Caillou's Missing Sock
Caillou found his favorite sock right on the right foot, but Caillou didn't found find his favorite sock left left sock.
Caillou Looked looked in the laundry.
Caillou wanted to see a the washing machine, but he is was short.
Caillou's mom closed the door.
Caillou tried to open the door.
Caillou's dad explained open the door to Caillou. explained how to open the door to Caillou.
Caillou's dad thought a his mom brought a some clothes up this morning. his mom had brought some clothes upstairs this morning.
Caillou's sock didn't in the washing machine. wasn't in the washing machine.
Caillou and his dad asked to mom. Mom.
Mom said, "The sock is in the laundry."
Finally, Caillou found his left sock.
Score: B+
문법 및 표현 수정:
- "didn't found" → "didn't find" (find의 과거형은 found, 하지만 didn't와 함께 사용할 때는 find를 사용)
- "sock left" → "left sock" (올바른 형용사 순서)
- "Looked in laundry" → "looked in the laundry" (the 추가 필요)
- "he is short" → "he was short" (과거 시제 일관성 유지)
- "explained open the door" → "explained how to open the door" (문법적 자연스러운 표현)
- "didn't in the washing machine" → "wasn't in the washing machine" (문법 오류 수정)
- "asked to mom" → "asked Mom" ("ask" 뒤에 to 불필요)
내용 추가 추천:
- Caillou가 양말을 찾았을 때 어떤 기분이었는지 더 자세히 써보세요.
- 엄마가 어떻게 찾게 되었는지나 아빠가 도와주는 장면의 대화를 추가하면 재미있을 수 있어요!
- Caillou가 왜 그 양말을 좋아했는지 설명해 보면 이야기가 더 흥미로워요.