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카페 게시글
♣........어린이 스크랩 유아영어3
백향목 추천 0 조회 17 11.05.10 16:07 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

Step 1 인사

Go play with your friend. Say "Hi," to your friend.
가서 친구랑 놀아. 친구와 인사해야지.

Greet your grandfather.
할아버지꼐 인사해야지.


Step 2 외출

Shhh. You should be quite in the elevator/bus/train.
쉿! 엘리베이터/버스/기차 안에서는 조용히 하는거야.

Do you want to go to the market with Mommy?
엄마랑 시장 갈래?

Let's go to the post office/bank/drugstore/supermarket/department store.
엄마랑 우체국/은행/약국/수퍼마켓/백화점에 가자.

Take you time. If you run, you might fall down.
천천히 가. 뛰다가 넘어진다.

Take my hand. We have to be careful of cars.
엄마 손 잡아. 차 조심해야 해.

That's a traffic light. The light is red, so we have to stop.
저게 신호등이야. 빨간 불이나까 멈춰 서야지.

We can cross when the light turns green.
초록불로 바뀌면 건너갈 수 있어.

Let's cross now. Watch your step.
자 건너자. 발 조심해.

There's a fruit/fish/grocery/stationery store over there.
저기 과일/생선/식료품/문방구 가게가 있네.
real estate office(복덕방), flower shop(꽃집)

There's a fire engine/bicycle/motorcycle/ambulance passing by.
저기 소방차/자전거/오토바이/앰뷸런스가 지나가네.


Step 3 산책

Let's go for a walk. Do you want to ride in the stroller or walk?
산책하러 가자. 유모차에 탈래, 아님 걸어갈까?

Shall we go around the neighborhood?
동네 한 바퀴 돌까?

It's nice today.
날씨가 좋구나.
It's cloudy.(흐리다)
It's cold.(춥다)
It's hot.(덥다)
It's warm.(따뜻하다)
It's cool.(서늘하다)
It's humid.(눅눅하다)
It's rainy.(비가온다)
It's snowy.(눈이온다)
It's windy.(바람이 분다)
It's muggy(후덥지근하다)

It's a nice spring day.
정말 좋은 봄날이구나.
summer(여름), fall/autumn(가을), winter(겨울)

The buds are budding green.
새순이 파릇파릇 돋아나.

Little shoots are peeking out of the earth.
새싹들이 땅위로 고개를 내밀고 있네.

There's a red rose/dandelion/cherry blossom/magnolia/lily/violet in full bloom over there.
저기 빨간 장미/민들레/벚꽃/목련/나리/제비꽃가 활짝 피었네.

The birds are chirping and the leaves are fluttering in the wind.
새들은 짹짹 지저귀고 나뭇잎은 바람에 살랑살랑 나부끼네.

A cool breeze is blowing.
시원한 바람이 산들산들 부네.

Can you see that mountain over there?
저기 산이 보이니?

Let's go back home, now.
자, 이제 집으로 가자.


Step 4 백화점이나 시장에서

There are too many people/It's too crowded.
사람이 너무 많구나.

Be careful not to lose Mommy.
엄마 잃어버리지 않도록 조심해.

Hold my hand tight and stay clost to Mommy.
엄마 손 꼭 잡고 엄마 옆에 붙어 있어.

You shouldn't ask me to buy everything you see. You can't have everything you want.
보는 것 마다 사달라고 하는 것 아냐. 원하는 것 모두를 가질 수 는 없단다.

I'll buy that another time. I promise.
그거 나중에 사줄께. 약속해.

We should buy squash/materiel/apples. How about going to the vegetable/fish/fruit section first?
우린 호박/고등어/사과를 사야 해. 야채/생선/과일 코너로 먼저 갈까?
spinach(시금치), turnip(무우), cucumber(오이), green pepper(피만), Chinese cabbage(배추), lettuce(양상치),
mushroom(버섯), onion(양파)
grapes(포도), watermelon(수박), pear(배), orange(오렌지), mandarin/tangerine orange(귤), mango(망고)
yellow corbina(조기), squid(오징어), shrimp(새우), lobster(랍스터)

We'll have to get a carton of milk for you.
너가 마실 우유를 사야겠다.

Do you want to give the money to the cashier?
너가 돈을 낼래?

Get the change, and give it to Mommy.
거스름돈 받아서 엄마한테 줘.

We'are all done. Let's go home.
다 됐다. 이제 집에 가자.


Step 5 차 안에서

Here comes the bus! Step back.
저기 버스가 온다. 뒤로 물러서.

There aren't any seats.
자리가 없구나.

You'll have to stand up and hold on tight.
꼭잡고 서 있어야 해.

You have to be quite. You can't be noisy in the bus.
조용히 있어야지. 버스에서는 큰소리로 떠들면 안돼.

We're in a traffic jam. Isn't it boring, isn't it?
차가 막히네.지루하지?

Let's wait awhile. It'll start moving again.
조금만 기다리자. 그러면 다시 갈거야.

It feels good to zoom along. doesn't it?
?? 달리니까 기분 좋지?

Let's put you in your car seat and fasten your seat belt.
자 시트에 앉아서 안전 밸트를 매자.

Step 6 식당에서

You can sit in a booster seat(high chair).
너는 어린이용 의자에 앉아.

Here's the food. Let's enjoy it.
음식이 나왔다. 맛있게 먹자.

Don't make noise when you eat your soup.
수프를 먹을 때 소리를 내면 안돼.

Don't talk with your mouth full.
입안에 음식을 넣은 채로 말하면 안돼.

You dropped your fork. Let's ask for another one.
퍼크를 떨어뜨렸네. 새것 달라고 하자.

Use your napkin. Don't wipe your mouth on your sleeve.
냅킨으로 닦아야지. 옷소매로 닦지마.

Now let's pay the bill and go home.
자, 이제 계산하고 집에가자.
