01. Vivaldi - ll. Largo from Winter 02. Massenet - Maditation from Thais 03. Bach - Prelude from suite no.1 BWV1007 04. Bach - Jesu joy of the man's desiring BWV147 05. Bach - Sheep may safely graze BWV208 06. Saint - Saens / The Swan from carnival of the animals 07. Saint - Saens / Havanaise 08. Kreisler - Liebesfreud 09. Rachmaninoff - Vocalise
function url_write(str,idx){
var locationStr = document.location.toString();
var temp = locationStr.split("?","2");
var spObj = temp[1];
var spObj2 = spObj.split("&");
var len = spObj2.length;
for(var i=0; i
01. Vivaldi - ll. Largo from Winter 02. Massenet - Maditation from Thais 03. Bach - Prelude from suite no.1 BWV1007 04. Bach - Jesu joy of the man's desiring BWV147 05. Bach - Sheep may safely graze BWV208 06. Saint - Saens / The Swan from carnival of the animals 07. Saint - Saens / Havanaise 08. Kreisler - Liebesfreud 09. Rachmaninoff - Vocalise