Sangjenim said to His discipes, "Lightning is too long,
wraps around people too easily, and many get struck."
상제님께서 "옛적에는 벼락을 맞는 놈이 많았나니,
번갯불이 길어서 사람을 잘 감았느니라."
He then caught a bolt of lightning in His hand and snapped it, making it shorter.
번개칼을 잡아 짧게 부러뜨리며 말씀하시기를
"It is said that even the innocent are struck by lightning,"
This is so not only the guilty are struck.
죄가 있어서만 벼락을 맞는 것이 아니라, 어만사람이 더러 벼락을 맞느니라.
Kkaebi from heaven curse God and then cling to people or trees
as the spirits that hate these kkaebi hurl bolts of lihgting at them.
천상깨비가 하느님을 욕하고 사람과 나무에 늘어붙어 다니니 천상깨비 미워서
때려죽인다고 벼락을 때리느니라. 하시니라.
Good medicine is bitter to the taste, but beneficial in fighting disease.
Honest advice is hard on the ears, but beneficial in improving one's ways.
양약은 고구나 이어병이요, 충언은 역이나 이어행이라.
좋은 약은 입에는 쓰나 병에는 이롭고, 충언은 귀에는 거슬리나 행함에는 이롭다.
One day, Sangjenim strolled past a house in which a woman was in labor. The baby was coming out the wrong way; one of its legs stuck out while the rest of its body remained inside. Frightened family decided to take the woman to a healer doctor. and one of the men struggled to carried her on his back. While she soaked in sweat, screamed in pain. "Where are you taking her?” Sahng-jeh-nim asked. The man answered, “We are on our way to a doctor.”"She might die before you get to a doctor. Quickly, someone bring Me a needle.” A neighbor hurried into a house and returned with a needle. Sahng-jeh-nim had the woman laid on the road. He then poked the center of the baby's sole with the needle. The dangling leg quickly retracted. The woman found this humorous and burst into laughter. As she laughed, naturally exerting herself, the baby emerged with ease. The birth had had occurred in the middle of the road, and there was nothing with which to clean and swaddle the baby. Sahng-jeh-nim took off His shirt and tore it apart. He then cleaned and wrapped the babe. Giving the child to the mother, He said, “Hurry home and raise your child well.” 아이가 다리부터 잘못나와 죽을 고생을 하는 산모가 병원에 가기도 전에 죽겠는지라, 상제님께서 바늘로 아이의 발바닥 장심을 찌르니 나왔던 다리가 쑥들어간지라 이를 본 산모아낙이 기가차서 웃음을 참지 못하자 자연 힘이써져 아이를 쑥 낳거늘, 아이를 잘기르라 말씀하시니라.
Sometimes we needs a good medicine, honest advice and needle.
때로는 우리에게 쓴약과 충언 그리고 바늘이 필요합니다. Say what you want. 말해봐 !