1 历史 编辑 1 History Edit
起源 Origin
前453年三家分晋 ,由于魏国地处中央四战之地 ,忧患的环境和勃勃雄心使魏文侯成为战国最早推行变法图强的君主。 453 years before the three sub-Jin , as Wei is centrally located four games of the land , the environment and the ambitions of hardship make WeiWenHou become Warring States to implement political reforms first monarch. 他用翟璜为相,改革弊政;用乐羊为将,攻掠中山国 ;以李悝变法 ,教授法经,依法治国,魏国呈现出蒸蒸日上的旺盛生机。 He Zhai Juan relative, reform of maladministration; with music sheep to be, Gonglue Zhongshan State ; to Kui Reform , Professor of Law and Economics, the rule of law, Wei showed exuberant vitality thriving. 战国 250余年历史中,魏国是最先强盛而称雄的国家。 Warring States 250 years of history, Wei was the first country strong and dominating. 公元前403年, 魏与赵 、 韩一起被名义尚存的周天子正式封为诸侯 。 403 BC, Wei and Zhao , Korea along with the name of the surviving Zhou officially crowned princes .
魏国疆域甚散漫,在今陕西省境内者,沿黄河有今韩城县的南部。 Wei territory very undisciplined, in the territory of today's Shaanxi Province, along the Yellow River County in the south of Korea today. 在渭河以南有华阴县左右地。 In the Weihe River to the south there are Huayin County about land. 在今山西省境内者,有西南部,并伸入东南部。 In this Shanxi territory who have the southwest, and into the southeast. 在今河南省境内者,有北部,并兼有黄河以南一部分沿河地。 In today Henan Province territory who have the north, and both the Yellow River to the south part of the land along the river. 在今河北省境内者,有今大名、广平间地。 In this Hebei territory who have this name, Quang Binh between places. 并有今山东省冠县地。 And there is now Shandong Province Guan County land.
地区 Area
其主要地区为:今山西省西南部的河东和今河南省北部的河内,以今山西省东南部的上党为交通孔道。 Its main areas: today Shanxi Province in southwest and east today , Henan Province, north of Hanoi, in this Shanxi southeast of the party for the traffic channel. (据杨宽 《 战国史 》)国都原在安邑 (今山西省夏县 )。 (According to Yang Kuan " Warring States history ") of the original capital in Anyi (now Shanxi province Xiaxian ). [1] [1]
公元前430年,为了变法图强,称雄图霸,魏文侯把都城从安邑迁都洹水(今河北魏县 )。 430 BC, for political reforms, rule the roost Dominate, Wenhou the capital moved the capital from Anyi Huan water (now Hebei Wei Xian ). [1] [1] 公元前361年,魏惠王从魏县迁都大梁(今河南开封)。 361 BC, Wei Hui Wang Wei Xian moved the capital from the beam (now Kaifeng). 惠王六年迁都大梁 (今河南省开封市),国号亦称梁。 Hui Wang moved the capital to six beam (now in Henan Kaifeng City), the country also known as the beams. 传至王假,于秦始皇二十二年(前225年)为秦所灭。 Spread false king, in Terracotta two years (225 years ago) was destroyed by the Qin. 魏国的灭亡是战国时期的结束的标志之一,旧的局势被打破了。 Wei's demise marks the end of one of the Warring States period, the old situation is broken.
三家分晋 Three sub-Jin
魏国的先祖是周文王之子毕公高 , 周武王牧野东征之后,他被封在毕,后代于是就以毕为氏。 Wei's ancestors is the emperor 's son graduates high public , King Wu Makino conquests after he was sealed in Albert, offspring so they to Bi 's. 毕国亡国后, 毕公高的后代毕万逃到晋国 ,为晋献公作大夫 ,出征居车右,立有战功,被封到魏 ,立为“魏氏”,日后逐渐发展为晋国六卿之一。 Bi country after the subjugation, Bi public high offspring Bevan fled to Jin , as Jin Xian as doctor , living off the car right, stands a military exploits, was closed to Wei , Li is "Westergren," Jin gradually developed into the future One of six ministers. 晋献公死后,四子争位,是时毕万之子魏犨随公子重耳流亡在外。 Jin Xian 's death, four sons vying for positions, when Bevan 's son Wei Chou with son Chong exile. 十九年后, 重耳返国立为晋文公 ,而令魏犨为大夫 ,是为魏武子 ,魏渐强。 Nineteen years later, Chong returned to the National Gong , and make Wei Chou as the doctor is to Weiwu Zi Wei crescendo. 春秋末年, 晋阳之战发生, 魏桓子 、 韩康子本为智伯部下,却又倒戈,与赵氏共灭智伯 ,并瓜分其所有领地,从此晋国赵、魏、韩三卿独霸。 Spring and Autumn Dynasty, Battle of Jinyang happen, Wei Huanzi , 韩康子 this is Zhibo men, but turned against him, and Zhao total off Zhibo , and divide up all of its territory, from the Jin Zhao, Wei, Han Sanqing dominate.
公元前453年 , 魏 、 韩 、 赵战胜智氏 ,并三分其地,至此晋国实际上已被三家瓜分,名存实亡。 453 BC , Wei , Han , Zhao defeated Chi's , and one-third of its land, bringing Jin actually been three divided up in name only. 周威烈王二十三年(前403年), 周威烈王封魏斯 、 赵籍 、 韩虔三大夫为诸侯,脱离晋国 ,并将晋国领地瓜分,晋只剩绛城与曲沃两处,史称“ 韩 赵魏三家分晋 ”。 Zhou Wei Lie Wang 23 years (403 years ago), Zhou Wei Lie Wang Feng Weiss , Zhao Ji , Han Qian three doctors for the princes, from the Jin and Jin territory carved up, leaving Jin Jiang City and quwo two, Known as " Han Zhao Wei, Jin three points . " 公元前376年,韩、赵、魏废晋静公 ,晋国最后灭亡。 In 376 BC, Han, Zhao, Wei waste Duke Jing of Jin , Jin finally perish.
[1] [1] 公元前430年,为了变法图强,称雄图霸,魏文侯把都城从安邑迁都洹水(今河北魏县 )。 430 BC, for political reforms, rule the roost Dominate, Wenhou the capital moved the capital from Anyi Huan water (now Hebei Wei Xian ). [1] [1] 公元前361年,魏惠王从魏县迁都大梁(今河南开封)。 361 BC, Wei Hui Wang Wei Xian moved the capital from the beam (now Kaifeng).
魏文侯图强 Wenhou Tuqiang
魏文侯在战国七雄中首先实行变法,改革政治,奖励耕战,兴修水利,发展封建经济,北灭中山国 (今河北西部平山 、灵寿一带)。 Wenhou in Warring States in the first implementation of reform, political reform, incentives war farming, irrigation, development of the feudal economy, destroy North Zhongshan State (now Hebei west Hirayama , lingshou area). 西取秦西河(今黄河与洛水间)之地,遂成为战国初期最强大的国家。 Take West Qin River (now the Yellow River and the Lo rooms) of the land, became the Warring States the most powerful nation early. 特别是文侯时期启用吴起,采取武卒制,精选士兵进行训练,建立了一支高度职业化的军事力量,对魏国初期的强盛发挥了重要作用。 Especially during Wen Hou Qi enabled, take martial soldier system, the selection of soldiers for training, the establishment of a highly professional military force, for the prosperity of the early Wei played an important role.
魏文侯 Wenhou
魏文侯任用李悝 、 吴起 、 乐羊 、 西门豹 、 子夏 、 翟璜 、 魏成等人,富国强兵,抑制赵国 ,灭掉中山,连败秦 、 齐 、 楚诸国,开拓大片疆土,使魏国一跃为中原的霸主。 Wenhou appointment Kui , Qi , Yue Yang , Ximen Bao , Zi Xia , Zhai Juan , WEI Cheng et al., Fuguoqiangbing inhibit Zhao , exterminate Zhongshan, straight Qin , Qi , Chu Asian countries, to develop large tracts of territory, so Wei jumped for the Central Plains overlord.
更为重要的是, 魏文侯任用李悝主持魏国的变法工作和法制建设,影响了中国政治两千年。 More importantly, Wenhou appointment Kui Reform chaired Wei work and the legal system, the impact of the two thousand years of Chinese politics. 后来的秦国献公、孝公和商鞅变法都是以魏国为蓝本的。 Later Qin public offer, the duke and Shang Yang Wei are all modeled. 魏文侯拜子夏为师,把儒的地位提到了从来未有的高度,达到了收取士人心的政治目的,是后世帝王尊儒笼络知识阶级的始作俑者 。 Wenhou worship Zi Xia as a teacher, the Confucianism has never mentioned the status of height and reach people with disabilities to receive political purpose is to win the later Emperor王尊儒knowledge class instigator . 魏文侯在政治、经济、文化、 军事上的策略,为后世的帝王所推崇,魏文侯的施政经验是中华帝国的一个经典样本。 Wenhou in the political, economic, cultural, military tactics on for future generations of emperors respected WeiWenHou policy experience is the Chinese Empire a classic sample. [2] [2]
武侯变法 Wuhou Reform
魏文侯死后,其子魏武侯即位,魏武侯在位期间,任用军事家吴起进行改革,国力继续上升。 Wenhou died, his son Wei Wuhou throne, Wei Wuhou reign, appointment strategist Qi reform, national continues to rise. 等到魏武侯之子魏惠王在位的时候,魏国已经称霸中原长达百年。 Until Wei Wuhou son Wei Hui Wang reign, Wei has been a century-long dominate the Central Plains. 公元前343年,魏惠王率领诸侯朝见周天子,正式标志着魏国成为新一代的霸主。 In 343 BC, the Zhou Wei Hui Wang led the audience with princes, Weiguo Cheng officially marks a new generation of overlord.
2 魏国称霸 编辑 2 Wei dominate editor
公元前354年, 赵国进攻卫国 ,夺取漆及富丘两地。 In 354 BC, Zhao attack Patriotic win both paint and rich mound. 因为卫国是魏国保护国,魏国无法坐视不理,于是立即联合宋国出兵助卫反攻,魏卫宋三国联军直逼赵国首都邯郸 ,赵国被逼闭门防守,并派人向齐国求救。 Because Weiguo is Wei protectorate, Wei could not sit idly by, and immediately sent troops to help guard the joint offensive Song, Wei Wei Zhao Song Sanguo forces encroaching capital Handan , Zhao defense forced closed and sent to the Qi for help. 联军于是包围邯郸 ,希望一举歼灭赵国,以解除被诸国包围之局。 So the coalition forces surrounded Handan , Zhao annihilate hope to lift bureau is surrounded by the countries. 但是在同一时间,秦国乘魏军主力不在,偷袭魏国少梁,并夺得少梁,魏国在这场战争里被围攻的危险反而变得更大。 But at the same time, Qin Wei ride is not the main, less attack Wei Liang, and Liang won less danger of Wei during the war in the besieged but became larger.
齐威王得知赵国被围,本欲立即出兵,但将军段干朋主张延迟出兵,以“承魏之弊”为战略方针。 King Wei Zhao siege that this desire to send troops immediately, but the general proposition friend stem segment delay sending troops to "Cheng Wei disadvantages" as a strategic approach. 即是先以少量的兵力向南攻击襄陵,以制造假像,可以表示助赵,又可以牵制和疲惫魏国。 That is the first to a small number of troops to the south to attack xiangling to create false images, can be represented to help Zhao Wei and can contain and tired. 再待魏军攻陷邯郸,魏、赵双方均已无力再战之时,再给予正面的攻击。 Then wait at Handan, Wei, Zhao Wei both sides of the battles have been unable to capture, and then give a positive attack. 齐威王接受了这个提议,在赵魏两军相持一年多,邯郸城快要失陷之时,方才委任田忌为主帅, 孙膑为军师,率领齐军主力驰援赵国。 The duke accepted this proposal, Zhao Wei military stalemate in more than a year, when about to fall of Handan City, had just appointed tianji as coach, Sun Bin as military advisor, led by Zhao Qi main rush to the rescue.
刚开始,田忌计划奔赴邯郸,与魏军主力决战,解决邯郸之围。 Initially, tianji plan went Handan, and Wei main battle, solve Handan siege. 但孙膑认为这不利于齐国,于是提出了更为创新和可行的方法,即“批亢捣虚”与“疾走大梁”。 But Sun Bin Qi think this does not help, then proposed method is more innovative and viable, that is, "Kang pound batch 'and' Rush beam." “批亢捣虚”即是避实击虚,攻其必救,使敌人出现后顾之忧,前线之围便会自动解开。 "Batch Kang pound dummy" that is, to avoid the strike is true, it will save the attack, the enemy appears to worry, it will automatically unlock the front of the siege. “疾走大梁”即是以迅雷不及掩耳之势向魏国重城大梁进逼,以切断魏国的运输要道,并攻其所不备。 "Rush beam" that is the lightning speed to heavy city Wei beam advancing to cut Wei transportation arteries, and they are not prepared to attack. 这样一来,魏军定必回师自救,齐军则可乘其疲惫于路,一举击败魏军,而赵国之围则自动解除。 As a result, Wei will certainly return in triumph to save themselves, it can take its tired at the Qi Lu, Wei beat, while Zhao is automatically lifted the siege.
孙膑这一招“批亢捣虚”使得田忌甚为拜服,立即采用。 Sun Bin this move, "Kang pound batches virtual" makes very tian worship service, immediately adopted. 于是齐军主力立即向大梁挺进。 So Qi immediately advance to the main beam. 在此危急存亡之际,虽然邯郸城已攻破,魏军还是不得只以少数兵力留守邯郸 ,并由主帅庞涓亲率主力回驰大梁。 This despite the occasion, although Handan city is smitten, Wei is not only in a small number of troops left behind Handan by coach Pang Juan Chi back to lead a main beam. 但同时间,齐军已于桂陵 (今山东菏泽东北一带)设伏,准备截击魏军。 But at the same time, Qi was Gui Ling (now Shandong Heze northeast area) ambush, ready to intercept Wei. 魏军由于长期在外作战,已疲态毕露,再加以长途跋涉之急速行军,士兵皆战意大降。 Wei out due to the long war, has been absolutely shattered weakness, coupled with the rapid march of the trek, the soldiers are war drop. 于是齐魏一交战,魏军大败。 So a war Wei Qi, Wei defeated.
不过,实力雄厚的魏国并未受到严重损失,并且仍然实现了攻克赵国首都邯郸的战略目标。 However, the strength of Wei did not suffer serious losses, and still achieve the capture Zhao capital Handan strategic objectives. 公元前352年,魏国联合韩国将齐国打垮。 In 352 BC, Wei Qi defeated the joint South Korea. 魏国的霸业得到继续发展。 Wei dominance continue to evolve.
马陵之战 Battle of Maling
公元前342年,魏国为了补偿在桂陵之战时的损失,出兵攻打邻近弱小的韩国。 342 BC, Wei Gui Ling in order to compensate for the loss of wartime, sent troops to attack the weak neighboring South Korea. 韩国并不是魏国的对手,只得遣使向齐国求救。 Korea is not the opponent Wei, Qi had sent envoys to help. 齐威王在征求孙膑的意见后,决定再次坐山观虎斗,待魏韩火拼一番后才出兵救援,这样则“尊名”与“重利”皆得。 The duke , after soliciting the views of Sun Bin, decided sidelines once again, to be Han Wei rush to send troops after some relief, so that the "beautiful names" and "materialistic" who obtain. 韩国在拼命抵抗仍五战皆败后,只得再次向齐国求援。 South Korea is still hard to resist after losing all five games, only help to Qi again. 齐威王看到魏、韩两国皆元气大伤,认为时机成熟,于是委任田忌为主帅, 田婴为副帅,孙膑任军师,率领齐军直逼魏国首都大梁 。 The duke saw Wei and South Korea are decimated, that the time is ripe, then appointed as coach Tian Ji, Tian Ying for Fushuai, any strategist Sun Bin, led by Qi Wei encroaching capital girders . 再度施展一次围魏救赵 ,不过这次所要解救的是韩国。 Once again cast Weiweijiuzhao , but this time to be rescued in South Korea.
魏国不愿重蹈覆彻,于是停止进攻韩国,转而与齐国决战。 Wei reluctant to repeat thoroughly covered, so stop attacking South Korea, instead of Qi battle. 魏惠王将攻韩的魏军撤回,并任命太子申为上将军,以庞涓为将,统率十万魏军攻向齐军,要与齐军一决雌雄。 Wei Hui Wang Wei to attack South Korea to withdraw and apply for the appointment of Prince generals to Pang Juan as will, in command of one hundred thousand headed towards Wei Qi, to a showdown with the Qi. 这时齐军已深入魏境,欲退不能,因此只得与魏军决战。 Then Qi Wei has penetrated the environment, not to retreat, it had to battle with Wei. 孙膑针对魏军强悍善战,因而轻视齐军的弱点,大打心理战,先向魏军示弱,引诱魏军深入,再施以出其不意的攻击,一举歼灭魏军,并获得主帅田忌采纳。 Sun Bin Wei against tough fighter, so despise weakness Qi big psychological warfare, Xian Xiang Wei weakness, Wei lure depth, and then subjected to surprise attack, annihilate Wei and get coach tianji adopted. 于是孙膑定下了减灶诱敌,设伏聚歼的谋略。 So Sun Bin stove set the cut to lure the enemy, ambush annihilate the strategy.
结果齐军依计行事,与魏军接触后,立即佯装战败后撤。 Qi results in accordance with terms to act after contact with Wei, immediately pretend defeat retreat. 并以“减灶”之策诱敌,即在第一天挖十万人煮食用的灶,第二天减少至只足五万人用,第三天又减少至仅足三万人用,造成齐军士卒四散逃走,兵力不足的假象。 And to "reduce kitchen" of the policy to lure the enemy, that hundreds of thousands of people on the first day of digging cooking stoves used to reduce only the next day to meet with five million, the third day was reduced to only use the full three thousand,齐军士 cause death fled, illusion insufficient troops. 庞涓一如孙膑所料,果然中计,接连追击齐军三天,并因看到齐军天天减灶的情况,得意忘形起来,认定齐军败绩已呈。 Sun Bin Pang Juan as expected, turned the meter, three days after another chase Qi and Qi due to see the situation every day, minus stove, carried away up, finds the Qi defeat has shown. 于是只身带着部分精锐骑兵 ,日夜兼程追击齐军。 So alone took part elite cavalry , day and night chase Qi. 孙膑则于魏军必经之处马陵设伏。 Wei Sun Bin is surely the place to Maling ambush.
马陵的通道狭窄,被林木所包围,而且地势险阻,庞涓一旦中计,即无退路。 Maling narrow passage, surrounded by trees and terrain obstacles, Pang Juan once in the design, ie no retreat. 孙膑料到庞涓会于该天晚上赶至,于是以一万名弓兵埋伏于马陵的道路两侧,约定在夜里以火光为号,万箭齐发,并预先把路旁其中一棵大树的树皮剥掉,于其上写上“庞涓死于此树之下”的字样。 Sun Bin Pang Juan would expect rushed to the night, so with a thousand archers Maling ambush on both sides of the road, and agreed with the fire in the night for the number, thousand arrows shot, and advance to the roadside where a large tree trees stripped of bark, write the words "Pang Juan died under this tree" on its. 庞涓的骑兵再如孙膑所料般于晚上赶至马陵,庞涓看见有一颗树的树皮被剥掉,上面还刻着字,因此停下来,并命人点火照明,以阅读树上所刻的文字。 Another example is Sun Bin Pang Juan cavalry as expected in the evening rushed Maling, Pang Juan saw a tree's bark is peeled off, the above is also engraved with the word, so stop and ordered ignition lighting to read the carved tree text. 但他还未读完,齐军已万箭齐发,魏军因没有准备,即时溃乱,庞涓中箭,结果被齐军大败。 But he has not yet finished, Qi has thousand arrows shot, because there is no ready Wei, instant derange, Pang Juan arrows, the result was the Qi defeated. 庞涓眼见无法改变局势,只得大叹“遂叫竖子成名”后自杀。 Pang Juan after seeing the situation can not be changed, only big sigh, "then called Shuzi famous" suicide. 齐军再乘胜追击,结果歼灭魏军共10余万人,并俘虏了魏军的主帅太子申,马陵之战以魏军大败而告结束。 Qi win again, the results were more than 10 million people annihilated Wei, and captured the Prince's coach Shen Wei, Wei defeated in the Battle of Maling and ended.
马陵之战后,魏国实力受到严重削弱,从头号强国顿时沦为二流强国。 After the war Maling, Wei strength severely weakened, from the number one power suddenly become second-rate power. 魏国称霸中原的局面一去不复返,此后战国开始了齐国和秦国争霸的局面。 Wei dominate the Central Plains of the situation gone, then started the Warring States and Qin Qi rivalry.
抗秦救赵 Kangqin rescue Zhao
前260年, 赵孝成王在和秦国的长平之战中,中了秦国的反间计,用“ 纸上谈兵 ”的赵括取代老将廉颇 ,结果导致赵国的大败,40多万兵士被秦国坑杀。 260 years ago, Zhao Xiaocheng Wang and Qin in Zhangpingzhizhan in the discord among the Qin, with " paper "of Kuo to replace veteran Lian , resulting in defeat Zhao, more than 400,000 soldiers Qin was abusing. 前257年,秦国的军队包围了赵国的都城邯郸,赵国的形势非常危急。 257 years ago, the Qin army surrounded the capital of Zhao Handan, Zhao situation is very critical. 赵国丞相平原君的妻子是信陵君 魏无忌的姐姐,平原君赵胜多次向魏安釐(僖)王和魏无忌送信,请求魏国救援,魏安釐(僖)王派将军晋鄙领兵十万前去救赵。 The prince's wife, Zhao Guocheng phase Xinling Wuji Wei 's sister, Pingyuan Sheng Zhao repeatedly to WEI PCT (Xi) and Wei Wang loudly messenger, requesting relief Wei, WEI PCT (Xi) sent General Wang Jin rustic collar before one hundred thousand soldiers to rescue Zhao. 秦昭王得到消息后,派使者威胁魏安釐(僖)王,魏安釐(僖)王惧怕,就派人通知晋鄙停止进军,留在邺扎营驻防,名义上为救赵,实际在观望形势的发展。 The king got the news, sent a messenger to the threat WEI PCT (Xi) Wang, WEI PCT (Xi) Wang fear, they sent notice to stop march Jin rustic stay in camp stationed Ye, nominally rescue Zhao, actually watching development of the situation.
魏国货币 Wei currency
平原君不断派使者前去魏国催促,并责备信陵君不顾赵国和信陵君姐姐的危亡。 The prince sent a messenger to go constantly urging Wei and Zhao and regardless of blame Xinling Xinling sister peril. 信陵君为此忧虑万分,屡次请求魏安釐(僖)王出兵, 门客也用尽各种办法劝说,但魏安釐(僖)王惧怕强大的秦国,始终不肯听魏无忌的意见。 Xinling extremely worried that end, repeatedly requesting WEI PCT (Xi) Wang troops, Menke also use various methods of persuasion, but WEI PCT (Xi) fear of the powerful king of Qin, Wei Wuji always refused to listen to advice. 信陵君估计魏王已不肯出兵救赵,又不想看着赵国灭亡,于是凑齐战车一百多辆,打算带着门客前去赵国和秦军死拼。 Xinling king has refused to send troops to rescue an estimated Zhao, Zhao looked at do not want to die, then put together more than one hundred chariots vehicles, intends to go with Menke Zhao and Qin Si Pin.
信陵君到了邺,拿出兵符假传魏安釐(僖)王的命令要代替晋鄙担任将领。 Xinling to Ye, WEI fake pass out easily intimidated PCT (Xi) Wang Jin rustic command to replace as generals. 晋鄙合了兵符,验证无误,但还是表示怀疑,不想交出兵权。 Jin rustic combination of easily intimidated, verify and correct, but still skeptical and did not want to hand over military power. 此时的信陵君在不得已的情况下,只好让朱亥动手,用铁椎杀死晋鄙,强行夺权。 At this point Xinling in the last resort, had to let Zhu Hai hands with iron vertebral kill Jin rustic, forcibly seize power.
信陵君统领晋鄙的军队后,精选士兵八万开拔前线。 After Xinling Jin rustic army command, a selection of eighty launching frontline soldiers. 与此同时,楚国也派出春申君 黄歇救援赵国,在楚、魏、赵三国的联合下,一举击溃秦国,解除了邯郸之围。 Meanwhile, Chu also sent Chunshenjun Huang Xie Zhao rescue in the United Chu, Wei,赵三国under, one stroke defeated Qin, lifting the siege of Handan.
信陵君通过窃符救赵获得了巨大的威望,魏王担心他会危及自己的地位,所以将其罢免。 Xinling burglary break through to rescue Zhao was a great prestige, the king feared he would jeopardize their status, so its recall. 信陵君知道自己不能再获得魏王的信任,变交出兵权,回到自己的府邸,整日喝酒于夫人为乐。 Xinling know they can no longer be trusted by the king, turning to hand over military power, returned to his house, his wife all day drinking in the music. 不久,在沉闷苦恼之中,信陵君因酒色过度死去。 Soon, the dull distress among Xinling died due to excessive debauchery. 秦国知道信陵君死后,便加大对魏国的攻伐力度.魏国毫无还手之力,只能在苟延残喘中度日灭亡。 Qin know Xinling death, then increase the intensity of the attack the Wei. Wei naked, only to perish in the last legs of live. 据司马迁的《史记》中《信陵君窃符救赵》记载,信陵君窃符救赵后,让魏将领带着兵符回魏国,因怕魏王降罪于他,所以带着门客留在赵国。 According to Sima Qian's "Historical Records", "stealing Xinling save Zhao Fu," recorded after Xinling burglary rescue Zhao Fu, so easily intimidated back with Wei Wei generals, for fear of punishment from the king to him, so took Menke stay in the Zhao.
参与合纵 Participation in co-ordinate
公元前323年,魏国犀首之官公孙衍发起了魏 、 赵 、 韩 、 燕 、 中山五国相王,以求合纵反秦,结果失败。 323 BC, Wei Xishou the official Kung Yan launched Wei , Zhao , Han , Yan , Zhongshan five countries with the king, in order to co-ordinate Fan Qin, ended in failure. 在公元前293年的伊阙之战中,秦军击败了魏国和韩国联军,两国此后再也没有力量单独向秦国发起挑战。 In the year 293 BC, the Battle of Yique , the Qin Wei and South Korean forces defeated the two countries never to force a separate challenge to Qin. 之后由于秦国不断的压迫,局势越来越严峻。 Due to continued oppression after Qin, the situation has become more critical. 这时,公子无忌出现,并于公元前247年与其他五国联军,对秦国的侵攻军迎头痛击。 At this time, the son appeared loudly, and in 247 BC coalition with the other five countries of the Qin army Qingong slap. 公子无忌封爵为信陵君 ,是战国四公子之一。 Son loudly knighted for Xinling , is Four Lords of the Warring States one. 不过,战后魏王对信陵君开始猜疑,更兼秦人又使用历久不衰的反间计 ,使魏王免去信陵君的要职。 However, after the war began the king for Xinling suspicion, even take Qin also use enduring discord among so the king dismissed Xinling of positions. 于是信陵终日借酒浇愁,并含屈而终。 So mausoleum day heavy drinker, and contain flexor and eventually died. 信陵死后,魏国无力抗秦,国土被秦国慢慢侵夺。 After the death of the mausoleum, Wei inability Kangqin, land is slowly infringe Qin.
灭亡于秦 Qin demise
秦王政即位后,对魏国的压力不断加大。 Wangzheng reign, increasing pressure on the Wei. 最后魏国于公元前225年被秦国将军王贲攻破灭亡。 Finally Wei Qin in 225 BC by General Ben Wang break perish. [3] [3]
苟且复国 Struggling Zionist
魏国地图(6张) Wei Map (6)
公元前209年陈胜起兵反秦,魏咎加入了他的阵营。 209 BC Sheng revolted against Qin, Wei blame joined his camp. 陈胜派遣周市攻取魏地,当攻下魏地后,陈胜打算立周市为魏王,周市不愿接受,认为应该立旧魏国王族后人为魏王,于是魏咎被立为魏王,魏国复国。 Sheng sent Zhou City invade Wei, when Wei take place later, Sheng Zhou city intends to stand for the king, Zhou City, unwilling to accept that it should stand the old man after the king and the royal family of Wei, then blame was established as Wei Wei Wang, Wei Zionist. 公元前208年中,魏王咎兵败自杀,魏豹逃到楚,得到楚怀王拨了数千人给他,再向魏地进攻。 208 BC, the king blame defeat suicide, fled to Chu Wei Bao, get the grandson dial thousands of people to him, Wei to attack again. 魏豹攻下了魏地二十余城,楚怀王立豹为魏王。 Wei Wei Bao capture of the city to more than twenty, the grandson of the king stand leopard. 魏豹带领精兵跟从项羽进入关中。 Wei Bao Xiang Yu led the elite followers into the customs. 公元前206年项羽分封诸侯时,羽想把梁地据为己有,于是徙魏王豹于河东(大约是今山西省中南部),以平阳为都,封为西魏王。 206 BC when Xiang Yu feudal lords, Yu Liang wanted to themselves, so the king leopard resettlement in the east (approximately south-central Shanxi Province today) to Pingyang for all, called the Western Wei Wang. 公元前205年汉王刘邦率兵从临晋渡过黄河 ,魏王豹向汉归降,带兵跟随刘邦攻楚。 205 BC HW Liu army from linjin crossed the Yellow River , the king leopard surrender to the Chinese, the troops following the attack Chu Liu. 刘邦在彭城之战惨败后,魏豹以探望患病亲人为由离开刘邦回国,可是到达国内便叛离汉。 Bang in the Battle of Pengcheng after defeat to visit sick relatives Wei Bao Liu returned to leave the grounds, but the country will reach the renegade Han. 刘邦遣郦生游说魏豹,但被拒绝,于是刘邦遣韩信攻魏,俘虏了魏豹,把河东并为汉的郡,魏亡。 Liu sent born Li Wei Bao lobbying, but was refused, so Liu sent Han Gong Wei, captured Wei Bao, to the east of the county and the Han, Wei death.
3 军事 编辑 3 Military editor
在军事方面,魏国较早的进行了军事变革。 On the military side, Wei had earlier military reform. 建立了以精锐武卒为核心的常备军。 Established a core of elite martial soldier standing army. 魏军内部等级森然、分工明确。 Wei internal rating awe-inspiring, clear division of labor. 且数量庞大。 And a huge number. 魏襄王时期,魏有武卒(重装步兵)二十万;奋击(轻锐步兵)二十万;苍头(裹头巾的待选新兵)二十万;厮徒(军工、勤务兵、辎重兵)二十万。 King Xiang Wei period, Wei Youwu Death (heavy infantry) two hundred thousand; Endeavor (Light Infantry sharp) two hundred thousand; soldier (wrapped turban recruits to be selected) two hundred thousand; servant Acts (military, orderlies, y heavily ) two hundred thousand. 车六百乘、骑五千匹。 Six hundred car ride, ride five thousand. 军事实力可谓雄厚。 Can be described as a strong military power. 故苏秦语:魏乃天下之强国也。 So Su language: Wei is the powerhouse of the world also. 魏军精选武卒成为各代定制,魏武卒披重甲,持戈配剑,操12担之弩,负矢囊内装弩箭50枝,携三日口粮,半天能走一百里(荀子议兵篇)。 Featured Wu Wei died generations become custom, Wei Wucu Phi heavy armor, sword held Ge, operating 12 Crossbow Tam, negative vector capsule loaded bolt 50, carrying three days rations, half a day can go a hundred miles (Zi Yee Soldiers articles). 可见魏军士兵正规化及军事素养极高,战斗力较强。魏军士 highly visible soldiers and military accomplishment normalization, fighting strong.
“魏武卒”是吴起训练的精锐步兵。 "Wei Wucu" Qi elite infantry training. 吴起当年训练魏武卒,“魏之武卒以度取之,衣三属之甲,操十二石之弩,负矢五十个,置戈其上,冠胄带剑,赢三日之粮, 日中而趋百里。中试则复其户,利其田宅。”士兵手执一支长戈、身上背着五十支长箭与一张铁胎硬弓(12石)、同时携带三天军粮,总重约五十余斤,连续急行军一百里还能立即投入激战的士兵,才可以成为武卒并享受优厚待遇。 Qi Wei Wucu year of training, "Wu Wei's death in order to get the degree, three genera of armor clothing, exercise crossbow twelve stone, negative vector fifty, and placing it on Ge, crown helmet with a sword, winning three days of food, Japan And Barry trend. In the complex test their households, benefit their fields and houses. "Soldiers armed with a long dagger, who is carrying a fifty changjon hard with a tire iron bow (12 stone), while carrying three days rations, The total weight of about fifty pounds, a hundred years of continuous rapid march can immediately put into fighting soldiers, before they can become a martial soldier and enjoy preferential treatment. 吴起率领魏武卒征战南征北战,创下了“大战七十二,全胜六十四,其余均解(不分胜负)”的奇功伟绩。 Civil war led by Qi Wei Wucu campaign, setting a "war 72 sixty-four victory, the rest are the solution (tie)" in the miraculous feats. 三十年来,吴起率领魏武卒攻下函谷关 ,大大小小历经六十四战,夺取了秦国黄河西岸的五百多里土地,将秦国压缩到了华山以西的狭长地带。 For three decades, led by Qi Wei Wucu capture Hangu Pass , large and small, after sixty-four battle, captured more than five years of the Yellow River in the West Bank land of Qin, the Qin compressed to Huashan panhandle west. 根据《吴子·励士》里的记载, 周安王十三年( 公元前 389年)的阴晋之战 ,吴起以五万魏军 ,击败了十倍于已的秦军 ,创造了五万人,兼(加)车百乘,骑三千匹,而破秦五十万众的中国战争史上以少胜多的著名战役,所以魏武卒最鼎盛的时候应该是满员大概五万人左右。 According to "Wu Zi Li Shi" in the records, Zhou Ann Wang ten years ( BC 389) the battle Yin Jin , Qi to fifty thousand Wei , defeated ten times already in the Qin and created five million , and (plus) car Baicheng, riding a thousand horses, and the history of Chinese Peoples War broke Qin fifty less is more famous battle, the most prosperous time魏武卒should be at full strength around about five million people.
魏武卒是当时的步战士兵最为精锐和彪悍的。 Weiwu Cu was the most elite infantry fighting soldiers and sturdy. [4] [4]
将领 General
谋臣 Advisers
范座 Fan Block
箭手 Archer
公子 Son
其他 Other
大夫时 When the doctor
次序 Order |
谥号 Posthumous |
姓名 Full name |
在位时间 Reign |
在位年数 In the years |
备注 Remark |
1 1 |
魏犨 Wei Chou |
2 2 |
? ? |
3 3 |
魏绛 Wei Jiang |
又作魏庄子 Also for Wei Zhuang Zi |
4 4 |
魏舒 Weishu |
? ? —前509年 - 509 years ago |
5 5 |
魏取 Wei take |
前508年—? 508 years ago -? |
6 6 |
魏侈 Wei extravagant |
又作魏曼多、魏哆 Weinmann also for many, Wei duo |
7 7 |
魏驹 Wei-ju |
? ? —前446年 - 446 years ago |
又作魏宣子;前453年与韩、赵灭智伯 Also for Wei Xuanzai; 453 years ago with the Han, Zhao off Zhibo |
8 8 |
魏斯 Weiss |
前445年—前396年 445 years ago - 396 years ago |
50 50 |
诸侯时 When princes
次序 Order |
谥号 Posthumous |
姓名 Full name |
在位时间 Reign |
在位年数 In the years |
备注 Remark |
1 1 |
魏斯 Weiss |
前445年—前396年 445 years ago - 396 years ago |
50 50 |
前403年被周威烈王册封为诸侯,称魏侯 403 years ago by King Weilie of Zhou canonized as princes, said Wei Hou |
2 2 |
魏击 Wei hit |
前395年—前370年 395 years ago - 370 years ago |
26 26 |
3 3 |
魏罃 Wei 罃 |
前369年—前319年 369 years ago - 319 years ago |
51 51 |
前334年,正式称王,并于当年更元年 334 years ago, the official king, and in that year the first year and more |
4 4 |
魏嗣 Wei Si |
前318年—前296年 318 years ago - 296 years ago |
23 Twenty three |
又作魏哀王 Also for Wei Aiwang |
5 5 |
魏遫 Wei nimble |
前295年—前277年 295 years ago - 277 years ago |
19 19 |
6 6 |
魏圉 Prince Yu Wei |
前276年—前243年 276 years ago - 243 years ago |
34 34 |
7 7 |
魏增 WEI increase |
前242年—前228年 242 years ago - 228 years ago |
15 15 |
8 8 |
魏假 Wei false |
前227年—前225年 227 years ago - 225 years ago |
3 3 |
注: 魏王假并非谥号,而是习惯性称法。 Note: false king is not posthumous, but customary law says. 关于魏惠王的姓名,《庄子·则阳》作魏莹 ,《战国策》作魏婴。 About Wei Hui Wang's name, "Zi yang" as Wei Ying , "Warring States" as Wei infants.