Caillou found one of his favorite socks right away, but now he needed the other one.
Caillou couldn'tfind find his missing sock in his room, so he dedided decided to go and look in the laundry room.
Caillou thought the sock might be in the washing machine, but he was too short to see.
He decided to go and fetch a chair.
Caillou tried to open the door, but it just wouldn't open and was a bit scary which was a bit scary.
"Let's go find you another sock. Your foot must be cold."
"But I want my favorite sock."
"After we find you a pair of socks, you can help me fix the broken doorknob if you like."
"I bet I it it’ll put a smile on your face. Look in the basket."
"Here it is!"
Score: A-
문법 및 표현 수정:
- "couldn'tfind" → "couldn't find" (띄어쓰기 수정)
- "dedided" → "decided" (철자 오류 수정)
- "and was a bit scary" → "which was a bit scary" (문장 연결 개선)
- "I bet I it" → "I bet it’ll" (불필요한 단어 제거 및 올바른 표현 사용)
내용 추가 추천:
- Caillou가 양말을 찾았을 때 얼마나 기뻤는지 표현을 추가해 보세요!
- 아빠와 함께 문을 고치며 대화하는 장면을 추가하면 더 재미있어요.
- Caillou가 왜 그 양말을 좋아했는지 설명해 보면 독자에게 더 흥미로울 수 있어요.