출처: 호국미래논단 원문보기 글쓴이: 쿠람
Dear President Trump,
I am a Korean-American. I wish to express my gratitude to Your Excellency for concerning the Republic of Korea threatened by North Korea’s atomic bomb. It eventually may fall in the leftist government with Mr. Secretary of State and Mr. Secretary of Defense dispatched for observing.
The purpose of this letter is to express my concern over developments that can occur if the leftist government takes control of South Korea after the May 9th election. We have already seen leftist influence in the unjust imprisonment of former South Korean President Park, and removal of more personnel friendly to the United States would occur. Please encourage the American diplomats to press South Korea for justice for Ms. President Park.
Korea has been America’s best ally in south Far East Asia from a military standpoint for seventy years, and a leftist takeover of the South Korean government would also result in cancellation of the thaad (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) deployment and move all of American troops eventually out of South Korea. Even if both candidates of the opposite parties, one of either one can be the next president of South Korea now changed their mind from (at the beginning) the original saying of “no thaad in South Korea”. Even though they are fighting like cats and dogs, but they are flocks finally one of them, are given up by threatening them with showing off the sexual tapes which taken by Kim Jung-il during the time of visiting North Korea. They are provided with 18 or 19 years old girls as pleasure girls by North Korea. Furthermore, the troops out of South Korea could encourage the North Korean leader, controlled by China, to take military action in the south, a situation that could be another final day of Saigon in South Vietnam.
From this point, you must make a decision within the Korean presidential election to be held May 9, 2017 that we give up the South Korea as the maginot line of the American defense or do take action like preemptive military action named “5015 Operations”. If successfully moving the Kims in North Korea, South Korea will be safe because of cutting the pipe line off to all of leftist in South Korea.
I understand that your new foreign policy of threatening China with the “you take care of North Korea otherwise we take care of the north” is excellent; however, if a new president of the south from the leftist party comes in, that would not be work, and it will be too late. The seventy year old American era in South Korea will be ended.
One of the opposite candidates, Mr. Moon’s, main stream are “Yankees go home generation” so he could do nothing but follow them. The other opposite candidate, Mr. Ahn might be ok, but he is a puppet of Mr. Park, who was an acting brother of dear leader Kim Jung Il, father of Kiim, Jung Eun present leader. As long as the candidate Mr. Ahn goes with Mr. Park, Mr. Ahn can’t do anything but obey Mr. Park.
The most desirable options that the United States has to protect South Korea, and for world peace and maginot American own interests of tying China down in the maginot line of American defense is the preemptive military action in the cooperation with China to be allowed to choose the next successor of the north, maybe Kim, Han Sol, Son of Kim, Jung Nam killed in Malaysia and to be under Chinese hegemony. The action of the preemptive strike Kim’s regime is not only good for saving South Korea, but also good for you getting out of trouble which the American news media might try to conspire to make early lame duck for you.
Second option is to threaten the voter in South Korea not to vote for the opposite parties candidates Mr. Moon and Mr. Ahn with words that “from the Korean War with 40,000 American casualties to now South Korea is our strong alliance but seemingly this unusual Korean presidential election to be frank I never understand why Ms. President Park moved out of the office and put her in jail without any strong wrong doings, South Korea may choose the candidates against American troops in South Korea result in stopping the deployment of the agreement of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense then we, American government cannot find any reasons to still stay in South Korea, then we, USA, has no choice, but take the preemptive strike the north for saving our eternal ally Japan.”
About the Chinese hegemony comparison with American hegemony it is just forming now so they can’t influence other countries. Also, they have so many troubles in with different races and in with neighborhood countries after they achieved $10000.00 GNP. They may fall apart like the Soviet Union. So, we would rather be in with American hegemony. About the impeachment in South Korea and early election to bring in that was made by two opposite parties and 20 congressmen of the ruling party coordinated by former President under the conspiracy. The reason is, they agree with each other that they never have a chance to win upcoming elections under the Ms. President Park, who may nominate a successor. So, they first use those two strong unions, one is labor union, the other one is teachers union to demand step down with the all out cooperation of the Korean news media, exactly the same thing the American news media did against you during your election. Ms. President Park was not, then the assembly with the prosecute office and justice department including the constitutional court to conspire to overthrow her government. In South Korea now you cannot trust any candidates, even no people except for Ms. President Park and her 5 million rally made followers, holding Korean national flags for justice.
In conclusion, one more time, we 3 million Korean-Americans thank you for sending Vice President to the region to discuss ways to resolve the situation.
Please accept my best wishes for success in your leading role of the world.
Sincerely Yours,
첫댓글 공감합니다. 늦기전에 북폭을 해야만 합니다. 자유민주주의를 지키는 길이라면...
번역이 안될까요? 번역을해서 올렸으면 좋겠습니다
사드의 중요성을 모르고 반대하는 한국인은 결국 미군이 북한 미사일에 맞아 죽어도 좋다는 의미이니 미국으로서는 더 이상 한국을 625처럼 5만여명 희생을 하면서 보호할 생각이 없을 건 당연한 일인 것 같다. 반대 세력뿐 아니라 황교안 대행도 대통령이 죽어 가는대도 반 대한민국 세력이 창궐하는데도 아무 역할을 못하니 믿을 것 못되니 자유무역 사드비용을 들먹이고 북한과 평화협상해서 미국만 핵위협을 피하고 북한이나 남한의 전쟁 같은 것 아예 손을 떼려는 것 아니겠나.이보다 더 큰일 있다고 보는 가.
트럼프는 우파를 응원하고 있습니다. 좌파정권들어오면 한미동맹 깨지니까 사드비용달라는식으로 유회적으로 말을하고있습니다.
번역 하는데까지 해봅니다 :
para1. 트럼프대통령께, 북핵의 위협을 받고있는 대한민국에 대해 우려를 표명하고있으심에 감사드립니다. 좌파정부가 들국무장관 또는 미국방장관의 방문시에 떨어질수도 있읍니다. para 2. 이편지를 쓰는 목적은 5월9일대선이후에 좌파정부가권력을 장악할시에 전개될수도 있는 저의 우려를 표명하기위한것입니다. 이미 박근혜대통령의 부당탄핵이 좌파들의 영향력에의해 일어난것을 목도하였으며, 또한 다른 친미인사들을 더 제거하려할수도 있을것입니다. 부디 미국국회에 박대통령 에 대한 정의가 무엇인지 각성시켜주십시오
para.3 한국에 좌파정권이 들어서면 사드철회 및 미군철수 로 갈수도 있을것입니다. 야당 대권후보중 최초의 사드반대주장을 바꾸긴했지만, 그둘이 아웅다웅 싸우다가도 결국은 김정일이 방북시 썻던 수법인 미인계로 협박한다면 한쪽은 포기할것입니다. (북한은 그들에게 18-19살 어린 기쁨조 처녀들을 제공했던것). 남한의 군대는 중국의 조종을 받는 북한지도자에게 월남 사이공의 최후처럼 군사적행동을 하도록 부추길것입니다.
para 4. 때문에 5월 9일 이전에 방위의 마지노선인 한국을 포기하던지 아니면 5015작전을 펼쳐 선제공격을 하던지 결정하십시오. 북한의 김씨일가를 성공적으로 제거한다면 남한의 좌파들과의 연결관은 다 끊어져 대한민국이 안전해집니다.
para 5.
귀하의 한반도 정책인 중국은 북한을 케어하고 미국은 남한을 캐어한다는 방침은 만일 남한이 좌파정권이 들어서게된다면 때를 놓칠것이며 불가능하게 될것이며 한국과의 70년 동맹관계도 끝이날것 같습니다.
para6. 야당의 대권후보중 문캠프의 주류들은 '양키고홈' 세대이므로 그는 그렇게 끌려갈것같고, 다른후보는 괜찮으나 그뒤에는 박지원이라는 김정은이 아버지형제같은자가 있읍니다
para6-2 박지원이 뒤에있는한 안은 그에게 복종할수밖에 없을것입니다.
para7. 한국을 방어하고, 자국의 이익과 세계평와의 마지노선을 지킥기위한 최선의 옵션은 미국이 중국과 협력하여 중국을 마지노선에 묶어놓고 후속 친중정권 (김정일의 또다른 아들 김한솔 가정) 을 허용하는 조건으로 선제공격을 하는것입니다. 이는 한국을 위해서 뿐 아니라 귀하의 조기 권력누수를 도모하려는 미국언론들로 부터 해방되는길일수도 있읍니다.
para8. 2번쨰 옵션은 한국의 유권자들에게 ' 문후보나 안후보를 찍지않도록 권유하는것 - 즉 박통이 대단한 범죄를 지은것도 아닌데 왜 파면구속된건지 이해할수없으며, 이런 비정상적인 선거에서 만일 미군에 대해 반대하는 후보를 선출한다면 사드방위조약의 철회, 미군의 한국주둔의 필요성도 없어질것이고 미국의 영원한 동맹인 일본을 보호하기위해 우리는 선제공격을 감행할수밖에 없다고 발표하는것입니다.