VOCA. VOL. 7 - NO. 7 |
23. decrescendo [-`--'-] <adj.><adv.><n.> (pl. -dos) <Music> <adj.><adv.>
gradually reducing force, volume, or loudness ; diminuendo (opposed to crescendo)(强度(강도), 音量(음량), 惑(혹)은 소리의 세기가 漸漸(점점) 減少(감소) 하는, 漸減(점감)하는)
1) a gradual reduction in force, volume, or loudness(强度(강도), 音量(음량), 惑(혹)은 소리의 세기가 漸漸(점점) 減少(감소), 漸減(점감) 2) a decrescendo passage(漸減(점감) 樂節(악절))
24. decrescent [--'-] <adj.>
decreasing or waning, said esp. of the moon(줄어드는, 特(특)히 달에 關(관)해 이야기 할 때 이지러진)
25. excrement [-'--] <n.> <cl/ cr= break/ strike>
waste material expelled from the body after digestion, esp. fecal matter(特(특)히 똥과 같은 消化(소화) 後(후)에 몸으로부터 排出(배출)되는 老廢物(노폐물)) · The zookeeper cleaned the animal excrement from the cage. · David found dog excrement on his lawn every day.
『DEUT』 23:12 Designate a place outside the camp where you can go to relieve yourself. 23:13 As part of your equipment have something to dig with, and when you relieve yourself, dig a hole and cover up your excrement. <NIV>
23:12 You shall have a designated area outside the camp to which you shall go. 23:13 With your utensils you shall have a trowel; when you relieve yourself outside, you shall dig a hole with it and then cover up your excrement. <NRSV>
『신』 23:12 너의 진 밖에 변소를 베풀고 그리로 나가되 23:13 너의 기구에 작은 삽을 더하여 밖에 나가서 대변을 통할 때에 그것으로 땅을 팔 것이요 몸을 돌이켜 그 배설물을 덮을지니 <개역> 23:12 너희는 진 바깥의 한 곳에 변소를 만들어 놓고 그 곳에 갈 때에는, 23:13 너희의 연장 가운데서 삽을 가지고 가야 한다. 용변을 볼 때에는 그것으로 땅을 파고, 돌아설 때에는 배설물을 덮어라. <표준>
26. excreta [--'-] <n.> <cl/ cr= break/ strike>
waste matter, such as sweat, urine, or feces, excreted from the body(몸에서 排出(배출)되는 땀, 오줌, 惑(혹)은 똥과 같은 그러한 老廢物(노폐물))
27. excrete [--'] <vt.> <cl/ cr= break/ strike>
to eliminate (waste matter) from the blood, tissues, or organs(血液(혈액), 組織(조직)들, 臟器(장기)들로부터 (老廢物(노폐물))을 排出(배출)하다)
· The baby excreted waste into a diaper. · The cat excreted feces in its litter box.
28. excretion [--'-] <n.> <cl/ cr= break/ strike>
1) the process or act of excreting undigested food residues or metabolic wastes (消化(소화)되지 못한 飮食(음식) 찌꺼기나 新陳代謝(신진대사)의 老廢物(노폐 물)을 排出(배출)하는 過程(과정)이나 行爲(행위))
2) matter excreted, esp. as waste(特(특)히 老廢物(노폐물) 같은 排出物(배출물))
29. excrescence [--'-], excrescency [--'--] <n.>
1) a normal outgrowth or natural appendage, as a fingernail; process(손톱처럼 正常的(정상적)으로 자라거나 自然的(자연적)으로 덧붙여 진 것) 2) an abnormal or disfiguring outgrowth or addition, as a bunion(腱膜瘤(건막류) 처럼 非正常的(비정상적)이거나 損傷(손상)하면서 자란 것이나 덧붙여 진 것, 혹, 사마귀, 군살)
30. excrescent [--'-] <adj.>
forming an excrescence; growing abnormally; superfluous(군살을 形成(형성) 하는)
31. increase <vi.><vt.> [--'/ -'-] <n.> [-'-/ --'] <vi.>
1) to become greater or more numerous; augment; build; burgeon; enlarge; expand; grow; heighten; mount; multiply; rise; run up; snowball; upsurge; wax(增加(증가)하거나 수가 늘다, 增大(증대)하다) · The speed gradually increased. · The number of accidents increased after the stop sign was removed. · The speed limit increased to 60 miles per hour. · The increasing number of robberies worried the citizens. · After a week of exercise, Mary's increasing strength became evident.
『LUKE』 17:5 The apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith!" 17:6 He replied, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you. <NIV>
17:5 The apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith!" 17:6 The Lord replied, "If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it would obey you. <NRSV>
『눅』 17:5 사도들이 주께 여짜오되 우리에게 믿음을 더하소서 하니 17:6 주께서 가라사대 너희에게 겨자씨 한 알만한 믿음이 있었더면 이 뽕나무더러 뿌리가 뽑혀 바다에 심기우라 하였을 것이요 그것이 너희에게 순종하였으리라 <개역> 17:5 사도들이 주께 말하기를 "우리에게 믿음을 더하여 주십시오. "하니, 17:6 주께서 말씀하셨다. "너희에게 겨자씨 한 알 만한 믿음이라도 있으면, 이 뽕나무더러 뽑혀서 바다에 심기어라 하면 그대로 될 것이다. <표준>
2) to become greater in number by producing offspring; multiply; propagate (새끼들을 出生(출생)시킴으로써 수가 늘다, 增殖(증식)하다, 增殖(증식)하다) <vt.> 1) to make greater or more numerous; aggrandize; augment; beef up; boost; build; compound; enlarge; expand; extend; heighten; magnify; manifold; multiply; plus; push
(增加(증가)시키거나 수가 늘게 하다, 增大(증대)시키다) · He struggles to increase his wealth [power]. · Susan increased her employees' salaries. · Congress increased the speed limit to 65 miles per hour.
2) to make larger in amount; boost; hike; jack up; jump; put up; up(量(양)을 늘이다) <n.> 1) an increasing or becoming increased, specif., growth, enlargement, etc.; augmentation; addition; accession; accretion; augmentation; increment; rise (增加(증가), 增大(증대), 上昇(상승)) · The puppy's increase in size was noticeable. · The army could not stop the ruler's increase in power. 2) the result or amount of an increasing; boost; breakthrough; hike; rise; upgrade; wax(增加(증가)의 結果(결과)나 量(량)) · There was a population increase of 10%. · There was an increase in accidents after the stop sign at the corner was removed. · As part of her promotion, Susan also received an increase in pay. ▶ increasingly [--'--] <ad.>
32. increasingly [--'--] <ad.>
more and more; gradually(점점 더) · It has become increasingly difficult to turn left at the busy intersection. · Increasingly, people are choosing to work in the suburbs.
33. increasement [--'-] <n.>
34. increate [-`--'] <adj.>
(of divine beings(神聖(신성)한 것들에 關(관)해)) existing without having been created (創造(창조)되지 않고 存在(존재)하는)
▶ increately <adv.>
35. procrastinate [--'--`] <vi.><vt.> <cras= tomorrow>
<vi.> to defer action; dally; dawdle; delay; dillydally; drag; lag; linger; loiter; mull; poke; put off; tarry; trail((行動(행동)을 遲延(지연)하다) · You seem to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost. · Bob procrastinates because he never feels like working. · If you hadn't procrastinated, you would be done by now.
<vt.> to put off till another day or time; defer; delay(遲延(지연)시키다) · Susan procrastinated paying her bills, so she had to pay a late fee. · I procrastinated returning the library book until it was overdue.
▶ procrastination [--`--'-] <n.>
· Because of your procrastination, we missed the deadline. · Susan's procrastination in paying her bills resulted in late fees.
▶ procrastinative [--'--`-], procrastinatory [--'---`-] <adj.>
▶ procrastinator [--'--`-] <n.>
36. procreant [-'--] <adj.>
1) able to procreate (출산력이 있는)
2) pertaining to procreation (출산에 관한)
37. procreate [-'--`] <vt.><vi.>
1) to produce (young); beget (offspring); bear; breed; generate; multiply; produce; propagate; reproduce(새끼를 낳다, 번식하다) · She procreated an heir at last. · Rabbits procreate frequently. · People tend to procreate at an older age than a few years ago.
2) to produce or bring into existence; create(생기게 하거나 存在(존재)하게 하다)
▶ procreation [-`--'-] <n.>
38. recreate [-'--`] <vt.><vi.>
<vt.> to put fresh life into; refresh or restore in body or mind, esp. after work, by play, amusement, or relaxation; amuse; divert; entertain(生氣(생기)를 불어넣다, 特(특)히 日課(일과) 後(후)에 놀이, 娛樂(오락), 惑(혹)은 休養(휴양)함으로써 肉身(육신)이 生氣(생기)를 되찾게 하거나 回復(회복)시키다, 休養(휴양)하다) · The rest recreated him. · The retreat will recreate you.
<vi.> to take recreation(休養(휴양)하다)
39. re-create [-`--'] <vt.>
to create anew(새롭게 創造(창조)하다)
▶ re-creation [-`--'-] <n.>
40. recreation [-`--'-] <n.>
1) refreshment in body or mind, as after work, by some form of play, amusement, or relaxation; amusement; dissipation; distraction; diversion; divertissement; entertainment (例(예)를 들어 日課(일과) 後(후)에 어떤 形式(형식)의 놀이, 娛樂(오락), 惑(혹) 은 休養(휴양)함으로써 肉身(육신)이 生氣(생기)를 되찾음, 回復(회복), 休養) · For recreation, I like to go hiking and camping. · I went on vacation for rest and recreation.
2) any form of play, amusement, or relaxation used for this purpose, as games, sports, hobbies, etc.; disport; diversion; fun; play; sport(놀이, 運動(운동), 趣 味(취미), 其他(기타) 等等(등등)과 같은 以上(이상)의 目的(목적)을 위해 利用 (이용)되는 그 어떤 形式(형식)의 놀이, 娛樂(오락), 惑(혹)은 休養)
· Tennis is my favorite recreation.
▶ recreational [-`--'--] <a.>
· The city park provided many recreational activities. · The hotel's recreational facilities included a pool.
41. recrement [-'--] <n.> <cl; cr= break; strike cern; cert= fixed>
1) <Physiology(生理學(생리학))> a secretion, as saliva, that is reabsorbed by the body (唾液(타액)과 같이 身體(신체)가 再吸收(재흡수)하는 分泌物(분비물))
2) refuse separated from anything; debris; dirt; drain; dregs; dross; garbage;
junk; litter; offal; residues; riffraff; rubbish; sweepings; trash; waste(그 어떠한 것으로부터 分離(분리)되어 나오는 찌꺼기, 廢物(폐물))
· recremental [-`--'-] <adj.>
42. recruit [--'] <vt.><vi.><n.>
1) to raise or strengthen (an army, navy, or air force) by enlisting personnel (隊員(대원) 募集(모집)을 함으로써 (陸(육), 海(해), 空軍(공군))을 늘이거나 增强(증강)시키다)
2) to enlist (personnel) into an army, navy, or air force((隊員(대원))을 募兵 (모병)하여 陸(육), 海(해), 空軍(공군)에 編入(편입)시키다, 모병하다) · The sergeant recruited college graduates to join the army. 3) to enlist (new members) for a party, organization, etc.(政黨(정당), 機構(기구), 其他(기타) 等等(등등)을 爲(위)해 (新規(신규) 會員(회원)들)을 募集(모집)하다) · The senior recruited freshmen to join the fraternity.
4) (1) to increase or maintain by supplying anew; replenish(新規(신규) 補充 (보충)으로 늘이거나 維持(유지)하다)
(2) to revive or restore (health, strength, etc.); get back; recoup; recuperate; recover; regain; repossess; retrieve((健康(건강), 體力(체력), 其他(기타) 等等(등등))을 回復(회복)하다, 되찾다) · When he was a little recruited, he rose to go.
1) to enlist new personnel, esp. for a military force(特(특)히 軍隊(군대)를 위해 新入(신입) 隊員(대원)들을 募集(모집)하다)
2) (1) to get new supplies of something, as in replacement(例(예)를 들어 交替 (교체)할 때처럼 어떤 것의 새로운 補充(보충)을 받다)
(2) to regain health, strength, etc.((健康(건강), 體力(체력), 其他(기타) 等等 (등등))을 되찾다)
1) a recently enlisted or drafted soldier, sailor, etc.(新規(신규) 募集(모집) 惑(혹) 은 徵兵(징병)된 兵士(병사)나 水兵(수병)) · The new recruits' heads were shaved.
2) a new member of any group, body, or organization; apprentice; beginner; boot; colt; fledgling; freshman; neophyte; newcomer; novice; novitiate; punk; rookie; tenderfoot; tyro(그 어떤 組織(조직)의 新規(신규) 會員(회원)/ 構成員(구성원), 新參(신참), 初步者(초보자))
· New recruits for a fraternity are called pledges. ant. adept; artist; artisan; artiste; authority; crackerjack; expert; master; old hand; pro; professional; proficient; skilled worker; veteran; virtuoso; whiz
cf: adept; deft; adroit; dexterous; dextrous; ambidextrous; ambidexterous; crack; crackerjack; crafty; clever; expert; good; handy; masterful; masterly; master; practiced; practical; proficient; seasoned; skilled; skillful; veteran; professional ant. amateur; amateurish; inexperienced; fledgling
▶ recruitment [--'-] <n.> |
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