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☆영어로 수다방☆ Re:CBNU Library! take up a positive attitude
김대선 추천 0 조회 46 06.04.21 14:22 댓글 3
게시글 본문내용
  • 06.04.22 18:55

    첫댓글 i really appreciate your commendation_! Actually your splendid essay, posted up this bulletin board, always invigorated me. So it makes me study english writing. You might don't know the truth. I really envy you^^ and I always thank you for your affection towards our Englisholic. See you around!

  • 작성자 06.04.23 15:02

    I am really flatterred. Hey, dude, all of ur english, apparently got improved a lot, shoud be given a credit to YOU not ME. I am also having hard times now juggling two language as well as studying other subjects. However, AS we all know well, To keep it up with out interest and patience,

  • 작성자 06.04.23 15:14

    albeit frustration out ot its slow progress from time to time, is only one thing we should neither forget nor miss out. See u around here with ur new one.
