49. Coretten, LA, CA
When I first received Heaven is So Real I hungrily read it, completely open to Choo Nam's account of heaven. Little did I know that Jesus would soon be talking directly to ME. He was using His end-times book to communicate with me! I literally fell in love with Jesus; his gentle words and loving kindness were more than I'd ever imagined or hoped for. This book completely changed my life. It made me yearn for Jesus and long for Him like I've never longed for anyone else. Late at night as I was reading the section on His celebrating on Christmas, I lay down on my bed meditating on His words and meditating on Choo Nam's experience of Heaven. As I lay on my back I experienced abdominal spasms and my body would involuntarily jerk up and down. It was the most intense and most wonderful experience I've ever had. I firmly believe that God is using Choo Nam and her book to reach other receptive souls. I pray for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and for those souls that haven't been saved, that they too will receive this book with open hearts.
49. 코레튼, 로스엔젤레스, CA
처음 "천국은 확실히 있다"를 받고 난 후 주남 여사의 천국설명에 대해 열린 마음으로 열심히 읽었습니다. 곧 이어 예수님께서 저에게 직접 말씀하실 것이라는것을 몰랐었습니다. 주님께서 저와 대화하시기 위해서 그분의 말세의 책을 사용하시고 계신 것이었습니다! 저는 문자 그대로 예수님과 사랑에 빠졌습니다. 주님의 부드러운 말씀과 사랑스런 친절함은 제가 평생 상상하고 기대했던것을 초월했습니다. 이 책은 저의 삶을 완전히 바꾸어놓았습니다. 저로 하여금 제가 어느 다른 갈망해 본 것이 없었던 것 처럼 예수님을 간절히 그리워하도록 만들었습니다. 깊은 밤에 주님이 크리스마스를 기뻐하시는 부분을 읽으며 저는 제 침대에 누워 주님의 말씀을 묵상하며 주남여사의 천국체험을 묵상했습니다. 등을 대고 누었을 때 저의 배는 단단해졌고 저도 모르는 사이에 저의 몸에 경련이 일어났습니다. 제가 체험한 것 중에 가장 강렬하고도 가장 경이적인 체험이었습니다.
저는 하나님께서 토마스 주남과 그녀의 책을 통해 다른 열린 영혼들을 움직이심을 굳게 믿습니다. 그리스도 안에서의 귀한 나의 형제 자매님들과 구원받지 못한 영혼들이 이 책을 열린 마음으로 받아 들이시길 기도합니다. 50. Tandy, Orlando, FL Amid the Glories of Heaven were presented the realities of Hell. There are also sobering criteria from Jesus, that ONLY the pure in heart will enter the kingdom
천국의 영광 가운데 지옥의 현실을 보여줍니다. 경외함, 아름다움, 놀라움, 안전함, 주님을 두려워 하는 마음, 기쁨, 영혼의 평안, 이 모든 것들을 영원히 거할 처소를 미리 보는 특권자로써 경험하게 될 것입니다. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
51. I want you to know about a book that I believe is vital to our and your future. [I have a copy for you.] Nancy Shelton, who sent this book to me, and her husband Fred have been our friends since the 1950s. They have remained true to their faith all these years and in a friendly and certainly not pushy way she has pointed us toward true belief in Christ and Heaven. This book was the turning point for us, as Choo Nam Thomas and Jesus intended. Also it has opened the door in my mind to discussing worship of Jesus with relatives and friends, for the first time in my life. I am pleasantly surprised at those who are receptive.
This book is changing our lives. I pray that Anita and I will work hard at it and live long enough to become worthy of Christ Jesus. I am writing a story on how the book is influencing us and what I plan to do with life from now on.
I do most of my serious reading just before retiring. I had just started reading the book "Heaven Is So Real", and read the first few chapters. After going to sleep, I had a strange occurrence early in that morning of February 2nd. Sometime after 1:00 AM when I went to the bathroom, I dreamed that I could see a bright light although it was not brilliant. I stirred and quickly went back to sleep. Just before 1:58 AM I saw a light that was terribly bright, like looking into the sun without sunglasses. I awoke shaking! Was this the power of suggestion from the book, or was it a happening like what happened to Choo Thomas many times? Perhaps I will find out.
I have never seen a bright light in my dreams before. I have accepted it as a sign that the book is important, very important. After reading the rest of this wonderful book I am even more convinced, and am reading it again and studying its references to catch more nuances.
What would you do if you knew with certainty that life on earth as you know it would cease in a very few years, and that this end would also include your family, friends and everyone you know? I don't know this of course, but the thought is startling! This is the central theme of the story I am writing. What would become important and urgent? What things important to you would no longer be so? What would you continue to do and concentrate on that has been part of your life? What would you now seek to do in greater earnestness? What would you stop doing as far as possible in order to concentrate on Jesus? How would your life until the time be different than it has been? Would you plan in detail or would you just wait? How would this be different from the thoughts of someone who did not know about Jesus' coming and had a terminal illness? George and Anita