Some examples from the web:
Why didn't it come up to my mind earlier?
Maybe if I came off my medication, my mind would sharpen, and I would come up with some brilliant solution.
약을 끊으면 머리가 날카로워지고 멋진 해결책이 떠오를 거예요.
Finally, Article 152 is, to my mind, not up to standard after all when it comes to organising effective European action in future.
Every time I come up with something new, in the back of my mind I'm thinking,
My mind is freed up to think about more important things.
Whatever." "'I am so angry with men that I have made my mind up to destroy them all.
Listen, you know, when Justin got sent up to Stateville, I went out of my mind.
He read my mind and knew what I was up to.
Education on over-nutrition is, to my mind, one aspect of consumer protection that has been little in evidence up to now.
Member States who have a special historical relationship with this region must, to my mind, face up to their responsibilities.
As I walked up to that door, a million thoughts raced through my mind.
And though I'd refused the deal earlier, I left here last night with my mind made up to take it.
Increase patrols on the estate immediately, then come up to the house.
You have to come up to the attic with me.
I was leaving my P.O.'s office when this haole comes up to me.
Or... you could come up to the bedroom and work on your undercover investigation skills.
You texted her to come up to your apartment.
When people come up to some place high like this, they become lighthearted.
We don't come up to London standards.
-and come up to Seattle to...
come up in my mind
20,100,000 results on the web
Some examples from the web:
Why didn't it come up to my mind earlier?
Maybe if I came off my medication, my mind would sharpen, and I would come up with some brilliant solution.
Every time I come up with something new, in the back of my mind I'm thinking,
The mistakes are piling up in my mind.
I had this habit of always saying whatever was on my mind and so I would end up in arguments.
What we have is a nearly indecipherable equation locked up in the steel trap of my mind.
I mean, I just had my mind on other things, like winding up in an Egyptian prison.
Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with some flash in my mind, a new clue.
'But it had to be done to even things up in my mind a bit.
You... You never showed up in my mind.
My mind feels like it's wrapped up in a blanket.
And still, silly things well up in my mind...
And you're the first thought on my mind when I get up in the morning.
You see, he's - he'-he's grown up in my mind.
Should come up in a few hours.
There's a place come up in Windmill Street.
It's come up in connection with a case.
And a job's come up in Sudan.
Couple addresses come up in our basic area.
Hopefully that doesn't come up in my police work.