wait 기다리다
Hurry up! Everyone’s waiting.
Wait right here until I come back.
wait for ~ = await ~을 기다리다
Time and tide wait for no man. 세월은 사람을 기다리지 않는다(歲月不待人).
I’m still waiting for my test results.
I can’t wait for my vacation.
Their new album was well worth waiting for.
be worth ~ing ~할 가치가 있다
Well, what are you waiting for? Go and apologize.
What are we waiting for? I’m waiting for the bus to arrive.
Why are you standing there? I’m waiting for John (to come).
A letter is waiting for you.
Death awaits us all. 죽임이 우리 모두를 기다리고 있다.
await = wait for
Several men are awaiting trial for robbery.
A terrible surprise awaited them at Mr. Tumnus.
A pleasant surprise awaited her.
Wilson was merely waiting his chance to get revenge.
I’m just waiting for him to realize how he was stupid.
Everything comes to those who wait. 기다리는 사람에게 모든 것이 이루어진다.
We had to wait over a full [clean] hour for the bus.
They’ll just have to wait until I’m ready.
can wait 급하지 않다, 미룰 수 있다
Dinner can wait. 저녁 식사는 나중에 해도 된다.
That matter can wait until tomorrow. 그 문제는 내일까지 미루어도 된다.
Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for ages.
Are you waiting to use the phone?
keep a person waiting = make a person wait 사람을 기다리게 하다
I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.
= I’m sorry to have made you wait.
Have you heard about the job? No, I’m still waiting.
Wait a second [ a minute, a moment], I’ll get my coart and come with me.
Wait a minute [ a second, a moment]. That’s what we agreed!
Wait a moment [a second, a minute], I’m sure I know her name.
know a man by name (얼굴은 모르나) 이름은 알고 있다
know a man by sight (이름은 모르나) 얼굴은 알고 있다.
I know her by sight, but I don’t think I’ve ever spoken to her.
It’s a big school but the principal knows everyone by name.
He looked very different, but I knew him by his voice.
We’re going to Australiaon Saturday- I can’t wait!
Tina can’t wait to get home.
A lecture on trnsformational grammar? I can’t wait.
What’s so important? Can’t it wait till tomorrow? No, I can’t.
wait and see 경과[형세]를 관망하다
You’ll have to wait and see what Father Christmas brings you.
We had no other resource but to wait and see.
기다리면서 관망하는 것 밖에 다른 방법이 없다.
Wait till [until] you see Gaby’s new house.
The report was typed up and waiting when they came back from college.
wait on tables = wait at table, wait on [at] 식사 시중을 들다
She was required to set the table and remove the dishes, as well as waiting at table.
set [lay, spread, prepare] the table = spread dishes on the table, spread the table (with dishes), lay the cloth 식탁을 차리다, 식사 준비를 하다(fix a meal 식사 준비를 하다)
remove the dishes = wash the dishes, do the dishes 설거지하다
is waiting (물건이) 준비되어 있다.
Dinner is waiting for you. 만찬이 준비되어 있다.
Dinner can wait. 만찬은 나중에 해도 된다.
She will wait on [at] table. 그녀가 식사를 시중들 것이다.
Please don’t wait dinner for us. 우리 때문에 식사를 늦추지 마세요.
She will wait on [at] table 그녀가 식사 시중을 들것이다.
I’ll get you back for what you’ve done, just you wait.
wait (식사등을) 미루다, 연기하다
Don’t wait dinner [lunch, supper] for me, I’ll be home later.
Your vacation will have to wait.
You’ll have to wait your turn.
waited around [about] (근처에서) 서성거리며 기다리다.
We waited around at the stage door to try and see the stars.
wait behind (누가 가버린) 뒤에 남다
Paulo waited behind to speak to her alone.
I have to wait in for the repair man.
wait in for 집에서 ~누가 오기를 기다리다.
We’re waiting on the blood test results.
waits on [serve] ~ hand and foot 알뜰히 ~의 시중을 들다.
His wife waits on him hand and foot.
wait out ~이 호전될 때까지 기다리다
Let’s find a place where we can wait out the storm.
wait up for ~ 자지않고 ~을 기다리다.
Don’t wait up for me. I’ll be very late.
have a long [a forty-minute, a full [clear] hour, a two-hour] wait 오랫동안 [40분, 꼬박 한시간, 두 시간] 기다리다
have a forty-minute wait 40분 기다리다
have an hour wait 꼬박 한 시간 기다리다
We had quite a long wait.
=We waited for quite a long time. 우리는 꽤 오랫동안 기다렸다.
wait and see = wait for the cat to jump, see[watch] which way the cat will jump
형세를 관망하다, 기회를 엿보다
We’ll just wait and see.