Creativity and idea formation may seem like a mysterious practice at first.
Indeed some of our best inventors seem to have incredibly brilliant minds or some (seem to have) heightened powers of common sense.
Lawrence Birdseye, for example, took a trip Canada and saw some fish that had been naturally frozen and thawed (freeze/thaw). He borrowed the idea from nature and thus the frozen food industry was born.
A second example is when a creative soul(=man) realized that wherever there are pens there must be ink. Why not combine the two? The result was the invention of the fountain pen.
Why do some people get these ideas and (why) not others?
The heart of all new ideas lies in the borrowing. adding, combining, or modifying of old ones.
Do it by accident and people call you lucky.
Do it by design and they will call you creative.
All of us have the ability to create ideas almost at will.
The problem is to understand and put to (practical) use the processes(use의 object) that allow us to do it more efficiently. 문제는 그것을 이해하고 보다 더 낫게 할 수 있는 어떤 절차(工程)을 실제로 해 보는 것이다. 즉 어떤 것인가를 잘 이해 한 다음 좀 더 좋은 방법이 없을가 연구하여 실제로 해 보는 것이 관건이다라는 뜻.
* to put to use 는 실제로 사용하다. 목적어를 가짐. - 보통은 수동태로 to be put to use.
Think of your creative abilities as a mental muscle.
To get the most from this muscle, you must exercise it and strengthen it.
(Five steps for the development of new ideas)
It is generally agreed that there are five steps in the act of developing new ideas;
First insight, Preparation, Incubation, Illumination, and Test.
1. First Insight 들여다 보는 단계:
You have a problem you want to solve or an activity you want to do;
you want a better job;
the house needs redecorating;
your company produces a waste material which you want to turn into a profitable by-product.
All of these are examples of first insight.
2. Preparation: 자료수집 준비 단계
Now you examine all the possible ways in which this first idea can be developed.
Get as much information as you can about the subject;
read, take notes, talk to others, ask questions, and collect information.
3. Incubation: 熟考하는 단계 in- "on" + cubare "to lie" = lie on. 알을 품는 것.
Now let your subconsciousness take over.
Take a walk, take a nap, take a bath, work on another project or hobby and sleep on it.
4. Illumination: 번쩍 떠오름 啓示
This is the climax of the creative process.
An insight comes into the mind, and suddenly everything falls into place 제자리에 놓여지다.
Charles Darwin had gathered all information for his theory of evolution. Then one day when he was riding in his carriage, it all came together.
"I remember." Darwin wrote, "the very spot in the road when to my joy the solution occurred to me."
5. Test:
In spite of all the wonderful insights, illumination can be very unreliable.
Intellect and judgment are brought into play and your guesses and inspirations are logically tested.
You will revise your good ideas several times or even come up with new and better insights in the process.
(Summing up the entire concept,)
the key to understanding the creative cycle is to realize that there are five distinct phases.
1. Firstly there is the desire to create, 2. followed by a long period of investigating and information gathering.
3. Then there is a period of incubation when the subconscious(ness) takes over.
4. This gives rise to the moment of illumination when the results of the subconscious effort surface 부상하다.
5. Finally, there is a period of refining and testing the ideas created.
Put this process to work, so that maybe someday 그리하면 아마도언제가는 , you will see your own name among history's great thinkers
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