1. 어린이집 d__care = nur____ schoool = p__-kindergarten
2. 간호조무사 nur____ assistant
3. 양로원, 요양원 nur____ home = sen___ residence
4. 시설이 열악한 요양원 nur____ home with no qua____ of life
5. 수유실 nur____ room = mo______ room = lac____ room 대체가능
6. 우수인력를 양성하다 nu___ a talented workforce = fo____ a talented workforce
7. 대규모 노숙자로 몸살을 앓고 있는 뉴욕 NY h__ with huge wa__ of homeless
8. 몰상식한 행동, 꼴불견 행동 obno_____ behavior
9. 뭐든 안다는 식의 꼴불견인 사람 obno_____ know-it-all
첫댓글 1. daycare = nursery school = pre-kindergarten
2. nursing assistant
3. nursing home = senior residence
4. nursing home with no quality of life
5. nursery room = mother's room = lactation room
6. nurture a talented workforce = foster a talented workforce
7. NY hit with a huge wave of homeless
8. obnoxious behavior
9. obnoxious know-it-all