Jesus immediately came to mind as soon as I saw the symbol above the entrance of Talpiot Tomb in Israel.
It comes up to my mind
It comes up into my mind
She keeps coming up to mind
그녀가 자꾸 생각나
I'll do whatever comes up to mind
나 생각나는 뭐든지 할거야
What comes up to your mind?
네 마음 속에 뭐가 떠오르니?
Tag the first person who comes to mind when you look at this bin.
Tag the very first person
What should we do this weekend? Anything comes to your mind.
How about going camping
Do you know any good place for throwing a castnet
Let's see. Sabkyo comes to mind. Its best place for castnetting.
Do you have any good idea?
Nothing springs to mind right now.
I have no idea what I am doing.
What's the image that comes to mind when you think of the sea.
Whats the memorable project you have done.
Two projects come to mind.
It hits/strikes me that he might be having an affair.
(갑자기 그가 바람을 피고 있을지도 모른다는 생각이 들어.)
As soon as I looked at my mother, it hit/struck me that she was getting old.
(엄마를 보자마자 '우리 엄마도 나이드는구나' 라는 생각이 갑자기 들었어.)
* strike의 과거형은 struck이죠?
It hit/struck me that I wouldn't see my old highschool friends as often as I did.
(갑자기 옛 고등학교 친구들을 자주 보게 되지 않을 것 같다는 생각이 들었어.)
It hit/struck me I wouldn't be able to afford any house in Seoul in the near future.
(몇 년간은 서울에 집 한채도 장만할 수 없을 것 같은 생각이 들었어.)
The accident occurred at about 2.00 p.m.
(그 사고는 오후 2시경에 일어났어.)
Everyone still doesn't know why the blackout occurred yesterday.
(모두가 왜 언제 정전이 일어났는지 아직 잘 몰라.)
It occurred to me that I would have to work hard and not get fired.
(열심히 일해서 짤리지 말아야 된다는 생각이 급 들더라~)
It occurred to me that I had found exactly what I was looking for.
(내가 찾고 있었던 것을 정확히 발견했다는 생각이 들었어.)
It occurred to me that I should save the leftover paint for later use.
(남은 페인트는 나중에 또 써야 되니까 아껴놔야 한다는 생각이 들었어.)