The title of this story is "Time to Wake Up, Everybody."
Most chickens are raised on speical special farms. Chicken Chickens and turkey turkeys use their sharp claws to scratch for bugs.
The ducks' and geese's beaks are rounder and longer. The baby chick peaks eag pecks the egg and makes its way out.
Pigs have snouts at the end of their face. They like to rest in mud puddles.
Cows don't have front teeth so they can't bite grass.
The cow's mother licks her calf's face because this open it opens its nose.
Sheep's hair is used to make clothes. The goat is a part of the sheep family.
Horses can run fast and are so strong. Their hooves are strong so most farm horses wear shoes.
I think this book is interesting because I learned many things about animals.
Score: B
- 동물 이름이 복수일 때는 's'를 붙여주세요! ('chickens', 'turkeys'처럼 써요)
- 철자를 정확하게 써주세요! ('special', 'pecks'가 맞아요)
- 소는 어떻게 풀을 먹나요? (자세히 설명해보세요)
- 말은 왜 발에 신발을 신나요? (이유를 써보면 좋겠어요)
- 농장 동물들의 다른 특징도 써보면 좋겠어요! (더 알고 있는 것을 써보세요)