MAY 30 Tues.
Ephphatha Missions
Mark 7:31-37 / He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, "Ephphatha!" (which means, "Be opened!"). (34)
Hymn #366 Open My Eyes, That I May See (Unified Hymn 485)
[Message Video]
You must do works regarding public welfare. There are a total of 1.2 billion people in the world with disabilities. That number in Korea stands at 2.64 million. Worldwide, approximately 460 million are deaf. In Korea, that number is 400,000. Although they can't hear or speak, they can still communicate. Jesus commanded, “Be opened!” As soon as He said that, the deaf man's ears and mouth were opened. It's also stated that people brought him to Jesus and begged Him to place His hand on the man, (Mark 7:32) It was impossible for that man to meet Jesus without the help of others. Jesus then took the man aside and healed him, (Mark 7:33) If you don't pay any attention to these people, they'll become outcasts. That's why Jesus gave them the blessing of "Ephphatha."
1. The Source - Aside
Jesus took the man aside, away from the crowd then opened what was originally closed. In doing so, that man's destiny was completely changed. He no longer had to rely on people; instead, he experienced the source of power that came from God. Christ changed the man's spiritual DNA by "putting his fingers into the man's ears and touching his tongue." (Mark 7:33) That's how Jesus was able to completely open the man's closed spirit.
2. Those Which Were Long-Standing - Lament
The man had to experience Christ. Until that point, he had completely fallen into Satan's traps; (Genesis 3, 6, & 11) frames; (Acts 13, 16, 19) and snares. (The 6 States of the Unbeliever) Because those had been long-standing issues, Jesus lamented.
3. That Which Is Closed Today
No matter how many covenants and blessings have come, that which is closed today must be opened. That was fulfilled from the moment when Christ said, "Ephphatha!" As a witness who has overcome all problems; tests; and crises, (Mark 7:36) you must open the door to the future which is God's plan. (Mark 7:37)
The "ends of the earth" for you are Remnants and TCKs. A farther "ends of the earth" are Remnants who are disabled. You have to raise them into evangelists. And in fact, the talented and gifted people of the world who don't know the Gospel are the ones who are really disabled. They must be saved as well. That's why the adult generation must truly receive grace.
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, thank you for granting me grace. Please open my spiritual eyes so that I can truly perceive what belongs to You. Help me become the "landmark" that can heal many spiritually and physically disabled people. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen.