이거나 읽고 분석하면서 기다리고 있으랩니다 ㅋㅋ
New features (새 특징) New diplomatic dependency called 'Protectorate'. ('보호국'이 추가되었음)If a nation is of too low a technology group compared to you, they will become a protectorate instead of a vassal. (기술이 너무 낙후되어 있으면 속국이 아니라 보호국이 됩니당) Protectorates give 50% of their trade power to their overlord, but get -25% technology cost for it. (무역 파워를 50 % 주고 대신 테크업 -25% 적용 받습니다) If a protectorate westernizes, they automatically become independent again. You can also trace trade range from your protectorates. (서양화하면 독립국으로 변신합니다. 보호국의 무역 거리를 그대로 적용 받습니다) Climate Overhaul: (기후 시스템 점검)Map mode showing climate zones, and different climates now have more specific effects. (이제 기후도 볼 수 있고 특별한 효과도 갖습니다) Winter & Climate Icons are also shown in province view. (겨울과 기후 아이콘은 프로빈스 창에서 보입니다) Winter only affects hostile attrition now. (이제 겨울은 적군에게만 피해를 입힙니다 ㄷㄷ) Climate now have impact on colonization. (식민지 건설에도 기후가 영향 줌) Succession Wars are no longer automatic. (왕위 계승전쟁이 자동으로 되지 않음)When a country have the chance to form a union with each other, the strongest of the new overlords rivals and/or nations with a royal marriage or same dynasty, have the opportunity to challenge them in a succession war.( 강한 순위를 주장하는 쪽에서 전쟁에 참가할 지 선택할 수 있음) Tariffs (관세)Old system for tariffs completely gone. (옛날의 관세 시스템은 이제 안뇽) Colonial nations now give a percentage of ALL their income as tariffs, starting at 10%. (식민지 정부가 그들의 총 수입의 일정 퍼센트를 관세로 지급. 10프로 부터 시작) Increasing tariffs is done per colony, for 25 admin power for +2.5% Tariffs and +5% Liberty Desire in the colony. (콜로니 별 관세 증가가 결정되는데, 25 행정 포인트에 2.5 프로 관세 증가 및 5 프로 자유 갈망 증가됨) Liberty Desire (자유 갈망)Colonial subjects can declare war on their overlords at 50% liberty desire, and will do it automatically at 100%. (50% 부터 식민지 정부가 독립 전쟁 할 수 있고, 100% 일때는 자동으로 독립 전쟁 선포 ㄷㄷㄷㄷ) If Liberty Desire is lower than Tariff Percentage, they increase by 1% each year. (관세율보다 자유 갈망이 낮을 때는 연 1%씩만 증가) Liberty Desire grants more manpower and cheaper maintenance for the colonial subject. (자유 갈망이 증가할 수록 더 많은 맨파워와 더 싼 유지비가 식민지 정부에 주어짐 ) Added new option to 'Abandon Colony', for when you want to give up on a province. (식민지 포기 옵션이 추가) Westernization changed (서구화가 바뀌었엉)Westernization no longer requires non-negative stability. (이제 안정도랑 상관 없음) While westernizing, you no longer get +200% stability costs, but instead +5RR. (이제 안정도 추가 비용 대신에 +5 RR 이라는게 생겼음) Westernization no longer depends on stability, but instead progress +10 from each power each month if possible.. When progress hits 5000, modified by techgroup, its finished. (이제 안정도 대신에 매달 각 포인트로부터 10 씩 뜯어감. 5천이 되면 (단, 테크 그룹별로 요구치 다름) 서구화 끝남) Westernization events are now "bad effect" or "give up 4 months progress". (이제 서구화 방해 이벤트는 안좋은 효과와 4개월 치 발전을 뒤로 후퇴 중에서 고르게 됨) You can now see more details about effect of westernization and estimated finish date in the interface. (이제 인터페이스 창에서 자세한 정보를 얻을 수 있어요) When westernization is finished, it will be truly finished, and no rebels can change that fact. (만약 서구화가 완전히 성공하면, 더 이상 반란군이 서구화 이전 상태로 전복시킬 수 없음요) Added 5 new achievements: (5개 도전과제 추가)In The Name of the Father - Get 100% Patriarch Authority. (성부의 이름으로 - 정교도 종교 수치 100% 달성) The Rising Sun - Conquer all of Japan as a European nation. (떠오르는 태양 - 유럽 국가로 일본 완전 정복) The Five Colonies - Have five colonial subjects. (5개 식민지 - 5개의 식민지 종속국을 만드세요) The Re-Reconquista - Own all of Iberia as Granada (리-리꽁께쓰따 - 그라나다로 이베리아 정벅) Turn the Table - Swap to one of your colonial subject from a 1444 start and vassalize your former overlord. (판을 뒤엎어라 - 1444년 스타트로 해서 식민지 정부 세운 다음, 그걸로 본국을 속국화 시키세여. 속국화만 되나???) Added four new map modes, for climate, trade goods, winter & federations. (기후, 생산품, 겨울, 연맹 맵 모드 추가) A New Interface has been added, where you can view all your current subjects, and view their benefits to your nation. (새로운 인터페이스 추가, 이제 모든 당신의 종속국을 볼 수 있고 어떤 장점을 가져오는지 볼 수 있음) Added a new loading screen to game. (로딩 그림 추가) Added a generic idea group for those with native mechanics. (원주민 일반 아이디어 추가) Added idea group for colonial nations. (식민지 국가를 위한 아이디어 그룹 추가) Added idea groups for Huron, Iroqouis, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Pueblo, Shawnee & Creek. (휴런, 이로쿼이, 치카쏘우, 체로키, 푸에블로, 스와니, 크릭을 위한 아이디어 그룹 추가) Added cocoa trade good. (코코아 생산품 추가) Added lots of new countries in Eastern Africa & Northern America. (동 아프리카랑 북 아메리카 국가 추가) Added new pagan religion Totemism for North American Natives. (북아프리카 원주민을 위해 새 종교인 토테미즘 추가됨. ) [edit ] Game balance (게임 밸런스) [edit ] Trade Nodes (무역 노드) Added new trade node Western Europe, leading to Sevilla, Bordeaux, Antwerpen & London (이제 서쪽 유럽이라는 노드가 추가 되어서 세비야 보르도 안트워프 런던이 다 글루 연결됩니다) Caribbean no longer leads to Sevilla & Bordeaux, but instead to Western Europe. (캐리비안은 이제 서구 유럽으로) Moved Chesapeake connection from London & Bordeaux to Western Europe. (체서피크도 서구 유럽으로) Mauritanian coast now leads to Western Europe instead of Sevilla. (마우리타니안 해변도 서구로) California now also feeds Mississippi. (캘리포니아는 미시시피로) Mississippi now also feeds St Lawrence (미시시피는 세인트 로렌스로). Basra now also feeds Persia. (바스라는 페르시아로) Genoa now feeds into Bordeuax. (제노아는 보르도로) Malacca now feeds into Zanzibar. (말라카는 잔지바르로) Indus now feeds into Samarkand. (인더스는 사마르칸트로) Trade nodes are now repaired if older save-games are loaded. (기존 게임은 로드하면 노드가 다시 설정되염) removed kashmir-indus link (카시미르-인더스는 링크 없어짐) Sevilla is now an end-node. (세비야는 이제 끝 노드임 ) Venice and Sevilla are now determined as proper end nodes for power propagation chains, just as Antwerp is. (베니스랑 세비야는 무역력 보급의 측면에서 이제 적절하게 끝 노드로 작동하여요) [edit ] Trade (무역) Reworked some prices on trade goods, boosting some under performing trade-goods. (무역품 가격 조정) Trade power now propagate upstream into empty trade nodes.(무역력은 이제 업스트림 방향으로 비어있는 무역 노드로 보급함) Capitals now propagate power upstream. (수도는 이제 무역력을 업스트림 방향으로 보급) Trade power below 2 is not propagated upstream. (무역력이 2보다 작으면 안 함) Upstream propagation is now split between all incoming links where valid. (이제는 모든 유효한 인커밍 링크로 무역력 업스트림이 나눠져서 보내짐) A trading nation is no longer counted as having no presence if it only has transferred trade power (also fixes the ever growing trade piechart) (무역력 이송만 하면 이제는 존재하지 않는 것으로 취급되어 받는 패널티 등 버그 없어짐) Removed trade power malus from lesser governments. (더 작은(?) 정부들에게 있던 무역 파워 감쇄 없어짐) Now possible to trade in your home node even if its out of range (이제는 무역 거리 밖에 있어도 자국 노드에서는 무역 가능) Colonial & Protector overlords now get power in all trade nodes their subjects have power as well. (식민지나 본국은 종속국이 무역 파워를 가진 노드로부터 받아요) Merchants now have a proper travel time again. (이제는 다시 상인이 여행시간이 생김) [edit ] Ideas(아이디어) Spanish idea 'Inter Caetera' now allows you to claim any province owned by a colonial country or that is overseas for Spain. (스페인 아이디어 인터 카테라는 이제 식민지 정부나 해외의 국가가 가진 땅들에 대해 클레임을 갖게 해줌) Russian ambitions nerfed from 100% to 50% manpower. (러시아 야망 맨파워 뻥튀기가 반으로 너프) Nerfed Prussian & Japanese ideas slightly. (프러시아와 일본 아이디어도 약간 너프) All +200% enemy core creation are now +100% enemy core creation. (헝가리 등의 +200% 코어가 반으로 효과 줄어듬) Gave the Italian ideas a nice boost. (이탈리아 아이디어 향상) Religious ideas finisher nerfed from 100% to 50%. (으악 종교 완성시 아이디어 효과 반으로 너프) Boosted diplomatic ideas some, including 'reduced stab impacts' no longer giving stability penalties for breaking royal marriages. (외교 완성시 아이디어 향상. 이제는 다 완성하면 결혼 취소해도 타격 안 입음) Native Trading Principles (French idea) now also increases the tax/mp gain from leaving natives alone by 25%. (프랑스 아이디어인 원주민 무역 정책은 이제 원주민을 남겨 놨을 때 얻는 세금/맨파워 획득을 25% 증가) Portugal's ambition is now +20% Tariffs. (포르투갈 야망은 이제 20% 관세 업) Global Empire idea is now 25% naval force-limits. (지구적 제국 아이디어는 이제 25% 해군 한계치 향상) [edit ] Score (점수체계) Score rank & ratings are now saved in save-game files. Score increase increases faster closer to the end of the game, and gives far less at the start of the game. Annexed countries is still in the score-list now, if they had accumulated points. Quality of leaders now impact score-rank instead of just +1 for each leader, and is now capped at +5 for leaders. Protectorates give less score than other dependencies. Below 50 republican tradition or legitimacy is now negative on score. Score for fleets now depend on amount of cannons, not amount of ships. Being occupied is a severe drawback to your administrative score. War-exhaustion reduces your military score now. Negative war score now have an impact on score calculation for diplomacy. Strong ally bonus on dip score now depends on those with stronger military power, not those with at least 50% of your income. [edit ] Technology(테크) Techs costs are now reduced by about 5% for each full idea group of that category. Each idea reduces by 0.7%. (이제 아이디어 풀 개방시 5%씩 깎아줌. 각 아이디어는 0.7%씩) Techs now slowly increase in cost over time (20% for late-game techs) (시간이 갈수록 비용이 증가함) American tech groups now start at level 1. (원주민은 랩 1부터 시작요) [edit ] Armies (육군) Exiled units will no longer cause natives to spawn. (검은 깃발 부대는 이제는 원주민 발생 못시킴) Armies at ships no longer reinforce at all. (배에 타고 있으면 보충 안 됨) Armies at ships now always take 1% attrition, and not depending on naval supply limits. (배 타면 1% 소모됨. 해군 한계랑은 상관 없음) Re-balanced some recruitment speed modifiers. (병력 재보충 함수 수정) When a unit goes to board transports, all attached units will now be detached (배에 타면 따라다니던 부대는 떨어짐) [edit ] Navies (해군) Pirates only spawn outside coasts of those that can build ships. (해적은 오직 배를 생산할 수 있는 해변 밖에서만 만들어짐) naval leaders no longer get unused bonus siege values. (해군 제독은 이제 공성 보너스 없음) removed the "not-patrolled" modifier from the game. (순찰되지 않음 이라는 모디파이어 없앰) Not possible to give move order for more than one province into TI (TI가 뭔지 모르겠음) Dependency relations now allow each other to repair their ships in each ports. (종속국 항구에서 배 수리 됨요) [edit ] Force Limits (한계치) Colonial States now provide basic naval force limit from their ports. (i.e., not buildings) (식민지 정부는 이제 기본적인 해군 한계치를 그들의 항구 값 만큼 제공해 줍니다. 건물로 인한 한계치 향상은 안 줌) Vassals & Colonial states now provide land force limits to their overlords. (속국이랑 식민지 정부는 육군 한계치도 본국에게 지원해 줍니다) Tweaked terrain penalties on combat width and attacker a bit down . Units now take 10% more morale damage in combat. Each day, every unit in a combat now loses 0.01 morale. Native ferocity now also reduce damage taken. Shattered retreat now have a cap of no longer than 10 provinces. A unit retreating shattered will now stop retreating when it reaches maximum morale. The prestige from naval/land combat modifier now increases the cap of how much you can get from a combat as well. [edit ] Colonization Overseas provinces now give production income again, but with a -100% local production efficiency. Colonial Nations are now formed if you own more than 5 provinces in the same colonial region in the New World, and you lose core on these provinces. Colonial nations have a 10% penalty on their colonists giving a boost & only get 25% growth in their colonies. Colonies now properly autocore when they become a city. Fixed an inconsistency between displayed and actual settler growth You can now colonize adjacent to colonial subjects. No Adjacent Controlled penalty on colonial growth is not applied adjacent to your colonial subjects. The cores of annexed nations now take twice as long to disappear Reduced core decay time for same culture group to 100 years from 150 Colonial conquest outside of region for a colony to core is 75% cost and 25% inside their colonial region. Fixed an issue with cores not disappearing on the correct dates. Comet Sighted is a bit more rare now. Having the Scottish national idea "Comets" now properly reduces the chance of Comet Sighted significantly. Comet Sighted now have another option for those who like choice. [edit ] Diplomacy Cancelling vassalization will now create a truce with the released state Cancelling vassalization now only results in losing 25 prestige (no stability hit) Royal marriages will not break if a regent dies. Subjects no longer get expansion cb's. Subjects to a player can not become lucky nations. Subject nations can no longer sell provinces [edit ] Opinions Fixed broken opinion modifiers for vassal states Added opinion bonuses for having union, colonial or protectorate dependency. Large countries no longer get any additional AE for being large when gaining AE. AE reduction for giving away provinces is now applied to the country giving up the provinces. Some cases where AE was not scaling over the world, now scales properly. Fixed some inconsistencies in the AE system caused by leftover code from the old BB system [edit ] War & Peace If you send a stabhitting peaceoffer, your callforpeace penalty is reset. Scripting separate badboy_factor and prestige_factor for defender in wargoal now works Re-scripted all wargoals that use separate attacker/defender settings wargoals are now applied at all cases in peacescore calculations. Release Nation and Annex now deducts provinces ceded properly when calculating final peacescore. CORECLAIM_PEACE_COST_DIP_FRACTION in two separate cost reductions CORE_PEACE_COST_DIP_FRACTION now gives 20% reduction Not possible to call to arms if they are already called If you are a daimyo and force another daimyo to release another daimyo, then that daimyo will become a proper vassal of Japan now. Making a country a protectorate will now break all their alliances Religious conversion of pagans is now +2% instead of +10%. Pagans no longer have a penalty on defensiveness, but get a -1 rr. Nerfed pagan religions. [edit ] Holy Roman Empire Leaving the empire at Revoking the Privilegia also removes electorateship. Emperor now gets claim on all provinces previously in the empire when someone leaves it. Electors no longer have a -50 to vassalization when the empire is inheritable. Having less electors than desired is now an actual penalty on the imperial authority. Removed obsolete colonial type rebels. Governments that cannot use royal marriages will now get a random ruler on startup if they have a Regency. Inflation from gold income now checks versus ALL monthly income types. Mecca and Rome are now religious centers, which are practically impossible to convert. [edit ] Strategic AI AI: Added proper logic for raising tariffs AI: Will not launch any overseas invasions if they are a colonial nation AI: Will no longer desire a province simply because it contains a strait Fixed a bug where the AI would be hostile to countries it had no interest in conquering or vassalizing Improved AI army strength evaluation logic when planning a war AI: More consistent about which countries it wants to conquer versus which countries it wants to vassalize/make protectorate AI: Better at using multiple colonists at once AI: Migrants will not bother with buildings unless they have a large amount of cash AI: Will no longer create more generals than it needs AI: Smarter about where to assign their best leaders AI: Will no longer hold up peace to chase down scattered colonial holdings when it has won a crushing victory AI: Should no longer select colonies as rivals unless they are a colonial country under a different overlord AI: Should no longer select vassals as rivals under most circumstances AI: Colonial nations will now only colonize territory that is either adjacent or in their own colonial region AI: Will now prefer to focus on a single colonial region at a time when colonizing AI: Less likely to pick the 'Threatened' attitude over 'Outraged' against countries with high AE AI: Will now never move its capital to an isolated province AI: More prio on making protectorates out of countries that are impeding bringing trade home [edit ] Decision & Event AI AI better at taking blasphemy_act, act_of_uniformity, sunday_school, conventicle_act and test_act 80% chance of AI picking option A in event 874 "Tensions between nobles and clergy" [edit ] Diplomatic AI AI: Will no longer insult countries just for having a high opinion of them unless it is planning a war with them AI: Less willing to be vassalized by a non-HRE state if they are an HRE state AI: Will no longer make protectorates out of primitives unless they too are primitives AI: Now slightly less willing to make peace if it is a separate peace AI: Will now cancel treaties of military access and fleet basing rights it is granting to countries if relations with those countries deteriorate Colonial nations are now much more interested in buying provinces in their colonial region AI: Will no longer care about annulling treaties that do not contain an alliance [edit ] Trade AI AI: Will no longer send merchants to a node that has no trade value AI: Will now make more use of embargoes AI: Now takes into account other countries' steering when determining what node to steer trade to AI: Better at determining when collecting in capital is worth it over other options Tweaked financial AI to make it better at assigning trade fleets for maximum income Trade AI now also weights in potential incoming trade when evaluating a node. When the AI request a new trade fleet it will now NOT receive damaged units [edit ] Army AI AI: Now takes into account nomad shock bonus for the purposes of estimating strength of armies AI: Now pays more attention to supply limits when deciding to attach to friendly armies AI: Will no longer attach to units that are boarding transports AI: Fixed some issues with army AI incorrectly weighting odds against enemy units at low levels of morale AI: Improved army AI logic for determining when an ally needs assistance in battle AI: Now factors in effect of terrain when determining whether to stay put and face an incoming enemy AI: Will no longer always attempt to retreat 1 day ahead of an incoming enemy AI: More likely to walk home instead of using ships when exiled in territories close to home Fixed a bug where AI units would keep moving to attack a province and then abort because they wrongly calculated on support from nearby friendly units Fixed an issue in army AI that was causing AI to 'dance' between targets Fixed a bug where you could lock up AI armies by repeatedly moving into and then cancelling movement into their province. [edit ] Navy AI AI: Will no longer care about invading unimportant enemy islands unless they have nothing better to do [edit ] AI bug fixes Fixed a bug where AI armies would stand around doing nothing next to enemy armies due to low manpower Fixed a bug where the AI checked military access desire instead of vassal desire. Fixed a bug where the AI would lift sieges because a friendly army passing through was mistaken as wanting to take over the siege Fixed some issues with countries incorrectly getting the vassal attitude towards other countries who were not their overlord Fixed a bug where the AI would continually start and abort invasions on heavily defended targets Fixed a bug that was breaking the Suggest Offer option when the enemy had low warscore Fixed a bug that was causing the AI to make very odd picks for rivals Fixed a bug where exiled AI armies would not return home because of nearby rebel armies Fixed a bug where the AI would maintain rivalries with countries long after those countries ceased to be relevant to them Fixed a bug where the AI would win an independence war but not demand independence because they preferred core provinces Fixed a bug where the AI could demand vassalage on behalf of an ally even when not war leader Fixed a bug that was causing the AI to overpriorizie collecting downstream from capital Fixed a bug where the AI would be extremely unwilling to make peace due to having more max manpower than current manpower Fixed a bug where the AI would lift sieges because a friendly army passing through was mistaken as wanting to take over the siege Fixed some inconsistencies in the AE system caused by leftover code from the old BB system Made some optimizations with the AI, distance calculations and diplomatic actions. AI Personalities are now visible in the interface Interregnums after game start will now correctly show up as such Optimized diplomatic AI. [edit ] Multiplayer Fixed one hotjoin-oos by always saving ColonySize and NativeSizeBeforeMigration in savegame. Fixed the error code N_0_2. Fixed bug where options got stuck in MP if Ironman was enabled in SP before. Dynamic dynasties assigned ingame to historical monarchs now gets reset on resign (potential OOS fix) Removed 50mb limit to transferred savegames in MP Hotjoin: _nMilitaryRatingCache are now saved in savegame. Server no longer gets a popup and pauses the game if a player tries to hotjoin a non-hotjoin MP-game. Clients no longer gets banned for quitting the game. It's now possible to open and use the regular ingame chat during the hotjoin process. The "Paused by server"-message no longer gets stuck after hotjoin. It's now possible to open and use the regular ingame chat during the hotjoin process. Hotjoin: Trust is now always saved in savegame. Hotjoin: SupplyRangeCache is now loaded correctly. The "Paused by server"-message no longer gets stuck after hotjoin. The "Server lost"-message is now displayed correctly if the host has disconnected. Host server interface no longer clears server name when closing and opening the interface When playing coop, the economy sliders now updates correctly for both players. Game setup: Fixed chat log being cleared when clicking "historical start" [edit ] Interface Improvements [edit ] General Can now change province capital names Can now toggle whether you want others to be able to attach to your units or not Added alert_high_liberty_desire Terra Incognita is now shown when loading save games Possible to right-click through on map combat interface Tutorial selection: Display chapter title and description correctly if going back after selection Fixed army size tooltip City sprawl now visible again in the lobby (base size on base tax) Added some interface information about Republics in Regencies getting randomly generated rulers on game start Added missing GFX_combat_terrain_coastline Added missing GFX_combat_terrain_woods Fixed missing combat terrain GFX_combat_terrain_forest Minimap: Generate based on topology Minimap: Hide areas that are in TI The player names are now updated properly on map in player mapmode in game setup. Incompatible savegames now has an icon. The correct tooltip for build cost are now shown for mercenaries. The Fort Defense value in the siege interface are now correctly updated when sieging back provinces from rebels. The log is now cleared when loading savegame ingame. Countries may now have a separate mapcolor (political mapmode etc.) and countrycolor Alert for troops in foreign territory is no longer shown for any type of subject provinces. Over diplomatic relations alert now lists all relations in the delayed tooltip. Changed order which relations are checked for the purpose of coloring the on-map unitinterfaces DIPLO_HAS_SUBJECTS will no longer be shown if the country isn't independent Trade interface: Disabled trade node connection buttons for undiscovered locations It is now clearer that Religious Unity also includes modifiers and not only provinces. Updated local income tooltip to include yearly income from provinces Fixed mismatch between the War Exhaustion value in defender of the faith-tooltip and the value in stability view. Extended the box that shows accepted cultures. Added AI personality icon in the diplomacy view. Better explanation for yearly increase in tooltip for advisor-cost in economy view. [edit ] Map modes Opinion and coalition map mode no longer gives tooltips for sea provinces. Fixed better tooltips in HRE map mode. Occupied provinces no longer gets stripes in trade map mode. Added a color to continents Changed the hideous color of Germany [edit ] Diplomacy Enemy of Enemy opinion modifier tooltip displays monthly ticks Fixed a bunch of missing cancel descriptions for diplomatic actions Updated tooltip for Excommunication to reflect the actual CB Added country name to annexation/integration tooltip Display prestige loss in summary text when conceding defeat It is now clearer which country becomes vassal or protectorate Added estimated completion date to Improve Relation tooltip Leader and "war leader may not demand peace" icon tooltips no longer overlaps. [edit ] Province Fixed better tooltip for tax in province view. (It's now explained that it's the yearly income) Terrain picture now shown in province view if the resolution is high enough. Rebel-controlled provinces will no longer say "noreligion of rebels" as state religion The province history view are now properly updated when changing province while looking at it. Added a ledger page for possible colonies. Added a ledger page for income type comparisons between countries. Culture piecharts in ledger now shows the same values as being used to determine when cultures become accepted or not [edit ] Messages Can now see personality of another country's new ruler in new monarch message Added go to button to 20+ messages Shields in popups now work again End of Combat message: Fixed misaligned OK button End of Combat message: Siege icon no longer visible for naval combat End of Combat message: Fixed missing maneuver tooltip We guarantee other is no longer a message pop-up by default. [edit ] User Modding [edit ] Console Added console command: add_liberty_desire Added console commands for add and remove claims Added console command: "form_union" Added fps-info to the debug_info-command. [edit ] Effects Added an add_tariff_value effect Added add_liberty_desire effect form_coalition_against effect now works properly. create_colony effect now takes the actual number of settlers Added effect scopes random_subject_country and every_subject_country Added effect multiply_variable Added effect divide_variable All variable effects can now take a second variable as an argument Added a 'create_protectorate' effect. added a 'add_yearly_manpower' effect. [edit ] Triggers Added triggers num_of_protectorates & num_of_colonial_subjects Renamed the trigger tariff_efficiency to tariff_value Added trigger scopes any_subject_country and all_subject_country Added trigger num_of_diplomatic_relations Added trigger num_of_free_diplomatic_relations Added custom_trigger_tooltip trigger Added trigger has_new_dynasty Added trigger has_conlonial_parent Added real_month_of_year, real_day_of_year triggers. True if value highter or equal to date. not valid in MP Check_variable trigger now works the same way as variable effects added an 'is_protectorate' trigger. Added liberty desire trigger Added colonial region trigger Added is_colonial_nation_of trigger Added is_colonial_nation trigger Added is_former_colonial_nation trigger [edit ] Modifiers Added a local_hostile_attrition modifier. Removed overseas income modifier. Removed colonial_time modifiers as they were not relevant anymore. All variable effects and triggers can now take a scope as an argument Added event scope colonial_parent You can now force provinces to be viewed as coastal. don't use on non-sea. Added GetDateText, GetDate, GetYear and GetMonth to eventscopetext.cpp Added disallow_random_new_world that can be used for mods Added colonial_region context scope Added GetWomanMan to monarchtext [edit ] Achievements & Ironman Fixed a bug which caused the It's All About Luck achievement to not fire. Najd now has +5 missionary strength at start, and hanbali schools give an additional missionary. achievement_ruina_imperii no longer completes if united by HLR Jihad, World conquest and 3 mountains achievement now works if remaining nations are your subjects as well. "Jihad" achievement now requires 500 provinces, and full religious unity. Ironman saves should now always look like iron man saves in gamesetup Show ironman indicator on local games Game setup: Disable ironman checkbox when steam is not available [edit ] Events & Decisions Added in the forum contest events . Fixed a missing modifier in event colonial_nation.199 Added event for spawning the nation of Funj in empty provinces in Sudan. Funj now gets an event to convert to Islam after they have formed. Event The Act of Supremacy now requires 15% Protestant provinces Events 3076 and 3079 now gives modifier with duration 730 instead of 50 Event flavor_rus.1106 "flavor_rus.1106" kills off any remaining her Event flavor_rus.1109 "False Dimitri Overthrown" kills off any remaining heir Event flavor_rus.1110 "End of the Time of Troubles" kills off any remaining heir Event flavor_boh.1 "Hussites march on Prague" kills off any remaining heir Event flavor_dan.4 "Support monarch or pretender?" kills off any remaining heir Event flavor_fra.3148 "Napoleon Bonaparte" kills off any remaining heir Event flavor_mam.4 "Cyprus response" kills off any remaining heir Event muslim_piety.20 "Iqta: Underage ruler is replaced" kills off remaining heir Event 9462 "Scheming Bureaucracy" now has a MTTH of 10000 and AI will never take option B Event 9462 "Scheming Bureaucracy" will no longer fire for nations that are not independent Option C in event flavor_rus.3413 now gives -1 stab instead of +1 Fixed a broken advisor trigger in an Trade Company event. Events flavor_tur.108 and flavor_tur.109 now removes the modifier increased_janissary_recruitment Upped MTTH for event Colonial Ventures to 600 Event Colonial Ventures will no longer fire if you already have one of the modifiers tweaked some empire events. Fixed triggers for events Excellent Viceroys and Corrupt Viceroys Event "Saint Performs Miracle" now gives 25 papal influence instead of 5 rebalanced 'levying additional taxes" flavor event for Japan. Event "The End of the Hundred Years War" now ignores the province of Calais Event colonial_nation.4 "Freedom Fighter or Rebel?" now spawns events for colonial parent Fixed missing province flag in event flavor_spa.3560 Event usa_dlc.10 now check for modifier articles_of_confederation instead of flag Event 9010 now check for modifier jap_red_ship_timer instead of flag Event flavor_pol.3481 now checks for flag librium_veto and not liberum_veto Manchu will no longer appear to lose their ideas when reforming out of Tribal government Events flavor_tur.108 and flavor_tur.109 now removes the modifier increased_janissary_recruitment Upped MTTH for event Colonial Ventures to 600 Event Colonial Ventures will no longer fire if you already have one of the modifiers Event 9462 "Scheming Bureaucracy" now has a MTTH of 10000 and AI will never take option B Event 9462 "Scheming Bureaucracy" will no longer fire for nations that are not independent Option C in event flavor_rus.3413 now gives -1 stab instead of +1 Fixed triggers for events Excellent Viceroys and Corrupt Viceroys Event "Saint Performs Miracle" now gives 25 papal influence instead of 5 rebalanced 'levying additional taxes" flavor event for Japan. Event "The End of the Hundred Years War" now ignores the province of Calais Fixed missing province flag in event flavor_spa.3560 Added missing script flag to event civil_war.5 Colonial election events now only give -5 prestige hit and only +/- 1 liberty desire Event 9010 now check for modifier jap_red_ship_timer instead of flag Event flavor_pol.3481 now checks for flag librium_veto and not liberum_veto Russian Grand Embassy event series now targets a western tech country new flagship event is now more fun. Event ideagroups.1407 "Timber Surplus" only triggers if owning a port usa_dlc.5 can now fire as soon as USA is formed usa_dlc.5 will not fire if already has the usa_declaration_independence_flag Tolerance convert events will no longer target province with the religious_zeal_at_conv modifier Fixed events flavor_lit.1 and flavor_lit.2 "Wave of Protestantism" / "Wave of Calvinism" usa_dlc.41 now discovers great_plains and northwestern_america instead Option B in event flavor_lit.12 now cost 25 adm power The Braveheart event is now a proper province event again Event 1061 "Aspiration for liberty" now gets a modifier instead of direkt rr in every province Event 3077 no longer checks for 4 and 5 star advisors Event 5090 "Noble Family Requests Aid" will no longer fire for non-monarchies Event 724 "Clergy condemns philosopher as heretic!" won't trigger if already have the modifiers Removed the stab hit from event flavor_eng.9121 Military Divided event no longer reduces stability, but reduces mil power by 25. Statute in Restrain of Appeals decreases MTTH for Spread of Protestantism/Calvinism EVTNAME851 now reads "The House of DYNASTY is shaken" [edit ] Decisions Tweaked lots of triggers for decisions to fit eu4 better. Added nation forming decisions for all old colonial nations Decision move_capital_to_warsawa now available for PLC enforce_sakoku_law now requires either 75 prestige or republican tradition Decisions for formable colonial nations now visible even after someone has formed them importation act no long nerfs tech. East India Trade Company is now valid for any westernised nation not in Asia. Tweaked triggers for naval_convoy_system restore_byzantine_empire now changes government to imperial_government Restoring the Byzantine Empire now gives Byzantine national ideas Ottomans can no longer rename to Byzantine Empire. The Anti Piracy Act and Hire Privateers are no longer mutually exclusive Removed province 548 West Berar from requirement of hindustan_nation_eastern_aryan decision Swedish military reforms are now less potent. Manchu will no longer appear to lose their ideas when reforming out of Tribal government Modifier hsa_military_reform no longer gives negative army and navy tradition Reworked map of Eastern Africa. Reworked map of North America. Boosted basetax in Brazil, la plata, Spanish main, Mexico & Central America Added river estuary modifiers to Stadacona, Manhattan and Swampy Cree Removed Center of Trade modifier from Stadacona and Manhattan Mombasa now have a trade centre modifier. Lappland, Kola and Karelia now starts as cities African units now have cavalry Asian level 4 now have correct cavalry Moved some provinces from Asia to Europe Revised a lot of province cultures in South America Fixed a few amount of scope bugs in various events Fixed a scope bug with ROOT/FROM in wargoals Fixed a scope bug with Russian Grand Embassy event series Fixed bad from-scope when evaluating missions. Changed trade goods to naval_supplies in 137 Ragusa Changed basetax and manpower to 5 and 3 for 137 Ragusa Updated some province history for 137 Ragusa Mission monopolize_japanese_cot can only trigger once Fixed some bugs to Indian alliances Oran, Mellila, Tantiers & Ceuta are now slightly larger so its possible to click on them Renamed Swahili to Kilwa Sofala is worth less tax, Mombasa & Lamu worth more. 481 - Bermuda now belongs to colonial_eastern_america Removed the_spanish_main from fur trade good kashgar is now in kashmir tradenode. ogaden is now in gulf of aden tradenode, like all other adjacent to it. Renamed the capital of Malta to Mdina SAV_ideas are now valid for Sardinia-Piedmont as well al_misr_arabic is now Egyptian al_suryah_arabic is now Syrian al_iraqiya_arabic is now Mashriqi maghreb_arabic is now Maghrebi Bedouin Arabic is now Bedouin Added native values to all settled provinces in North America Moved guajiro to the Caribbean culture group Split South American culture group into Andean, Je-Tupi and Chonan groups insult_rival mission no longer trigger if you already have a cb_insult or a truce Fixed and tweaked country history files for ENG and GBR Split off South Georgia form Falklands Hunyad and Maros are no longer occupied by on-existent Transylvania in 1507 Mission subjugate_algiers no longer fires unless Algeria exists Fixed a missing modifier in event colonial_nation.199 Fixed wrong independence date for Nipmuc and Munsee Removed legacy nationalism flags from country history files Removed Japanese occupation of 1015 in history due to no war Removed French occupation of 102 in history due to no war Changed province name Ajuraan to Ajuuraan, same as the country Renamed province 2023 from Lenape to Munsee Mission reclaim_jerusalem is now for Europe only Mission restore_holy_see is now for Europe only Mission keep_rival_out_of_italy is now for Europe only Mission italian_ambition is now for Europe only establish_canada_colony will no longer fire if colonial vassal has presence establish_usa_colony will no longer fire if colonial vassal has presence establish_carribean_colony will no longer fire if colonial vassal has presence Fixed the history file for 612 Thang Long Lorraine is now part of the Hundred Years' War Replace comanche culture with shoshone Russian annex missions will no longer trigger for subject nations Pisa losts its University. Placed the remaining North American cultures into correct culture groups Remowed SWE-NOR alliace of 1814 England now discovers powhatan in 1584. recently formed republics are less shaky when starting at later bookmarkes. ambrosian republic can now be forceconverted away. Updated African alliances to include new protectorate mechanic Removed Japanese occupation of 1015 in history due to no war Removed French occupation of 102 in history due to no war powhatan is now northeastern American region, not eastern. finish_reconquista now only succeeds if the mission country owns all targeted provinces Switched names between units tags african_dragoon and african_hussar Added mesoamerican_spearmen as the mesoamerican base unit Updated historical_units for meso- and South American countries royal_marriage_threat now checks for num_of_free_diplomatic_relations = 1 royal_marriage_mission now checks for num_of_free_diplomatic_relations = 1 Divided the new_world units into the three new groups Added province history files for seven wasteland provinces Macau is now in the correct place Less chance of English_colony_in_the_carribean mission if it has a colony in the region insult_rival mission no longer trigger if you already have a cb_insult or a truce The usa_declaration_independence_flag is now set in the USA country history file Mission subjugate_algiers no longer fires unless Algeria exists Interregnums after game start will now correctly show up as such finish_reconquista now only succeeds if the mission country owns all targeted provinces [edit ] Stability & Performance Fixed CTD when running a save game from 1.1. Fixed CTD when loading a save game from in-game. Fixed CTD in sell province diplomatic action. Fixed CTD when quiting the game. Fixed CTD when "on_peace_actor" was triggered. Fixed CTD when listing many cloud save games. Fixed CTD related to removed factions. Fixed CTD when reading production_leader_tag from save game. Fixed a potential CTD with non-owned provinces being regarded as cities. Added safety code for if we fail to read a file from the Steam cloud. Optimized handling of large amount of country tags (checks against currently active countries instead of all of them). Multi-threaded new save game zips. Optimized the start-up slightly (no longer do unnecessary opinion calculations when the history is being read). [edit ] Major Bugfixes Fixed issues with downloading large mods on Linux and OSX Found a major bug with how missions are saved Pending events now gets the correct scope when loaded from savegame. Pending events now saved as namespace names Pending events that is broken, (unlikeley) will be dropped Tagchange should no longer leave leftover merchants of the previous tag [edit ] Minor Bugfixes Fixed bug where all opinioncache-values was inited to -10. Fixed some broken localisation. Fixed some problems with trade ship logic and the Western Europe trade node Fixed a bug that was causing cores to instantly disappear when a country was annexed in the late game Fixed French localisation issues regarding historical scores and achievements Modifiers Primas Germaniae and Legatus Natus are no longer lost after a month Now possible to trade in your homenode even if its out of range Fixed an exploit where you could move out of Celestial Empire government without losing factions Removed unused script flag from several events. Fixed spelling, typos & grammar errors where discovered. Fixed a bug with trade fleets aborting their missions due to bad supply range calcs Fixed a bug where trade fleets could be assigned to nodes where they could not patrol by right-clicking the node Lithuania will no longer steal Kazimierz as a leader after the union. Ignore height elevation when calculating if on map icon should be visible Fixed fleet icons being stuck at edges of screen Fixed missing combat terrain GFX_combat_terrain_forest Don't send Merchant arrived/canceled messages for undiscovered countries Fixed cursor when moving into TI Fixed bug where the macrobuildinterface showed wrong naval units. Fixed a bug where union leaders sometimes ended up in junior partners armies after a reload. coring time is now properly set at reload of a savegame. Fixed mismatch in combat between first participating country and first unit Annexing in peace now costs the correct amount of DIP power fixed a bug which caused you to sometimes get higher legitimacy penalty when accepting a royal marriage. Fixed bug where the macrobuildinterface showed wrong naval units. Fixed bug where hire merc-button was disabled. Fixed a bug with set age in define_heir effect Fixed a bug where fleets would retreat into provinces where they could not repair Fixed bug where countries could complete conquer-missions when another country conquers the target. Fixed a bug where union leaders sometimes ended up in junior partners armies after a reload. Fixed a bug with rebel hunting units where they would constantly move back and forth between two provinces due to nearby enemy armies Custom province names now gets reset when resetting gamestate. Vassals who are in a coalition against their overlord because of being forcevassalized by their coalition target in a war will now have their coalition membership cleared the next day hre_strip_glow is now following the hre-button, wherever it is. integrate is now properly blocked when a target capital is occupied, not overlords.
카페 게시글
Europa Universalis
1.4 패치 노트 (일부만 번역해 보겠습니다 / 패치가 나왔으니 나머지는 나중에 ㅋㅋ)
추천 0
조회 1,726
14.01.15 00:12
댓글 19
기능 더보기
첫댓글 확장팩에서 관찰모드가 제일 마음에 드는데, 이제 저것만 틀어놓고 컴을 지켜보는게 낙이 될수도(..)
엄청 바뀌어서 아예 새 게임이 된 느낌이 드네요... 특히
Restoring the Byzantine Empire now gives Byzantine national ideas
Ottomans can no longer rename to Byzantine Empire.
우리 카페 분들은 좌절하실듯 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아이디어도 변화가 꽤 있습니다. 이제는 외교 아이디어 풀로 찍으면 결혼을 마음껏 맺었다가 풀었다가 할 수 있겠네요
으아아아 저 꼼수를 더이상 못쓰다니 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ영어의 압박
번역해 드리고 싶지만 너무 많은 ㄷㄷㄷㄷ
정말 '일부'잖아!?
번역하는 중이어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
삭제된 댓글 입니다.
엇? 그럼 이제 번역도 여기서 마침....(퍽)
요시! 러시아 아이디어 인력 50%로 너프네요 ㅎ
패치 내용이 뭐..뭐야 무서워...
완전 딴게임이네... 스킨만 고대로인 EU5네요.
동아프리카쪽에 추가되는 국가를 보면 몸바사나 말린디 모가디슈같은 도시국가들이더군요
겨울은 적에게만 피해를줍니다.
조국전쟁이냐!(정확하게는 1812의 조국전쟁)(대조국전쟁은 1941년에 시작된 독소전)
본문중 RR은 revolt risk
Ti는 terra incognita 이빈다
감사합니다. 너무 많으니 번역할 엄두가 안나염 ㅠㅠ
아시아쪽은 거의 안건드려서 좀 아쉬움...
식민정부? 요번DLC 사면 생기는 옵션인가요? 왜 전 여태 한번도 그런걸 못봤을까영 = -=1600년도까지밖에 안달려서그런가 매번