출처: 생존시대 원문보기 글쓴이: wlstlf
게시일: 2015. 6. 2.
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이게 현재 지구 정세가 아닐까요?
June 4, 2015
Obama Made Secret Boston Visit As Kerry Reported At “Deaths Door”
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
The Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) is reporting today that President Barack
Obama made a highly secret nighttime visit to Boston on Tuesday (2 June) where
he met with US Air Force surgeons and medical personal fighting to save the
life of US Secretary of State John Kerry who was gravely wounded this past
Sunday (31 May) during a gun battle with what has been described as Islamic
State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS/ISIL)
프랑스군기지에서 존케리가 총격을 당해 한곳이상 부상을 입었답니다. 프랑스 군의콥터에 의해 제네바대학병원(Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève) 에 긴급 옮겨진 모양입니다. 장소도 자세히 나와 있군요. 미국이 군사훈련시킨 ISIS 칼리모프 대령(
Gulmurod Khalimov)이 쏘았답니다.
The SVR had previously reported (1 June) [read full report HERE] that Secretary Kerry suffered “one or more” gunshot wounds during a gun battle at a French military base in the Moselle department (France) where he was meeting with the US State Department’s top ISIS commander Colonel Gulmurod Khalimov in a strategy session ahead of the 2 June Paris summit intended to develop a plan in dealing with this terrorist organization.
In this new report the SVR states that immediately after Secretary Kerry was “violently wounded” in this gun battle, he was transported by a French military medical helicopter to Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG) where he was stabilized.
Due to his age (71) and the extreme blood loss he suffered as a result of his wounds, this report continues, US military medical authorities authorized Secretary Kerry’s immediate evacuation to America and dispatched a massive Boeing C-17 Globemaster belonging to the US Air Force’s 86th Aerospace Medicine Squadron, located at the Ramstein Air Base in Germany, to fly to Geneva.
Upon landing the C-17 medical flight landing in Geneva, this report says, Secretary Kerry was then flown by a Swiss medical helicopter from HUG and was immediately put into the care of US Air Force surgeons and medical personal attempting to keep him alive.
The reason(s) behind Secretary Kerry needing such a massive US military medical response and evacuation, this report explains, is due to the 86th Aerospace Medicine Squadron being the “best in the world” when it comes to treating traumatic battle related injuries, and with this massive C-17 “airborne hospital” being fully equipped with both medical personal and equipment, he could have not have been in better hands.
To how grave Secretary Kerry’s condition was, this report notes, was confirmed by subsequent SVR “interviews” with Swiss medical authorities who first treated him confirming that he was at “deaths door” upon his first arrival at HUG.
Secretary Kerry’s grave condition was further evidenced, this report continues, by President Obama’s secret flight to Boston from Washington D.C. to meet with the medical personal aboard the C-17 when it landed.
(워 싱턴=연합뉴스) 신지홍 특파원 = 스위스 제네바에 이란 핵협상 차 방문했다가 인근 프랑스 지역에서 자전거 사고로 31일(현지시간) 대퇴골 골절상을 입은 존 케리 미국 국무장관이 수술을 받게 될 것으로 보인다고 CNN이 익명을 요구한 국무부 관리를 인용해 1일 보도했다.
사고로 당일 예정됐던 스페인 방문과 2일부터 프랑스 파리에서 열리는 '이슬람국가'(IS) 격퇴 대책 회의 참석 등 일정을 모두 취소한 케리 장관은 당초 곧바로 귀국할 예정이었으나 일정이 바뀌어 하루 이틀 더 현지 병원에 머무는 것으로 알려졌다.
과거 케리 장관의 엉덩이 수술을 한 바 있는 매사추세츠 종합병원의 데니스 버크 박사가 이날 현지로 급파돼 부상 정도를 확인하고 함께 귀국할 것으로 보인다고 국무부 고위 관계자가 전했다.
자건거사고로 대퇴골이 부러졌다고요?
사건 후 만난 사람이 아무도 없고 사진 한 장 없음
Confirmation of President Obama’s secret flight to Boston to meet Secretary Kerry’s C-17 medical flight, this report notes, was verified by SVR signals intelligence sources that showed a Boeing C-40 Clipper aircraft belonging to the 89th Airlift Wing (89 AW) of the US Air Force, based at Joint Base Andrews outside of Washington D.C., left with the American leader on board and landed in Boston just minutes ahead of Kerry’s flight.
As to Secretary Kerry’s current medical condition this report doesn’t say, but SVR health experts contributing to it do note that the US State Department press release that says “This morning Secretary Kerry underwent a surgical procedure to repair his broken femur. The procedure was performed under a regional anesthetic and the Secretary was conscious throughout the four-hour operation.” is an “obvious falsehood”.
To the American propaganda media continuing the “cover story” that Secretary Kerry broke his leg while falling off of a stationary bicycle in France when he was supposed to be in Switzerland, needed an immediate evacuation back to the US aboard the American military’s largest and most advanced airborne medical hospital, and then stayed awake for 4 hours of grueling surgery, this report concludes, is a falsehood so blatant only the most unsophisticated of persons could ever find it plausible.
Remember though…when it comes to the American people believing everything their propaganda media and oligarch elite masters tell them is true there is more evidence than any library of books could have showing this is true. After all, these are the same people who still believe a plane hit the Pentagon 14 years ago, on 11 September 2001, that left no debris behind and made a perfectly round hole in the side of this building the size of a cruise missile…so of course they believe all the lies being told about Kerry…isn’t that what “children” are supposed to do?
Other Reports In This Series: US Secretary Of State Kerry Reported “Gravely Wounded” After French Gun Battle
June 4, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
Just Hours Away From Nuclear War, America Remains Asleep
They Are Going To Come For You…Why Are You Helping Them?
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