13 Human Person’s Logangelus
Write by MrJun
“One that baby is Taking We and We will very Money. Taken, That baby is which baby, We using, Taking use will Money very make utilize.”
“But, What doing How it? That baby, Listen to Me, straight our say Well.”
“So, This is using”
“This it is, hypnosis syringe, Only This, mount poking butt, by itself like a good That baby Our say”
“At any cost, Is mount butt?”
“Other is danger dying and No. Doing died That baby is Not help We”
“Then How butt That baby…?”
“So, Watch Well, Let’s Find Chance”
After a good while sunlight eyes. Here is where. My Hands be tie behind waist. And foodstep foodstep foodstep. Step sound feeling murderous is heard in dark. That step is increasingly approached, Tone thick man’s voice is Hear. That baby? Yes, Clearly That’s correct. That baby is Ready, That baby in finger Devil’s Ring. Nothing escape Here. If Not wiz in Legend, Never escape possible. If There is escape, It is time move or space move are possible, The story gose that superhuman. That baby is Just Normal Man. Do Do In finger Devil’s Ring, Not Possibe Such ability. Devil is Perhaps think In finger To hold That baby. Don’t know reason. Do know our identity That baby? Maybe, Don’t know. Doing How That baby? Devil’s Ring is How done? May What Do Have to What. Never Ring Delete At Finger. Waiting Done Sir’s order. No Delete? Hum… Yet More Wait. Have to More Maybe Know At That Baby Have Any Ability at all. If See What Not Run Away, Our don’t kwoing Psychic Power is Perhaps No have. That baby is Suring Killing our baby? Yes, Sure. But Don’t Konow How Kill. At Time Killing Our Baby, Talked Sure That. That baby, Scare. Sure Listened Said For That Baby Killed We All. Not Well Fight, Not Had Gun or Knife. Don’t know done How do. Me Too Real is Scare That Baby. So have permit Delete Ring Too. Real? Hum… Then, Do Need Do What. “My”’s Face is whiened. Here is have out. How out Here? That time, In “My”’s Head vibration What Blow is whispered to me. Don’t Think. And More open mouth. And entrust as flow Your Body. At“My”’s mouth Started weird sound. chiki chiki chook chook chichcichi choochoochoochoo chookchoochook. And I am stamp one's feet repeatedly~~~ (Next is other translate refer. MrJun Translate is Poem Kind, Copy Kind, Concept Kind)