1. Graphic organizers는 (어떤 종류의 정보든지간에) 정보를 organize하는데 사용하는 모든 시각자료 - grids or matrices, Venn diagrams, spider maps, time lines, causal chains, network trees, and storyboards 등등을 지칭하는 것.
2. Semantic maps는 ESL에서는 특히 복잡한 읽기 자료를 가르칠 때, 학생들이 글의 내용과 구조를 좀 더 이해하기 쉽도록 주로 벤다이어그램비슷한 것 (일종의 a graphic organizer) 을 사용해서, 텍스트를 의미있는 덩어리 (groups)로 보여주는 장치. 이런 활동을 하는 것을 semantic mapping이라고 함.
(간혹, Nunan의 PELT 같은 책에서는 두 개념들 구분하지 않고 사용하기도...)
Graphic organizers (some of which are also called concept maps, entity relationship charts, and mind maps) are a pictorial way of constructing knowledge and organizing information. They help the student convert and compress a lot of seemingly disjointed information into a structured, simple-to-read, graphic display. The resulting visual display conveys complex information in a simple-to-understand manner.
Graphic organizers consist of diagrams or charts that help students to organize knowledge using structures such as grids or matrices, Venn diagrams, spider maps, time lines, causal chains, network trees, and storyboards. Originating in the work of the cognitive scientist Ausubel (1967), graphic organizers were proposed as one form of advance organizer (i.e., an organizational framework presented in advance of a lesson to emphasize its central idea) that could improve students' levels of understanding and recall.
According to S. Kang (2004), using graphic organizers in the ESL/EFL classroom can:
⦁ allow users to develop a holistic understanding that words cannot convey
⦁ provide users with tools to make thought and organization processes visible
⦁ clarify complex concepts into a simple, meaningful, display
⦁ assist users in processing and restructuring ideas and information
⦁ promote recall and retention of learning through synthesis and analysis. (p. 60)
Thus graphic organizers are an extremely flexible, multipurpose tool for teachers and students alike. To cite just a few uses, they can be used to:
(1) reveal text structure and highlight the rhetorical organization of a text;
(2) "unpack" difficult ideas (e.g., cause-effect chains);
(3) brainstorm ideas for a writing assignment;
(4) present key content vocabulary at the outset of a lesson;
(5) aid students in the recall of material previously learned; and
(6) explore lexical fields.
<Nunan의 PELT>
Graphic organizers involve the use of visuals that assist in organizing information. They can consist of diagrams, tables, clusters, etc. The teacher may use these graphic organizers to present information or guide student brainstorming. Alternatively, learners may be asked to read or listen for key information and enter this information in the graphic organizer.
Graphic organizers - drawings, pictures, or outlines that show how reading material is organized.