Dispute Over Islets Frays Ties Between Tokyo and Seoul
Published: March 22, 2005
SEOUL, South Korea, March 21 - In what had been billed as the South Korea-Japan friendship year, in recognition of 40 years of normalized relations, Japanese claims over two disputed remote islets have recently worsened relations between America's two most important Asian allies.
The claims over the islets, called Tokdo in South Korea and Takeshima in Japan, were regarded here as an attempt to justify Japanese colonial rule and have drawn huge protests in front of the Japanese Embassy in recent days. A mother and son each cut off a finger; a man whose father had been brutally forced to serve in the Japanese Imperial Army, Heo Kyung Wook, 54, set himself on fire.
"My father passed away 20 years ago, but he used to tell us stories about how the Japanese treated him, and my anger built up over the years," Mr. Heo said Monday, recuperating at a hospital here from burns to his lower body and neck. "When I saw the news about Tokdo on television, I couldn't contain my anger."
Raw anger at Japan's militaristic past remains just below the surface here, as it does in other parts of Asia invaded by Japan, even as Japan itself grows less open to addressing its problematic history. In a region where the balance of power is shifting because of the rise of China and its perceived threat to American influence, the fracas over the islets shows the combustible addition of nationalism in Japan and on the Korean peninsula.
The current dispute was touched off last month when Japan's ambassador to South Korea said at a news conference, here in the heart of the capital, that the islets historically and legally belonged to Japan. Then last week, Japan's Shimane Prefecture declared Feb. 22 as Takeshima Day, marking the date when the islets were incorporated into the prefecture in 1905 - the same year Japan effectively began ruling the Korean peninsula. After Japan's defeat in World War II, the islets fell under the effective control of Seoul.
When Shimane's assembly passed the Takeshima Day bill, Seoul protested. But Japan's prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, said only, "We should deal with the situation in a forward-looking manner by considering how to develop friendship and overcome emotional conflicts."
Enraged by Mr. Koizumi's response, the South Korean government released a statement the following day, saying, "A series of actions taken by Japan of late has caused us to raise a fundamental question as to whether Japan has the will to coexist with its neighbor as a peaceful power in Northeast Asia."
The good will built between the countries, especially since they were co-hosts of the World Cup in 2002, seemed to vanish.
For older South Koreans, like Mr. Heo, the bitterness of the past resurfaced.
His father had told him of working in a stable where he watched Japanese soldiers eat.
"The Japanese would say Koreans work hard only if they are hungry," Mr. Heo recalled his father saying. "So when they finished eating, they would overturn the table, and my father would have to pick up the scraps."
For young South Koreans, who had grown up consuming Japanese anime and music, the dispute suddenly changed their view of Japan. At the J-Pop section in the Kyobo Bookstore here today, Lee You Mi, 18, a college student, was looking at a CD by a Japanese singer, Mika Nakashima.
"My image of Japan as an open country has changed to that of a closed country with remnants of imperialism," Ms. Lee said.
The dispute comes as Japan, urged on by the United States, has been building up its military and taking a hard line against China and North Korea. A nationalism not previously seen in postwar Japan has emerged, with Mr. Koizumi unapologetically praying at Yasukuni Shrine, where 14 Class A war criminals are enshrined, and with teachers in Tokyo being punished for not forcing their students to stand and sing the national anthem during graduation ceremonies. It was also disclosed recently that senior members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party pressed the public broadcaster, NHK, to soften a 2001 documentary on Japan's wartime sex slaves.
In South Korea, generational change and a maturing democracy have brought to power an entirely different set of leaders in recent years. Eager to engage the North, the new leaders' nationalism extends peninsulawide.
One of the most potent elements of this nationalism is the South and North's shared victimization at the hands of Japan. Two of the most popular television dramas in South Korea now deal with a pre-divided peninsula under Japanese threat: "The Invincible Admiral Yi Sun Shin," about the Japanese invasion of Korea in the 16th century, and "The Earth," about the Japanese colonial period.
"Japan should understand that its actions regarding Tokdo have regional repercussions," said Park Cheol Hee, a specialist on Japanese politics and diplomacy at Seoul National University, in an interview on Monday. "If South Korean-Japan relations become twisted, the result will be that South Korea and North Korea will become united against Japan. And as China and Korea share the same historical perspective toward Japan, the unintended consequence will bring China and the Korean peninsula against Japan."
Japan has thought of itself as apart from Asia since the Meiji Restoration revived imperial rule in the mid-19th century. Today, Japan is responding to changes in East Asia by cementing its ties with the United States and standing against China, leading some critics in Japan to say that it will become increasingly isolated in Asia.
"I strongly urge the Japanese foreign office and Japanese government to take a much more independent and much more positive policy toward Asia," Makoto Taniguchi, a former Japanese ambassador to the United Nations who now teaches at universities in Japan and China, told reporters in Tokyo last week. "Otherwise, there is no future for Japan. Japan will be totally neglected in Asia, and, in the future, if Japan's position and economic power go down, what is its use to the U.S.?"