1. ever와 never
1) ever : 지금까지
2) never : 결코 ~이 아니다.
2. have + pp = 현재완료 ☞ 경험, 계속, 완료, 결과
1) 과거 : I studied English.
2) 현재 : I study English.
3) 현재진행 : I am studying English.
4) 현재완료 : I have studied English.
ever : Have you ever studied English.
never : I have never studied English.
5) 미래 : I will study English. I am going to study English.
3. 진주어, 가주어
To study English is difficult.
☞ It is difficult to study English.
4. There is~, Here is~
1) There is a book. (책이 한 권 있다.) ☞ there는 유도부사
2) Here is a book. (여기에 책이 한 권 있다.)
5. 관계대명사
1) 사람 : who
2) 사물 : which
3) that은 어디에나 쓸 수 있다.
4) that만 써야 하는 경우도 있다. ☞ all, the same, the very, the only
6. 직접화법에서 주어와 동사의 도치
He said "Come here."
= "Come here." he said.
= "Come here." said he.
☞ 강조하기 위해서, 다양하게 쓰기 위해서
7. ~해야 한다 : must > have to > should
8. 말하다.
1) Tell me.
2) Say to me.
3) Talk to me.
4) Speak to me.
※ 현재완료 예문
1) 경험 : I have ever been to the U.S.?
2) 계속 : I have studied for an hour.
3) 완료 : I have just come.
4) 결과 : I have lost my phone.