743 S. Grandview St. L.A. CA. 90057Tel. (213)928-2932 Pastor P.K.
Every Sunday 3:30 pm JD-class Email: peterkim123@sbcglobal.net
“그러나너는모든일에근신하여고난을받으며전도인의일을하며네직무를다하라”But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. II Tim 4:5
By its primary dictionary definition, the term cult just means a system of religious beliefs or rituals. It is based on a farming term in Latin meaning cultivation. Sociologists and anthropologists sometimes use the term cult to describe religious structure or belief patterns with meanings (usually non-pejorative) unique to their disciplines. In modern usage, the term cult is often used by the general public to describe any religious group they view as strange or dangerous. Thus, cult can describe religious leaders or organizations that employ abusive, manipulative, or illegal control over their followers’ lives.
In addition to these usages, Christians generally have a doctrinal component to their use of the word.Cult in this sense, is a counterfeit or serious deviation from the doctrines of classical Christianity. We usually uses the term cult with a Christian or doctrinal definition in mind. In most cases the group claims to be Christian, but because of their aberrant beliefs on central doctrines of the faith (God, Jesus, and salvation), the organization is not considered by Watchman Fellowship to be part of orthodox, biblical Christianity.
The term, “occult” comes from the Latin occultus or “hidden.” Generally the word is used of secret or mysterious supernatural powers or magical, religious rituals. The word “occult” in this publication is used to describe any attempt to gain supernatural power or knowledge apart from the God of the Bible. Generally it refers to witchcraft, satanism, neo-paganism, or various forms of Psychic discernment (astrology, seances, palm reading, etc.).
New Age New Age is a recent and developing belief system in North America encompassing thousands of autonomous (and sometime contradictory) beliefs, organizations, and events.Generally the New Age borrows its theology from pantheistic Eastern religions and its practices from 19th century Western occultism. The term “New Age” is used herein as an umbrella term to describe organizations which seem to exhibit one or more of the following beliefs:
(1)All is one, all reality is part of the whole; (2) Everything is God and God is everything; (3) Man is God or a part of God; (4) Man never dies, but continues to live through reincarnation; (5) Man can create his own reality and/or values through transformed consciousness or altered states of consciousness.
Unification Church & some other Cults
통일교 와 몇몇 이단들
-the followings are not necessarily all cults; some are for the definitions.
1.Unification Church, Sun Myung Moon, New York, NY: Full name, Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. Jesus brought only spiritual salvation; another “savior” is needed to fulfill Jesus’ mission. Moon is that Messiah (or Christ) and “Lord of the Second Advent.” This group has over 200 front organizations. Moon’s Divine Principle is scripture. See Serpent Seed.
국내에서 발생한 국산이단(國産異端) 1) 문선명의 통일교
통일교는 1954년 5월 1일 교주 문선명에 의해 세계 기독교 통일 신령협회란 이름으로 서울 성동구 북학동 391번지에서 정식으로 간판을 걸었다. 통일교의 출범은 이미 그 전후에 숱한 사회적 물의와 말썽을 빚었으며 그 시원은 더 거슬러 올라갈 수 있다. 문교주는 1946년 초부터 약6개월간 경기도 파주군 임진면 섭절리에 있는 김백문의 이스라엘 수도원에서 박태선 등과 더불어 원리 교육을 받은 바 있어 엄밀하게 말하자면 김백문의 제자라고 할 수 있다. 김백문은 서울 성북구 정릉3동 산1번지에서 청수교회라고 하는 초 교파적인 교단을 갖고 있었다.
문선명은 1936년 4월17일 부활절 아침에 예수가 자기에게 나타나 사명을 맡겨 주었다고 주장하고 있다. 또 그때 문교주는 예수님의 “인류 구원사업의 소명이요 공식하명(公式下命〕”을 몇 번이나 사양하다가 예수께서 “그대가 아니고는 이 중대한 책임을 감당할 사람이 없다”고 거듭 당부하여 할 수없이 큰 사명을 맡았다는 것이다. 그리하여 문교주는 이북에서부터 각종 신비주의 운동에 가담하여 본인 나름대로 신비체험을 하는데 열중하다가 급기야는 해방 후 1946년 3월 평양에 가서 육교리에 있는 김종화 여인의 집 부엌 뒷방에서 광야교회라는 간판 없는 교회를 시작했으니 이때 지승도 노파가 이에 합세했고 그후 김원필(金元弼), 김인주(金仁柱)노파, 차상순(車相淳)등이 잇따라 입교했다.
이때 문교주는 2O여명의 신도를 데리고 방언을 하고 몽시를 받는다고 떠들썩하게 광란집회를 했다. 이들은 박수를 치면서 템포 삐른 찬송가를 반복해서 불렀고 밤낮으로 소리 높여 울면서 기도를 하여 ‘우는 교회 ’로 이웃의 지탄을 받기도 했다.더구나 문교주의 집회에 참석한 여신도들이 가정을 등지고 미혹되어 교회에서 가정으로 돌아가기를 거부하는 사례가 일어나면서 물의를 빚기 시작했다. 문교주는 1946년 8월 2일 사회혼란 혐의로 평양 대동 보안서에 구속되었다가 그 해 11월 21일 풀려났다. 1947년 초 문교주는 평양 경창리에 있던 신도 정달옥(鄭達玉 )집으로 거처를 옮겼다.
1948년 2월 22일 오전 1O시, 문교주는 이남에다가 부인 최선길과 아들 성진을 두고 유부녀인 김종화 여인과 ‘어린양 혼인잔치 ’를 올려 김 여인의 남편이 고소하여 다시 투옥돼 재판을 받고 약1개월간 평양형무소에 갇혀 있다가 5월 2O일 함경남도 홍남 형무소에 이감됐다. 여기서 복역하다가 유엔군의 북진으로 풀려나 월남하여 1951년 1월 27일 부산에 도착하여 부두 노동자 생활을 했다.
이때 부산 범넷골 뒷산에 있는 바위에 올라가 눈물을 흘리면서 기도했다고 하여 통일교에서는‘눈물의 바위 ’라고 하며 이곳을‘성지’로 지정했다고 한다. 부산에서 추종자들을 모아 집회를 갖기 시작했고 이때 기성교인으로서 맨 처음 입교한 사람은 당시 신학교 2학년생이었던 강현실(姜賢實) 전도사였으니 때가 1952년 5월1O일의 일이었다.
1953년 7월 문교주의 전위병이 된 강현실은 경북 대구에 올라가 통일교 교리를 선전했고 대구에서 물의가 일어나자 다시 북상하여‘현대판 메시아’문선명은 서울 입성 (入城)을 단행한 것이다. 서울에 올라 와서 당시 종교연구에 심취해 있던 이창환(李昌煥)을 만나 그의 의견에 따라 세계 기독교 통일 신령협회란 간판을 걸고 본격적인 활동을 시작했으니 그때가 1954년 5월 1일의 일이었다. 이때 문교주는 다만 ‘선생님 ’으로만 불리워졌고 협회장은 이창환이 맡았다가 3개월만에 의견 대립으로 이창환은 문교주와 결별했다. 이것이 문교주가 통일교를 시작한 경위라고 할 수 있다.
한때 통일교에 몸을 담았다가 이탈한 변찬린(사망)은 성경의 원리 ’(상․중․하)를 내어 이단적인 교리로 물의를 이르켰다. 역시 통일교 이탈자 김건남(金健南)은 1972년도에 월간 성별 6월호와 7월호에 통일교의 내막을 공개하는 폭로물을 연재하다가 통일교로부터 폭행과 위협을 당한 후 연재가 중단됐다. 그후 성동구 성수동 노름산 시장에서 생수교회를 하던 김건남은 '신탄’이란 책을 내고, 경기도 안양시 비산2동 238-13 신천지 안양교회에서 계시록 강해를 맡고 있다. – 통일교
Satan, (The Devil, The Serpent):<사탄 숭배 교회>Lucifer, a high ranking angel who wanted to be exalted to the position of God. Through this sin, Lucifer fell and became Satan, the Devil, leading a large number of rebellious angels with him who became the demons. Satan and his host now seek to destroy the plan and people of God. He will ultimately fail and be eternally punished (Matthew 25:41, Revelation 20:10).
Satanic Bible: Scripture of the Church of Satan written by the late Anton LaVey.
Satanism:Represented by two separate groups, secular and traditional Satanists. The secularists do not believe in in a literal, personal, spiritual being called Satan, but rather consider Satan to be an archetype or symbol that represents the ideas of Satanic philosophy. Various satanic ideals include self-interest, indulgence, an anti-herd mentality, and an emphasis upon rational self-interest.
Examples of modern Satanism include The Church of Satan founded by Anton LaVey and now led by Peter Gilmore as High Priest, Michael Aquino's Temple of Set, and Lord Egan's First Church of Satan. Traditional Satanism, which involves the worship of the Satan of the Bible through a perversion and parody of Roman Catholicism, appeared in the fifteenth century coming out of the Inquisition.
Contemporary expressions of traditional Satanism are rare, and popular elements of it, including the testimonies of alleged former Satanists and Satanic Ritual Abuse have been discredited.
Serpent Seed:Doctrine that alleges Eve’s sin in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3) was sexual. Eve had intercourse with the Serpent and begot Cain, whose father is really Satan not Adam. Cain’s descendants were supposedly somehow perpetuated after the flood (usually through Noah’s son Ham). Diverse groups teach variations of this doctrine. Cain’s descendants are: Jews according to the Christian Identity Movement, Communists/Atheists according to the Unification Church, Whites according to the Nation of Yahweh, the lost according to William Branham, etc.
Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA),<제칠일 안식교회> Washington, DC: The largest Adventist church. Ellen G. White, who claimed to have “the spirit of prophecy,” was an important early leader of the movement and taught a number of distinctive SDA doctrines, including the Investigative Judgment and Sabbatarianism. While the church’s official theology now appears to be generally in the tradition of evangelical Christianity, certain SDA claims and unique doctrines continue to raise questions.
These doctrines include the SDA belief that Sunday worship will result in the “Mark of the Beast,” imbalanced teachings on keeping the commandments (baptism, Sabbath observance) that often implies a kind of salvation by works, the “Remnant Church” doctrine that implies that the SDA is or will be God’s only true church, and the doctrine of the Investigative Judgment.
The doctrine of the Investigative Judgment of SDAis outlined in item 24, Christ's Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary, of the Seventh-day Adventist fundamental beliefs.[43] (Note: in the original Fundamental Beliefs of 1980 it was item 23, but when item 11 was added by the General Conference in 2005 it was changed to item 24.)
There is a sanctuary in heaven, the true tabernacle which the Lord set up and not man. In it Christ ministers on our behalf, making available to believers the benefits of His atoning sacrifice offered once for all on the cross. He was inaugurated as our great High Priest and began His intercessory ministry at the time of His ascension. In 1844, at the end of the prophetic period of 2300 days, He entered the second and last phase of His atoning ministry.
It is a work of investigative judgment which is part of the ultimate disposition of all sin, typified by the cleansing of the ancient Hebrew sanctuary on the Day of Atonement. In that typical service the sanctuary was cleansed with the blood of animal sacrifices, but the heavenly things are purified with the perfect sacrifice of the blood of Jesus. The investigative judgment reveals to heavenly intelligences who among the dead are asleep in Christ and therefore, in Him, are deemed worthy to have part in the first resurrection.
It also makes manifest who among the living are abiding in Christ, keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, and in Him, therefore, are ready for translation into His everlasting kingdom. This judgment vindicates the justice of God in saving those who believe in Jesus. It declares that those who have remained loyal to God shall receive the kingdom. The completion of this ministry of Christ will mark the close of human probation before the Second Advent. (Heb. 8:1-5; 4:14-16; 9:11-28; 10:19-22; 1:3; 2:16, 17; Dan. 7:9-27; 8:13, 14; 9:24-27; Num. 14:34; Eze. 4:6; Lev. 16; Rev. 14:6, 7; 20:12; 14:12; 22:12.) - SDA
Shamanism:<샤만니즘> Spiritual world view of Native American and other early cultures that believe that “shamans,” witch doctors or spiritual leaders, can provide healing, guidance (i.e., divination), or wisdom through the occult, spiritism, or altered states of consciousness. The shaman’s soul is sometimes believed to leave the body during a trance(see out-of-body experiences, astral projection), at which time the shaman will speak with beings from the other worlds or assume animal forms.
Shintoism: (Shen-Tao “the way of the gods.”) <일본의 신또-신사참배>Ancient polytheistic religion of Japan that focuses more on Japanese Culture, traditions, attitudes and ideology rather than a system of doctrines or code of ethics. The roots of the movement are obscure, but it eventually developed into the idea that Japan , unlike other countries, was uniquely fathered by the god Izanami, whose consort, the goddess Izanagi, gave birth to the Japanese islands.
Swedenborg Foundation,<쉬든보르그 교>Emanuel Swedenborg, New York, NY: Denies the Trinity, rejects many books of the Bible. Swedenborg a geologist and scientist who left his Lutheran background to become a medium and mystic. He wrote Arcana Coelestia: The Earths in the Universe. Latter-day prophet, spiritism, automatic writing. Publishes Chrysalis.
Theosophy, <신지교>Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky: The Word “theosophy” literally means “God wisdom.” Founded in 1875 to form a universal brotherhood of humanity. Teaches pantheism, reincarnation,striving for Christ-consciousness, and occult and paranormal phenomena. Important early leaders include Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, William Quan Judge, and Annie Besant. Important texts include Isis Unveiled, The Secret Doctrine, and The Golden Book of the Theosophical Society. Similar and/or related to the Arcane School, the I AM Movement, the Liberal Catholic Church, and Rosicrucianism.
Tibetan Buddhism: (Lamaism)<티벳 달라이 라마 불교>A blending of Buddhism with the occultism of Tibet which developed in the 7th century AD Lamas (priests) are perpetually led by the Dalai Lama who is worshipped as the most recent reincarnation of Bodhisattva Chenresi.
Transcendental Meditation,<요가 명상지교> Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: (TM) New Age, altered state of consciousness, yoga, promises to expand creativity, self-awareness, and world peace. At the group’s Maharishi University in Fairfield , IA , TM students attempt levitation through meditation techniques.
Unification Church,<문선명 통일교>Sun Myung Moon, New York, NY: Full name, Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. Jesus brought only spiritual salvation; another “savior” is needed to fulfill Jesus’ mission. Moon is that Messiah (or Christ) and “Lord of the Second Advent.” This group has over 200 front organizations. Moon’s Divine Principle is scripture. See Serpent Seed.
Unitarianism:<유니테리안교>Generically, the rejection of the doctrine of the Trinity in favor of the idea that God is exclusively one person. Unlike monarchianism or modalism, which view Jesus as a manifestation of the unipersonal God, or subordinationism, which views Jesus as a secondary divine being (e.g., the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society), Unitarianism views Jesus as a mere human being. Specifically, the term refers to the Unitarian movement that originated in late 18th-century New England and to the denominational body that merged with the Universalists in the 20th century to form the Unitarian-Universalist Association.
Unitarian Universalist Association: A denomination formed in 1961 by the merger of the American Unitarian Association (the principal religious body teaching Unitarianism) and the Universalist Church in America (which emphasized universalism). While the two parent denominations were rooted in liberal Christianity, the UUA does not even profess to be a specifically Christian body. Its churches exhibit an eclectic blend of liberal Christianity, humanism, atheism, and neo-paganism.
Universalism:< 만민보편구원교> Generically, the belief that all people will eventually receive salvation and eternal life. Many different groups hold to universalism from various perspectives and for diverse (and sometimes opposing) reasons. This doctrine is prevalent in liberal Christianity (among both Protestants and Roman Catholics), as well as in the New Age movement and in most non-monotheistic world religions.
Specifically, universalism refers to a movement dating from the late 18th century that originally affirmed universalism on the basis that Jesus’ redemptive death paid for the sins of all people. As universalism developed it came to affirm that people are acceptable as they are and that no atonement or redemption from sin is needed or provided.
Yoga:<요가>Exercises (physical, mental or spiritual) based on Eastern metaphysical assumptions designed to aid in enlightenment or self-realization. Goals sometimes include altered states of consciousnessor uniting the practitioner with the impersonal pantheistic God.
Types of Yoga include: Karma Yoga (spiritual union through correct conduct), Bhakti Yoga (spiritual union through devotion to a Guru), Juana Yoga (spiritual union through hidden knowledge), Raja Yoga (spiritual union through mental control), Hatha Yoga (spiritual union through body control/meditation), Kundalini Yoga (spiritual union through focusing inner energy) and Tantra Yoga (spiritual union through sexual practices).
Yoga philosophy is based on the concept of reincarnation and is drawn from the Upanishads and other Hindu scriptures. Yoga Journal, Berkley, CA: New Age periodical. See Yoga. Yoga Research Foundation, Jyotir Maya Nanda, Miami, FL: Yoga, Eastern mysticism. Publishes International Yoga Guide magazine.
Yoga Research Society, Phildelphia, PA: Eastern mysticism, yoga, meditation, alternative healing practices(i.e., holistic health). Publishes the Yoga Research newsletter.
Zen Buddhism:<선불교>A branch of Mahayana Buddhism believed to have originated in India from the teachings of a Buddhist master, Bodhidharma, about 600 BC, but traced back by advocates to the Buddha himself. Practitioners seek satori (sudden illumination enabling bliss and harmony), which cannot be explained but only experienced. Techniques include zazen (sitting meditation techniques) and koans, which are short riddles or sayings. The koans (which number about 1,700) are not designed to have cognitive answers but to promote the experience of Zen.
Zen Master Rama, a.k.a. Frederick P. Lenz: Occult, ancient Egyptian rituals, meditation, Atlantis. Also known as the computer guru whose software company, Advanced Systems, Inc., has been called a recruiting arm for his mind control, New Age group. See Zen Buddhism.
Zoroastrianism, Zoroaster: <조로아스터교> Religion thought to be founded about 600 BC in Persia (present day Iran). According to legend, Zoroaster received enlightenment by the Daitya river when, at age 30, he received a vision of Vohu Manah (“Good Thought”)who took him into the presence of lord Ahura-Mazda. Lord Mazda taught Zoroaster the “true religion,” rejecting magic and idol worship and promoting belief in heaven, hell, a devil (Angra-Mainyu) and one true god.
Later followers, however, worshipped Zoroaster in addition to Mazda. Good Lord Mazda and evil Angra Mainyu are seen as equal in power. Teaches enlightenment and salvation by works, including fire worship and partaking of the hallucinogenic haoma (soma in India).(- from Watchman Fellowship)
(17)저희를 진리로 거룩하게 하옵소서 아버지의 말씀은 진리니이다-요17:17
JD-Class/Pastor P.K.Discerning the Truth from Cult – I
Would you be free from the burden of sin? There’s power in the blood, power in the blood; Would you o’er evil a victory win? There’s wonderful power in the blood.
There is power, power, wonder working power In the blood of the Lamb; There is power, power, wonder working power In the precious blood of the Lamb.
2. Would you be free from your passion and pride? There’s power in the blood, power in the blood; Come for a cleansing to Calvary ’s tide; There’s wonderful power in the blood.
3. Would you be whiter, much whiter than snow? There’s power in the blood, power in the blood; Sin stains are lost in its life giving flow. There’s wonderful power in the blood.
4. Would you do service for Jesus your King? There’s power in the blood, power in the blood; Would you live daily His praises to sing? There’s wonderful power in the blood.
FORWARDS -CULT Unification Church - from Pastor Kang, Thanks.
(1) 문선명 교주의 호화저택 서울시 용산구 한남동 유엔 빌리지 1의9 대 지: 1천8백여 평 현시가: 120억 원 상당 건 물: 3백6십여 평 (2) 여의도 통일교 세계본부 건축 예정지(100층 건물) 서울시 영등포구 여의도동 대 지: 1만4천여 평 현시가: 1,500억 원 상당˙
(3) 어린이 예술단 본부 및 선화예술학교 서울시 성? 엽?능동 (어린이 대공원 후문 입구 쪽) 대 지: 1만여 평 건 평: 5천여 평 현시가: 1,500억 원 상당 (4) 세계일보 부지 대 지: 1만여 평 현시가: 1,000억 원 상당 (5) 도원빌딩 (통일교 각 기관 입주) 서울시 마포구 도화동 18층 빌딩 대 지: 5백여 평 건 평: 2천여 평 현시가: 200억 원 상당˙ (6) 통일교 본부 서울시 용산구 청파동 일대 대 지: 3천여 평 건 평: 1천여 평 현시가: 100억 원 상당 (7) 일성종합건설(주) 서울시 마포구 도화동 도원빌딩 현재산시가: 100억 원 상당 (8) 홍영수산 서울시 성동구 능동 예술회관 내 어 선: 60여척 현시가: 200억 원 상당 (9) 주식회사 일화 (경기도 용인시 맥콜공장 포함) 경기도 구리시 수택동 505번지 일대 대 지: 2만여 평 건 물: 8천여 평 현시가: 3,000억 원 상당 ! (10) 일신석재 경기도 이천시 이천읍 소재 대 지: 6만여 평 건 평: 5천여 평 현시가: 500억 원 상당
(11) 청평유원지 및 통일교 수련소 경기도 가평균 설악면 외서면 일대 임야 등: 6백만여 평 현시가: 600억 원 상당 (12) 통일교 공원묘지 경기도 파주시 적성면 일대 임야 등: 5십여 만평 현시가: 30억 원 상당 (13) 학교부지! (선문종합대학) 경기도 이천시 이 ? 돛?신둔면 일대 임야 등: 1백2십여 만평 현시가: 300억 원 상당 (14) 학교부지(선문종합대학) 경기도 성남시 율동 광주읍 오포면 일대 임야 등: 9십여 만평 현시가: 200억 원 상당 (15) 공장부지 경기도 분당 신시가지 일대 임야 등: 30만여 평 현시가: 500억 원 상당 (16) 이천읍 설봉관광호텔 경기도 이천시 이천읍내 현! 시가: 150억 원 상당 (17) 와이키키 수안보 관광호텔 충북 중원군 상모면 온천리 806-1 현시가: 400억 원 상당 (18) 한국티타늄(주) 인천광역시 북구 가좌동 대 지: 1만여 평 건 평: 3천여 평 현시가: 500억 원 상당 (19) 선문종합대학 예정지 충남 아산시 탕정면 일대 임야 등: 4십여 만평 현시가: 200억 원 상당 (2! 0) 태안반도 일대 충남 태안군 서 ? 瞞?일대 임야 등: 2십여 만평 현시가: 50억 원 상당 (21) 통일산업주식회사 경남 창원시 공단 내 대 지: 십4만여 평 건 평: 5만여 평 현시가: 3,000억 원 상당 통일산업(주) 예속된 동양정밀: 1,000억 원 상당 (22) 제주도 관광단지 개발 예정(무인도인 지귀도를 매입) 제주도 제주시 서귀포시 및 남제주 북제군 일대 임야˙대지 등: 4십만여 평 현시가: 300억 원 상당 (23) 성화 대학 ! ; 충남 천안시내 &n bsp; 대 지: 1만여 평 건 평: 2천여 평 현시가: 100억 원 상당 (24) 전국 통일교 부지(평균 지역 당 2백~4백 평) 시, 군, 읍 단위까지 (300여 지역) 대 지: 십만여 평 건 평: 3만여 평 현시가: 200억 원 상당
(25)용평리조트 총주식 모두 매입 시가로는 약 4000억
(26)강남 센트럴 시티 외국계 지분의 실 소유주가 통일교 약 1800여원 투입 (27) 기 타 세진실업(주), 세일관광, 무역상사, 원일기계, 원일철강 등 현시가: 500억 원 상당 (28) 현금 및 주식(문선명 교주) 5,000억 원 상당 소유