I searched the web for “mind affectionate rubric in homeopathy” and found some results that might be helpful. Here are some of them:
One of the results is a blog post titled “Single Remedy Mind Rubrics- Kent’s Repertory” by homeopathy3601. It lists some mind rubrics that have only one remedy in Kent’s repertory, such as:
ARDENT : Nux-v.
ATTITUDES, assumes strange : Plb.
BLINDNESS, pretended : Verat.
Another result is a PDF document titled “Interpretation of mind rubrics” by homeobook.com2. It explains the meanings and applications of some common mind rubrics, such as:
ANXIETY : A state of uneasiness or apprehension about future uncertainties. It may be accompanied by physical symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, trembling, etc. Anxiety may be general or specific to a situation or object.
DELUSIONS : False beliefs that are firmly held despite evidence to the contrary. They may involve themes of persecution, grandeur, guilt, jealousy, etc. Delusions may be systematized or unsystematized, meaning they may or may not follow a logical pattern.
FEAR : An emotional response to a perceived threat or danger. It may be rational or irrational, and may trigger a fight-or-flight response. Fear may be expressed as phobias, panic attacks, nightmares, etc.
OBSTINATE : A stubborn persistent individual who refuses to change their opinion or course of action despite opposition or persuasion. They may be rigid, inflexible, or dogmatic in their views or behavior.
A third result is a web page titled “Mind Rubrics in Homeopathic Repertorizing” by Resonance School of Homeopathy3. It suggests some useful mind rubrics that often come up in case-taking and can help to find the best remedy, such as:
ANGER; from contradiction : Always angry if others do not agree with him.
COMPANY, aversion to : When the person prefers to be alone.
DWELLS; on past disagreeable experiences : When they cannot get a past hurt off of their mind.
LAUGHING; over serious matters : When the person laughs as they are telling their painful story.
TIME; passes too quickly : The day seems to pass in mere minutes.
I hope this information is useful for you. 😊