He noted that because of the attacks by Yemeni rebels against ships in the Red Sea, the French Navy has already fired 22 Aster missiles, which has put the navy’s stocks “under tension” although the precise numbers of missiles left is a well-kept secret.
The 200 long-range Aster missiles worth €900 million ($973 million USD) ordered in January 2023 will have to be delivered in the second semester this year instead of in 2026, as originally planned.
A spokesperson for MBDA told Breaking Defense in a telephone interview, “We see Lecornu’s remarks in a very good light, notably his insistence on prioritizing the military customer.
But another industry official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said “it’s going to be really complex to get this to trickle down to subcontractors.” He explained that if the subcontractor’s military client only represents 1 percent of the production, then it may cost them to make this 1 percent a priority over the 99 percent of the civilian clients.
(여담으로, "요즘 핫한 155mm 포탄"의 경우는... 프랑스에선 화약공장이 2007년에 문을 닫았고 북유럽국에서 수입한답니다)
한편 Naval News에서 독일의 작센급 방공함의 대공 미사일 재고가 얼마나 충분할지 추측해보는 기사를 올린 적이 있습니다. 특히 문제가 되는 것은 APAR 레이다에 맞는 전용 사양인 SM-2입니다. 현재 남은 재고는 70발 쯤? (작센급 1척이 24발은 꽂아야 하는데...)
The Red Sea-deployment of German warship “Hessen” was off to a start with mixed results this week, as missile woes for the German Navy are clouding two successful drone-interceptions. The F124 Sachsen-class anti-air warfare frigate assigned to EUNAVFOR Aspides had arrived in the theatre of operations by February 26. One day later both the German Navy and US Central Command, the latter referring to a “coalition warship”, reported that Hessen had intercepted her first two hostile UAV, thought to be Houthi-controlled “one way attack drones”. According to media reports “Hessen” used her 76 mm-main gun and RAM missile system in the encounter.
According to SIPRI Germany originally ordered 108 SM-2 Block IIIA missiles between 2003 and 2005. Berlin does not appear to have made any follow-on purchases since then. Accounting for missiles expended in exercises Naval News estimates around 70 SM-2 from the original order remain available. Such an amount is sufficient for one combat load for each of the three F124 frigates. This estimate is based on 24 interceptors carried in addition to 32 ESSM quad-packed into the remaining cells.
첫댓글 아래 기사는 저도 여기에 글을 올렸었는데, 사격훈련용 제외하면 딱 작센급 세 척에 꽉 채울 거라고 추정했었죠.. 20년 동안 미사일을 안 산다는 게 말이나 되는 건지 ㅜㅜ