-Version 3.7
-Changed the "out of date" loading message
-Fixed bug with Custom Aura Colors on Sonic Flight
-Fixed a bug with Sonic Flight combined with Flying
-Fixed bug of using Teleport Dodging on Ki Blasters
-Fixed Dodge Icon Bug
-Put the Enemy AI back the way it was
-Made it so 0 damage melee attacks cause HC explosions
-Made it so you can use Sonic Speed/Teleport Dodge whilst busy
(ie: Shooting a KameHameHa)
-Made it so you can use Sonic Speed Indoors
-Made it so I can login regardless of player limit
-Added Majin and Golden Oozaru transes
-Version 3.63
-Fixed Counter Throw bug
-Fixed typos in the last update page...
-Version 3.62
-Added Counter Throw Skill, learned on level 1
-Fixed a bug with the server info saving
-Fixed an After Image/Teleport Dodge bug
-Added IT icon/sound effect to After Image
-Made more modifications to Enemy AI
-Made After Image not work if youre KOed/Busy
-Version 3.61
-Fixed After Image/Ki blast bug
-Fixed After Image icon bug
-Removed some unused files, should slightly reduce game download
-Version 3.6
-Fixed Null Grab Bug, not too sure how often this one happened...
-Fixed throwing not fully canceling flying bug
-Fixed null GM save bug
-Modified Enemy AI to hopefully help reduce lag
-Added After Image Skill, learned on level 200
-Made TM save
-Made an option to turn Alignment Stars on/off
setting can be found in the Other Options command in the Options Tab
-Made throw damage calculate in defense
-Made ki attacks cancel eachother out when they collide
-Fixed an unkown bug with alignment? o.O
-Fixed possible bug with teleport attacks
-Version 3.5
-Fixed Multikeying setting error o.O
-Added Sonic Flight skill on level 5
-Added Teleport Dodge skill on level 10
-Added Sonic Speed skill on level 125
-Added Inferno Attack, Switch to Pikkon to learn
-Added Teleport Dodge Attacks
(Level 5 Dodge Kick)/(Level 10 Dodge Blast)
-Version 3.4
-Added another check to prevent infinite zenie
-Added a Remove GM command for Hosts
-Added Multikeying option for Hosts
-Made it so you can throw people through water
-Fixed ss3 Bardock icon
-Version 3.3
-Fixed Gotenks Trans bug
-Added ss2 for Gotenks
-Added Boot verb for Hosts
-Added Turles, Lord Slug, Dr Myuu, Bulma, Chi-Chi, and Gogeta as playable characters
-Added Alternate Costumes for Vegeta, Trunks, Frieza, Tapion and Gohan
-Added Suitz Shop in town that sells alternate costumes
-Added a 3rd form for Android 17
-Changed Fort Zenie to Kingdom of Ki in clan wars
-Made it so you can set which form you want to use for Ultimate Power
setting can be found in the Other Options command in the Options Tab
-Made GM Save, Hosts should be carefull about importing saves now!
-Made it so you cant add yourself as a friend
-Tweeked Hyper Combat some
-Version 3.2
-Fixed Music Bug
-Fixed error in Battle Raditz mission description
-Fixed flying look after death bug
-Fixed Gohan character selection bug
-Fixed bug with More button on character creation
-Fixed some errors in character descriptions
-Fixed buying negative amounts of items bug
-Made items non-dense since that was being abused to PL train
-Added my new key (Falacy) in as a global GM
-Added Fusion characters as playable characters
(Still thinking about fusion system)
-Added Hyper Combat, Players/NPCs who attack eachother
at the same time will have their attacks canceled
-Redid King Kai's planet so there isnt black around the edges
-Removed the lag stat from the server tab, it didnt work anyway lol
-Removed most random enemies from the map
-Version 3.1 -Took out punching/speed bags
-Added Grav/Weight effects to skills
-Fixed some skill level bugs
-Seph started hosting again
-Made water on Namek green
-Fixed Multi Tiled Mob Bug
-Added Punching Bags and Speed Bags in capsule ships
-Added Lots more NPCs for killing on the map
-Added more Civilian Types
-Tweeked Throwing
-Fixed Alignment icon bug
-Fixed Ki Deflection Training bug
-Set Switch Character browser back to a popup list
-Added Transes for Bardock
-Added Playable Characters: Androids 13 & 14, Pilaf, Babidi, Doore, Sauzaa, Neizu, Jewel, Great Saiyagirl, Kabito, Supreme Kai, Yamu, Drawf(If anyone know his real name let me know)
-Version 2.9/3.0
-New Macros, F-Punch, S-Kick, V-Knock Down, G-Grab/Throw
-Set missions back to shared
-Gave Missions new Names
-Tweeked Ki Shield stuff
-Fixed Mission and Grab/Throw Bugs
-Fixed Air to Ground Ki Combat
-Added Skills: Ultimate Power, Ki Shield
-Added a Remove Mission option
-Added real icon for Omega Shenron - Made by Vegito81
-Made it so using Ki Shield while its on turns it off
-Made KOed Civilians stay still
-Made auras stay on once set
-Made more in depth melee combat system, Combos and Grabs/Throws
-Fixed some Mission stuff
-Added Big Bang Attack for Vegeta
-Moved Vegeta's Skills to his missions
-Version 2.7
-Fixed Invisible Civilian Bug
-Fixed Clan Wars Bug
-Fixed Final Form's max level
-Added Alignment Stars
-Added Skills: 10x Kamehameha, Masenko
-Added Playable Characters: King Vegeta, Guldo, Omega Shenron
-Added Character Specific Missions
-Added more NPCs to map
-Added Mission Sorting/Numbering System
-Made Custom/Preset aura setting save
-Made Demonic Will for Dabura only
-Made AI target ki attackers
-Finished Mission Sets: Goku, Vegeta
-Disabled Multi Logging
-Moved some NPCs around
-Changed HUD icons for Hide Power, Demonic Will and Power Exchange
-Tweeked some GM stuff
-Tweeked Alignment stuff
-Version 2.6
-Added Basic Alignment System
-Added Playable Characters: Olibu
-Added Trunks as sparring partner
-Added Cell as a sparring partner
-Added new NPCs to Map
-Added Icons: Nappa KOed, Super Trunks Punching
-Enemy NPCs only aggresive against opposite alignment
-Changed Bebi to Baby
-Fixed IT Bug
-Fixed Fly Bug
-Gave Trunks 4 Transes
-Gave Cell 4 Transes
-Added flying icons for Baby, Android 13, Cell jr, General Tao, Princess Snake, Nail, Pan, Uub, and Super 17
-Added Cell Jrs near Cell Games Ring
-Only level 10 required to join clans now
-Tweeked clans some
-Lowered enemy ki defense
-Tried fixing some browser runtimes
-Version 2.5
-Tweeked forgetting skills
-Put quick select back the way it was
-Put IT and Sense back the way they were
-Fixed Wishing bug
-Higher stat gains from higher grav
-Hunger and Thirst go down faster
-Fixed some skill leveling bugs
-Moved more popups to browsers
-Fixed Spelling Bug
-Added Super 17 and Baby missions
-Added new trans skills
-Changed Trans system
-LSS now equal to SS3
-Super 17 now equal to SS4
-Vegeta Baby now equal to SS4
-Only hafta be level 50 to join clans now
-Changed power of all attacks based on skill level
Version 2.4
-Fixed Clan Wars bug
-Now you get Skill points for completing missions instead of for leveling up
-Each time you level a skill it requires 1 more Skill Point
-Fixed multiple kill bug
-Fixed respawn bug
-Made Clan Wars start when server does
-Made it so you cant load into clan wars
-Added Remove Friend Command
-More Tweeking To IT
-Still tryin to get clan info pages to work
-Fixed the bug I made with IT in the last update =P
-Version 2.3
-Added Auto Tournaments - 1 every 45 minutes
-Added damage display to self destruct
-Added Clan Wars command
-Made Clan Wars map much smaller
-Made Clan Wars an event
-Made the skill level of Ki Deflect increase deflection power
-Added more options to IT
-Added an IT Take Option in the Other Options
-Got clan info pages working
-Tweeked Craters and Debris
-Fixed Revert Bug
-Fixed some Spelling Errors
-Fixed bug with ban message
-Fixed Some Other Random bugs
-Version 2.2
-Fixed Dodge Bug
-Fixed Debris Runtime
-Fixed treadmil bug
-Fixed flying in clan wars bug
-Fixed Debris bug on Clan Wars
-Fixed another tournament bug
-Fixed a maybe non existant bug with browsers
-Made it so you can buy more then 1 item at a time
-Made Gravity and Weights affect melee attacks
-Made it so you can toggle craters
-Made Clan War messages toggleable
-Made it so you hafta do at least 1 ki damage to kill
-Made the area effects 1mil ki and up
-Moved 90% of the Pop Ups to Browsers
-Added Revert to Guru, Talk to him again if you've already learned Unlock Potential and he should teach you Revert
-Added Repair Droids to the Clan Wars
-Uped the gains from controling Clan Castles
-Yet more clan bug fixes
-Version 2.1
-Fixed more clan bugs
-Made Wolf Fang Fist Ki Based
-Added new characters: Princess Snake, General Tao, Pan, Uub, Android 13, and Nail
-Changed Baby to his little blue self and made Baby Vegeta a trans
-Changed Zarbon's icon
-Made Super 17 a trans for Android 17
-Setup basic clan wars
-Added Unlock Potential to everybody to even out characters
-Added Sandbags to clan wars
-Added clan info pages
-Added Clan Flags (Image can be set by leader)
-Changed what King Kai says
-Removed Import Info from server stats
-Took out the Auto Reboot
-Fixed UnBan bug
-Fixed some Clan bugs
-Respawn Point can now be set at Roshi, Kami, or Guru
-Chewyy's reign of terror has been stopped!
-Set the hub back to the old one
-Took away Import Characters, its causing too many problems
-Version 2
-Due to people cheating the Import System I've Kicked it up a notch! BAM!
-We have a new hub now due to losing the password to the old one
-Started working on replacing Pop Ups with Browsers
-Version 1.8
-Tweeked the Friends List
-Set Friend messages to green
-Fixed Tournament Bug
-Weakened Wolf Fang Fist
-Disabled Exporting for Hosts
-Another Invite bug fixed
-Fixed Friend List Showing on Login
-Decided to force a P-Wipe on version 1.7 and lower
-No more P-wipes after this! yay?
-Added Clear Clans Command for hosts
-Fixed Clan Commands Bug
-Version 1.7
-Added Chewyy as a GM. Report what you think of him on the forums!
-Added Option for host to turn off Character Imports
-Added host setable message. Gets Displayed on Hub
-Added Treadmils for PL Training
-Added Freinds List
-Added new Macros: H=Help, W=Who
-Added basic Clan System
-Added Clan Registration Building above Bank
-Fixed WFF Bug
-Fixed people getting into the WT arena Bug
-Fixed Area Attacks Damage Bug
-Fixed Attack Delay Bug
-Hosts can now set the version of Save Files that can be loaded on their servers
-Made Player Limit, Hub Message, Save Version and Import Settings Save
-Tournament Rulings page now shows Host
-Logging out during tournament now makes you lose
-Changed mob types, should help reduce lag
-Tweeked some GM commands
-Best to Grav Train at recomended grav now
-Now Version 1.6
-Hybrid Saving System
-Autosave is back
-Changed Host GM Commands
-Made some skills gained by leveling up
-Now Version 1.5
-1,000 exp needed per level now
-Added more info to the Server Tab
-Split forms of Oozaru and LSS now work correctly
-Corrected Other Transed split forms; Retransing
-Fixed problem with on screen names
-Saving is now Client Sided
So now you can use your chars on any server
-Auto Saving has been disabled
-Made Self Destruct Weaker
-Made Solar Flare 5 seconds max
-Cheat proofed the game
-Made Kaioken Goku Only
-Limited Legendary Super Saiyan to Broly
-Limited Oozaru to Saiyans and Half Saiyans
-Fixed bug with Recovery Leveling
-Fixed split form bug
-Added new GM command
-Fixed damage display on Area Effects
-Added Buu as a sparring partner
-Added toggling for EXP and Zenie gain messages
-Finally got area effects working... I hope
-Did some more of the map for the city
-Started dating the updates =P
-Login messages tells when players join for the first time
-Added skill disabling to world tournament
-Added default setting for quickstart on tournaments
-Fixed problem with loading old items
-Gave area effect to ki attacks that do over 100,000 damage
-Gave Spirit Bomb and area effect
-Added Skill: Power Exchange
-Added lots more food, drink, training, and other items
-Lots of Bug Fixes
-Added a watch tournament option
-Prevented Self Destruct Spamming
-Added more tournament Prize Settings
-Added Passive Skill: Recovery(auto recovers from KO)
-Fixed IT bug
-Made Split Forms attack other peoples split forms
-Made Download for Custom Auras much smaller
-Tournament system tweeked more
-Can set targets for Split Forms
-Server Automaticaly Reboots every 6 hours
-Tournament button only shows up when tournaments are being held
-Added more settings to the WT
-Fixed Split Forms and Self Destruct in tournaments
-Moved Custom Aura Verb
-Added Toggling Messages
-Added Frequency to Scouter Messages
-Custom Aura Colors Added
-Can IT between Planets
-Cant make split forms in training capsules anymore
-Prevented interference in the WT
-More Tournament Tweeking
-Added Win/Loss Records for WT
-Updated Skill List
-Added News/Food/Drink Stands
-Added Scouters (Private Chat)
-Grav Training now gives Str and Def
-Ki Deflection now gives Ki and Ki Def
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