Grandmother made Max and Ruby pick barries berries, so they go went to the garden to pick barries raspberry raspberries.
Ruby picked up them, but Max ate something some.
They found blue barry blueberries too, but Max ate them again.
So Ruby suggested to play playing with a plane toy toy plane.
So Max play played with the plane as picking machine for black barry toy plane to pick blackberries.
But although he interrupted, Ruby pick up the many barriers picked many berries such as raspberry and blue barry and black barry raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries.
And then Ruby gave the varied barries that ruby picked up various berries she picked to Grandmother so she could cook a special recipe.
They enjoyed it and loved it.
Score: B-
- "barries" → "berries" 철자 오류를 주의하세요.
- "go" → "went" 시제를 과거형으로 바꿔야 해요.
- "blue barry" → "blueberries" 올바른 철자로 수정해야 해요.
- "plane toy" → "toy plane" 어순을 맞추는 게 중요해요.
- "play plane as picking machine for black barry" → "played with the toy plane to pick blackberries"로 고치면 더 자연스러워요.
- "pick up the many barriers" → "picked many berries"로 수정해야 뜻이 맞아요.
- "varied barries that ruby picked up" → "various berries she picked"로 바꾸면 더 깔끔한 표현이에요.