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No surgery is risk-free, and ETS has both the normal risks of surgery, such as bleeding and infection, and several specific risks, including permanent and unavoidable alteration of nerve function. A number of patients, mostly young women, have died during this procedure. Bleeding during and following the operation may be significant in up to 5% of patients.[19] Pneumothorax (collapsed lung) can occur (2% of patients).[19]
Compensatory hyperhidrosis (or reflex hyperhidrosis) is common over the long term, causing a percentage of patients to regret having had the surgery.[19]The rates of severe compensatory sweating vary widely between studies, ranging from as low as 1.2% and as high as 30.9% of patients.[20] Of those patients that develop this side effect, about a quarter said it was major and disabling.[21]
A rare possible consequence of thoracic sympathectomy is corposcindosis (split-body syndrome), in which the patient feels that he or she is living in two separate bodies, because sympathetic nerve function has been divided into two distinct regions, one subjectively defunctive, and the other hyperactive.[20]
Additionally, the following side effects have all been reported by patients: Chronic muscular pain, numbness and weakness of the limbs, Horner's Syndrome, anhidrosis, hyperthermia (exacerbated by anhidrosis and systemic thermoregulatory dysfunction), neuralgia, paraesthesia, fatigue and amotivationality, breathing difficulties, substantially diminished physiological/chemical reaction to internal and environmental experience (e.g. pleasure and pain/ perceptual stimuli), somatosensory malfunction, aberrant physiological reaction to stress and exertion etc., Reynaud’s disease caused by cold weather etc. (ironically a possible indication for surgery), reflex hyperhidrosis (or compensatory sweating as above), altered/erratic blood pressure and circulation, defective fight or flight response system, loss of adrenaline,*** eczema and other skin conditions resulting from exceptionally dry skin; rhinitis, gustatory sweating (or Frey's syndrome, see above).[1]

A thermal image of an ETS patient 2 years after surgery, showing corposcindosis (split-body syndrome)
Some long-term adverse effects include:
Other side effects are the inability to raise the heart rate sufficiently during exercise with instances requiring an artificial pacemaker after developing bradycardia being reported as a consequence of the surgery.[22][27][28]
The Finnish Office for Health Care Technology Assessment recently concluded in a 400 page systematic review that Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy is associated with an unusually high number of significant immediate and long-term adverse effects.[29]
Quoting the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare statement: "The method can give permanent side effects that in some cases will first become obvious only after some time. One of the side effects might be increased perspiration on different places on your body. Why and how this happens is still unknown. According to the research available about 25-75% of all patients can expect more or less serious perspiration on different places on their body, such as the trunk and groin area, this is Compensatory sweating".[30]
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