The title of this story is "Ruby Delivers."
I will summarize the Max and Ruby story.
One day, Ruby had to draw cupcakes for the Bunny Scout Bake Sale and deliver them to people.
But Max played flyer with his toy airplane and interrupted Ruby.
So, Ruby made a mistake that mixed red paint and blue paint Ruby accidentally mixed red paint and blue paint.
Then, it painted purple drawing like Bunny Scout's cupcake This created a purple color that looked just like the Bunny Scout cupcakes.
Ruby had to hurry because the Bunny Scout Bake Sale was start soon was starting soon.
Max played flyer flew his airplane again, and the paper overlapped Ruby's drawing with Ruby's drawing.
Then, a picture of a cupcake was copied This caused a picture of a cupcake to be copied.
So Ruby finished the drawings.
While Ruby was drying her drawings, Max played flyer flew his airplane again.
Then, because of the propeller, the picture all dried up Thanks to the airplane's propeller, the pictures dried quickly.
Finally, Ruby had to deliver the drawings.
Max used flyers his airplane to deliver all of Ruby's drawings.
I think Max is a very smart child.
Score: A
문법과 표현:
- "played flyer" → "flew his toy airplane"
- "was start soon" → "was starting soon"로 문법적으로 수정하세요.
- "Then, it painted purple drawing like Bunny Scout's cupcake" → "This created a purple color that looked just like the Bunny Scout cupcakes"로 문장을 더 자연스럽게 고치세요.
내용 추가하기:
- Max가 비행기를 활용해 그림을 배달한 장면을 더 구체적으로 묘사해 보세요.
- Bunny Scout Bake Sale에서 사람들이 어떻게 반응했는지 상상해 보세요.
문장 연결:
- 문장을 부드럽게 연결하기 위해 "Then," "After that," 같은 연결어를 사용해 보세요.