You don’t have to. The SafeSpace product line offers a range of home protection from microwave radiation shown to combat and reverse the dangers of microwaves and microwaved foods. We’ll explore microwave dangers and solutions below.
In a microwave oven, alternating current forces atoms reverse polarity at a startlingly high rate. This creates such violent friction that the water inside the food molecules begin to vibrate and heat up. Unfortunately, this action also deforms, impairs and tears molecules apart.
Take a look at how microwaves cook food (above) and then imagine what that same microwave radiation could do to your body!
Microwave leakage is serious enough that the FDA sets strict limits on it for the manufacturers. But once door seals age, leaking tends to exceed those limits, often at head level. That’s bad news, because the microwave energy inside a microwave oven is massive!
That’s 2.45 billion vs. 10 hertz. It doesn’t take very big leak for the damage to begin. (One top culprit: aging door seals!)
The scary part is that you won’t feel it until the damage is long since done. No matter what, you don't want to stand in front of or close to a microwave in operation.
Microwaves break chemical and molecular bonds, and can literally rip atoms apart, disrupting the basic biochemical structures of life. It’s no wonder foods cooked in such a way become so harmful to consume.
Government and industry studies suggest they pose no threat. But a growing body of knowledge now contradicts those claims.
The Swiss scientist Hans Hertel was the first to study microwave dangers, specifically, how cooking degrades and depletes food of nutrients—an effect that shows up in study participants' blood.
When the microwave radiation destroys and deforms food molecules, new harmful compounds form (radiolytic compounds). These dangerous compounds harm the body in many ways.
The research, from Search for Health (Spring, 1992): After study participants consumed microwaved vegetables, Swiss Scientist Hertel measured the following effects:
The research, from Pediatrics (vol. 89, no. 4, April 1992) on microwaving human breast milk:
Researcher’s conclusion: microwaving likely reduces and reverses the potential benefits of food, above and beyond the harm heating itself causes.
Another study of microwave problems reported in the journal The Lancet showed that when infant formula was microwaved for ten minutes, it altered the structure of its component amino acids, possibly resulting in functional, structural and immunological abnormalities.
Even if your microwave oven were perfectly sealed, you would still be exposed to a harmful level of EMFs. That’s because all appliances working on electricity produce a toxic electromagnetic field that’s on 24/7 running the clock and more. This magnetic field can penetrate the body.
Electrical fields are the part of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that can be shielded.
Magnetic fields are the part of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that penetrate concrete, steel and human bodies. (Which is why they’re great for x-rays!) Unfortunately, they can have serious health implications. (See EMF explained and EMF health risks.)
EMF fields are measured in milliGauss (mG). One milliGauss is 1/1000 of a Gauss)
1. Understand what you’re exposed to. Know the dangers of microwave ovens.
2. Use SafeSpace’s groundbreaking technologies to escape the side-effects linked to the use of microwave ovens and electromagnetic radiation. (See SafeSpace Proven Technology for more details)
Our products interact with—and influence—artificial EMFs, restoring coherence and balance to the fields around you by setting up a “corrective resonance.” Result: the dangers of EMFs are neutralized, and the field is harmonized.
Our products are job-specific. They’re powerful when used alone, but when used in combination (layered on top of one another) they can create a strong, highly positive resonant effect.
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맞습니다.아직도 에너지를 무시하면서 생활을 하고 있습니다.나중에는 에너지의 성질이 얼마나 중요한것인지
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