Currency | Per flight (when pre-paid) | Per flight (paid at the airport) |
GBP | 15.00 | 20.00 |
Euro | 22.50 | 30.00 |
CHF | 35.00 | 47.00 |
DKK | 170.00 | 220.00 |
CSK | 630.00 | 840.00 |
HUF | 6,000.00 | 8,000 |
SlT | 5,300.00 | 7,100 |
PLN | 90.00 | 120.00 |
SKK | 850.00 | 1,100 |
미리내면 특수화물 개당 22.5유로, 공항에서 내면 개당 30유로네요.
Payment of the additional fee increases your checked-in hold baggage allowance (including additional item) to a maximum weight of 32kgs.
Where your total checked-in hold baggage weighs more than 32Kgs, normal excess baggage charges as set out below shall apply in addition to the above fee.
특수물건이 32킬로를 넘으면 위 요금 외에 무게당 추가요금이 붙습니다. (위에말한 개인당 무료체크인 가방이 20킬로가 넘어도 무게당 추가요금이 붙는거 같아요...^^;;;;;)
Currency Per flight
GBP 15.00
Euro 22.50
CHF 34.50
DKK 170.00
CSK 660.00
HUF 5,500.00
SlT 5,300.00
PLN 90.00
SKK 850.00
Currency | Excess Baggage per kg | Additional hold bag (when pre-paid) | Additional hold bag (paid at the airport) |
GBP | 5.00 | 5.00 | 10.00 |
Euro | 7.50 | 7.50 | 15.00 |
CHF | 11.50 | 11.50 | 23.00 |
DKK | 55.00 | 55.00 | 110.00 |
CSK | 210.00 | 210.00 | 420.00 |
HUF | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 4,000.00 |
SlT | 1,750.00 | 1,750.00 | 3,500.00 |
PLN | 30.00 | 30.00 | 60.00 |
SKK | 280.00 | 280.00 | 560.00 |
무료 체크인 가방이 20킬로가 넘을경우엔 킬로당 7.5유로, 추가가방은 예약할때 내면 킬로당 7.5유로, 공항에서 내면 킬로당 15유로네요...
Check-in at the airport
Our check-in desks close exactly 40 minutes before the scheduled departure of the flight. We recommend checking in two hours before departure. Passengers who present themselves after check-in has closed will not be allowed to board the flight and will forfeit their seat - no refund or free transfer will be given.
이지젯도 2시간내에 체크인하는걸 권장하고 출발 40분에체그인을 마감한다고 하네요. 40분전까지 체크인을 못하면 탑승불가, 좌석도 뺏기고 환불도 안된다고 합니다.
London Gatwick – If the flight you have booked leaves London Gatwick before 08.30 (GMT), you can check in for this flight the night before from 20:00. This will give you the opportunity to leave your baggage at the airport. You will be issued with a boarding pass so you can go straight to security for your flight the following morning.
런던 Gatwick 공항에서 아침 8시반 이전에 출발하는 비행기를 예약하신 분은 그 전날 저녁 8시부터 체크인이 가능하다고 합니다. 짐도 공항에 맏기실수가 있고요. (보통 체크인은 출발하기 3-4시간 전부터 가능한데 이지젯은 편리하네요) 보딩패스도 전날에 받아서 다음날 아침에 곧바로 비행기를 탑승하시면 된다고 합니다.
We require all passengers to provide a valid form of photographic ID at check-in on all flights, including domestic services – visit our Carrier’s Regulations for details of the forms of ID accepted at check in.
당연히 탑승하시기전 아이디/여권 체크 하고요.
When you check in, you will be issued with a boarding pass. These are numbered in order, so the first passenger to check-in will receive number one, the second number two etc. These indicate the order in which passengers will board the aircraft. These are NOT seat numbers as easyJet operates a free-seating policy. So in general, the earlier you check in, the wider the choice of seats you have when you board.
이지젯은 좌석을 미리주지않고 선착순으로 탑승할수있는 순서를 줍니다. 일찍 체크인하면 먼저 탑승하셔서 좋은자리를 잡으실수 있지요.
If you have pre-booked assistance to get to the gate or if you are travelling with firearms we recommend that you arrive at check-in at least 90 minutes prior to the departure of your flight to ensure we can meet your requirements. Arrangements will be made for passengers to be pre-boarded in advance so that the cabin crew can explain the safety requirements onboard the aircraft. Please note that easyJet operates a strict pre-board policy; a person who is pre-boarded may be accompanied by a maximum of two travellers who are the appointed guardians, parents, carers or travelling companions and any siblings under the age of 10.
탑승하실때 도움이 필요하신 분이나 총기류를 가지고 탑승하시는분(!!!!)이 있으시면 적어도 90분전에는 체크인을 하라고 하네요.
Check-in online
If you opt to check in online you can print out your boarding pass at any time after making you booking (Up until two hours prior to the scheduled departure time of your flight). You can then go straight to security when arriving at the airport where airport staff will check your passport and/or other travel documents. You should be at the gate no later than 25 minutes before the scheduled departure time of your flight. Passengers who present themselves at the gate later than 25 minutes prior to the scheduled time of departure will not be accepted for travel and will forfeit their seats.
인터넷으로 체크인 하시면 예약하고나서부터 출발하기 2시간 전까진 아무때나 체크인 가능하다고 하네요. 출발하기 25분 전에는 게이트에 가 계셔야 합니다. 안그러면 탑승불가.
Checking in online means that you may only take one piece of hand luggage with you that should be no bigger than 45x35x16cms. If you decide to take hold luggage with you, you must check in at the desks as normal where you will receive a new boarding card.
온라인으로 체크인하시면 기내용 가방 1개만 들고가실수 있습니다. 사이즈 제한은 45x35x16cm. 무게제한은 안보이네요. 가방을 체크인 하시려면 공항에서 새로 체크인 하셔야 합니다.
If you have pre-booked assistance to get to the gate, just contact a member of easyJet staff in the check-in hall who will be happy to organise this for you. Please remember to allow extra time for this. If you are a wheelchair user and wish to take your wheelchair with you, please contact a member of easyJet staff on arrival at the airport to ensure that your wheelchair gets accepted for carriage. We recommend you arrive at the airport 60 minutes before the scheduled time of departure of your flight but in any event, you must arrive 40 minutes before the scheduled time of departure of your flight otherwise we will not be able to accept your wheelchair for carriage. If you wish to be pre-boarded, contact a member of staff who will be happy to arrange this. Please note that easyJet operates a strict pre-board policy; A person who is pre-boarded may be accompanied by a maximum of two travellers who are the appointed guardians, parents, carers or travelling companions and any siblings under the age of 10.
We operate a free seating policy which means that you can choose where you sit on the aircraft. easyJet operates a strict priority boarding system and you will be boarded by the sequence you checked-in at.
The aircraft is boarded in groups, starting with passengers travelling with young children and passengers requiring assistance first, followed by passengers with group ‘A’ boarding cards, then B, C and finally group D.
보딩은 보딩패스에 적힌 번호/알파벳대로 보딩합니다. 아이들/도움이 필요한 승객들 우선, 그다음에 A, B, C, D 순이네요.
We appreciate that there are some passengers who require assistance and wherever possible we will do our best to assist. After prior arrangement with our check-in and gate staff, the following are some examples of passengers who may be allowed to board first:
Pre-boarding is always at the discretion of our airport staff, and is designed to give passengers who may need a little extra time to board an opportunity to do so. So if you need assistance in any way, please do let us know at check-in and at the departure gate.
Passengers requiring assistance are asked to advise our contact centre beforehand so appropriate comments can be made on our bookings information system and for appropriate equipment and resources to be organised at the airport.
seating exceptions
Because safety is our main priority at easyJet, there are some seats that are not suitable for all passengers.
These are marked with grey headrests as opposed to orange ones and are located at the front row of the aircraft, on the wing exits, and on the last row.
These seats are only suitable for use by able-bodied adults as you may be required to assist the crew in the highly unlikely event of an emergency. Passengers may only sit in one of these restricted seats at the discretion of our cabin staff.
좌석 맨 압줄, 뒷줄, 중앙출구쪽에 있는 좌석중 회색 머리받침이 있는 좌석들은 응급상황시 승무원들을 도와줄수 있는 사람들만 앉을수 있습니다. 미국에서는 보통 18세이상 영어로 의사소통 가능한 어른들만 앉을수 있는데요.. 가능하면 오렌지색 좌석에 앉으세요. 특히 이런 "emergency seats"들은 의자 사이사이에 공간이 넓어서 다리가 긴 사람들에겐 좋지만 의자가 뒤로 넘어가질 않는다는 불편한 점이 있어서 저는 피하는 편이랍니다. <--항상 비행기에서 자는 스타일 가끔가다가 이런 좌석들 앞에 있는 좌석들도 의자가 넘어가질 않을때가 있어요... 그래서 전 가급적이면 이런 좌석들로부터 멀리 떨어져 앉는다는... (비행기를 자주타면 이런 노하우가 생긴답니다 홍홍홍)
Please assist us to board the aircraft as quickly as possible, and therefore depart on time, by not sitting in one of these seats if you do not meet the above criteria, or you are travelling with infants or children.
첫댓글 스컬리요원..고마워요....회사에서 일하기 싫어서 이렇게 긴시간 투자해서...한국오면 또 오설록데려가줄께요!
오설록이 머에여???그나저나 승짱님...고추장 우찌 되었어여??ㅋㅋ고추장 말구 요리당 좀...ㅋㅋ
요리당?? 그건 액체라서..히드로공항에서 왠지 모를 두려움이..ㅋㄷ 밀라노에서 뵈요..ㅋㅋㅋ
녹차아이스크림파는 곳이에요......