저의 카페 운영 메뉴 중에서 “오늘의 영어 성경말씀(Verse of the Day)”을 꼭 추천 드리고 싶습니다. 영어 성경 말씀을 소재로 하여 매일 읽기 자료를 탑재하고 있습니다. 저의 카페에 가입하셔서 함께 영어공부를 해 나가셨으면 합니다. 가능하시면 주변 사람들에게도 자랑하여 주셨으면 합니다. 저의 카페 주소는 아래와 같습니다. 시간을 내셔서 살펴주시면 대단히 감사하겠습니다. |
1. Verse of the Day "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 1)For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." —Matthew 7:7-8 구하여라, 그리하면 하나님께서 너희에게 주실 것이다. 찾아라, 그리하면 너희가 찾을 것이다. 문을 두드려라, 그리하면 하나님께서 너희에게 열어 주실 것이다. 구하는 사람마다 얻을 것이요, 찾는 사람마다 찾을 것이요, 문을 두드리는 사람에게 열어 주실 것이다. —마태복음 7:7-8 ▶ Words & Phrases 1) For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. - everyone (who asks) receives : everyone(주어), receives(동사), who asks(주어 everyone을 수식) - he (who seeks) finds : he(주어), finds(동사), who seeks(주어 he를 수식) - to him who knocks, the door will be opened = the door will be opened to him who knocks * open vs. opened Open can be a verb or an adjective. 1. used as a verb If you open something such as a door, you move it so that it no longer covers a hole or gap. She opened the door with her key. He opened the window and looked out. Be Careful! to the door and opened'. You say 'I went to the door and opened it'. I went to the front door, opened it, and looked out. 2. used as an adjective When a door or window is not covering the hole or gap it is intended to cover, you say that it is open. The door was open. He was sitting by the open window of the office. Be Careful! of the verb open. You only use it when you are describing the action of opening a door or window. The front door was opened, then suddenly shut again. 3. used after other verbs Open can be used after other verbs of position or movement. The doors of the ninth-floor rooms hung open. Bernard pushed the door fully open. He noticed the way the drawer slid open. Open is one of several words that can be used after verbs of position or movement like this. Others are closed, shut, free, loose, straight, and upright. These words are sometimes considered to be adverbs and sometimes adjectives. Be Careful! electrical equipment work by pressing a switch or turning a knob, don't say that they 'open' it. Say that they put it on, switch it on or turn it on. Do you mind if I put the light on? I went across and switched on the TV. I turned on the radio as I did every morning. |
2. Thoughts on Today's Verse God made us to 1)seek after him and find him (Acts 17:27-28). Try to imagine the 2)astounding reality of this truth: the God of the Universe 3)is thrilled to see us when we come home to him! 4)Is it any wonder that he 5)longs for us to seek him so he can welcome us with the same joy as the father welcomed the son back again (Luke 15:11-31)? 하나님은 우리가 하나님을 추구하고 찾도록 하셨습니다. (사도행전 17:27-28) 이 진리를 현실적으로 생각해보면 깜짝 놀랄 것입니다 - 온 우주의 하나님께서, 본향으로 돌아오는 우리를 학수고대하신다는 것이지요! 돌아온 탕자를 기뻐했던 아버지 (누가복음 15:11-13) 와 똑같은 기쁨으로 우리를 환영하시고 싶으셔서 우리가 당신을 열심히 찾기를 원하신다는 사실은 놀랍지가 않습니다. ▶ Words & Phrases 1) seek after : ~찾다, 구하다, 추구하다 2) astounding [əstáundiŋ] : 3) be thrilled to + 동사원형 : ~해서 신이나다(흥분되다) 4) Is it any wonder that ~? = It is no wonder that ~. ( ~하는 것이 놀랍지 않다, 당연하다) * “Is it any wonder . . . ?” is a rhetorical question(수사의문) used to state the obvious, usually with a degree of sarcasm(풍자), equivalent to(~와 같음, ~와 상응함) “It's no wonder that . . .” or “Small wonder that. . . .” For example : Is it any wonder that Chris is late to the party? means roughly: Nobody should be surprised that Chris is late to the party. 5) longs for us to seek : 여기서 for us는 to seek의 의미상의 주어 - long |
3. My Prayer Father, while there are many things that my selfish heart 1)seeks after, 2)deep inside I know that what I need most, and what I 3)seek most right now, is to know you in a more holy and 4)majestic way. In Jesus' name I seek you. Amen. 아버지, 제 이기적인 마음이 찾고자 하는 수많은 것들이 있지만, 저는 마음속 깊이 알고 있습니다 - 제가 가장 필요로 하는 것과 지금 당장 찾을 것은 당신을 더 거룩하고 위엄있게 알아가는 것임을. 예수님 이름으로 당신을 찾아갑니다. 아멘.
▶ Words & Phrases 1) seek after ~ : ~을 찾다(구하다) 2) deep inside : 내 마음 깊은 곳으로부터의, 마음속 깊이, 진심으로 3) seek : 찾다( 4) majestic [mədʒéstik] : 위엄 - in a majestic way(manner) : 위엄있게 (예문) The queen acts in a majestic manner. 여왕은 위엄있게 행동합니다. |
4. [본문을 영어로 듣기] 아래 주소를 클릭하여 1, 2, 3에 나와 있는 본문을 차례로 영어로 들어보십시오. - (듣기절차) 듣고자 하는 1,2,3 본문을 차례로 복사, 아래 주소를 클릭했을 때 나타나는 글상자 안에 붙여넣기한 후, 글상자 하단에 있는 듣기 아이콘을 클릭하면 본문을 영어로 들을 수 있습니다. |