my gosh, see this grass over here
With a name that makes me feel so weird
They call it mouse's wee-wee grass
From now on, I’ll let that one pass
Just forget these names, so strange and silly
I’ll call you something soft and frilly
Now I’ll name you
The way you dream
The way you want
The way you are
With lovely words that make you gleam
꽃과 풀
개불알꽃으로 불리는 꽃이 있지
꽃 이름 개불알꽃이라니
쥐오줌풀로 불리는 풀이 있지
풀이름 쥐오줌풀이라니
난 이제 너희이름
남들이 부르는 대로 따라 부르지 않고
너희에게 가장 어울리는 이름을 불러주마
너희가 정말 불리고 싶은 이름을 불러주마
Appreciation Review 感想
This is a whimsical children's poem that humorously explores the odd names given to plants like "dog's testicle bloom" and "mouse's wee-wee grass."
Through playful language and rhymes, the poet captures the curiosity of a child while encouraging readers to think beyond strange names and instead imagine kinder, more fitting ones.
With its lighthearted tone and creative approach, the poet not only entertains but also subtly teaches a lesson in creativity and kindness, making it a delightful and thoughtful read for young readers.
#개불알꽃 #쥐오줌풀 #weird names
첫댓글 "개불알꽃"과 "쥐오줌풀"과 같은 식물에 붙여진 이상한 이름들을 유머러스하게 탐구하는 유쾌한 동시 ㅎㅎ