환자 앙와위, 검사자는 환자의 발가락을 잡고 빠르게 아래로 굴곡시킴
metatasalgia가 없는 환자는 불편이 없고, 아래와 같은 metatarsalgia가 있는 환자는 통증이 악화됨
동영상 추가
Metatarsalgia is a very common condition that usually affects only the bottom of the ball of the foot. Occasionally, there will be some symptoms at the top of the forefoot near where the toes join the foot, but only after or concurrent with symptoms on the bottom of the ball of the foot. Metatarsalgia typically affects the bottom of the second metatarsophalangeal joint (where the second toe joins the foot). However, any of the other metatarsals can be affected. In more unusual cases, more than one metatarsal can be affected on one foot. When metatarsalgia affects the second metatarsophalangeal joint, it also sometimes called “second metatarsophalangeal stress syndrome”.
The primary cause for metatarsalgia is repetitive application of excessive force to one metatarsal area more than
the others. The second metatarsal is most commonly affected typically because there are a number of factors
that can lead to excess force on that bone/joint area.
Factors that can lead to metatarsalgia
Metatarsal bone longer than the others
Metatarsal bone lower than the others
Adjacent unstable first metatarsal
Adjacent bone higher than the others (transfer loading)
Associated hammertoe
Tight calf muscle
High heeled shoes
Shoes with inadequate cushioning
The pain typically feels like a deep bruise. Sometimes, it will feel like there is a rock under the ball of the foot.
These symptoms are usually worse when walking or standing barefoot on a hard surface or poorly cushioned
shoe, and better when in well-cushioned shoes. At the end of a day with substantial standing and/or walking,
the area can throb a bit. It is not uncommon to have a callus located under the affected metatarsal.
Pain usually is first noticed at the bottom of the ball of the foot and there is no swelling. With progression,
swelling can appear, along with tenderness at the top side of the joint. In some cases, bursitis will form adjacent
to the metatarsal. In even more advanced cases, the joint capsule and ligaments on the bottom of the joint can
wear out and rupture, leading to the progressive development of a hammertoe.
The diagnosis of metatarsalgia is usually easily made with a careful history and physical exam. X-rays are
usually not helpful in making the diagnosis. Special tests, such as bone scans, MRI, and laboratory tests are
usually not required.
Mimickers of metatarsalgia include intermetatarsal neuroma (also called Morton’s neuroma), stress fractures,
and arthritis. Neuromas can be differentiated fairly well by the examination. Stress fractures can be
differentiated by pain and swelling more on the top of the foot, as well as with a bone scan. Arthritis usually
has more pain and swelling on the top of the joints, and usually more than one joint is involved.
Non-surgical treatment of metatarsalgia can be quite effective. This form of treatment should be comprehensive
and continuous until the pain has been resolved at least 2 months. If cases fail to respond to non-surgical
treatment, either permanent alteration of footwear, lifestyle, and activities or surgical correction might be
첫댓글 metatarsalgia(중족골통)
개념: 발의 앞 쪽, 특히 발의 제일 넓은 부위인 중족골의 발바닥 부위에 생기는 족부 질환
진단: Strunsky's test (환자 앙와위, 검사자는 환자의 발가락을 잡고 빠르게 아래로 굴곡)
-중족골이 다른 것 보다 longer
-중족골이 다른 것 보다 lower
-첫째 중족골의 인접한 불안정성
-인접한 뼈가 다른 것 보다 higher
-신발의 부적합한 쿠션
-과사용 등
-발을 30~50cm정도 높은 곳에 올리고 잠
-얼음찜질 30분 후 휴식
-맞춤 깔창 사용 -> 발바닥 전체로 압력이 분산되도록