When Computers Went To Sea | 말레이시아 해군의 고속정이 미상의 해저 물체와 충돌 후 침몰 - Daum 카페
지난 8월 25일 침몰한 말레이시아 해군의 고속정 KD Pendekar의 침몰 원인은 항법 오류로 해도에 표시된 암초와 충돌 후, 함령 45년을 경과한 노후한 선체가 급격히 침수돼 침몰로 이어진 것이라고 합니다.
그러나 고속정이 계획된 해로를 이탈해 해도상에 명확히 표시된 Stork Reef(Terumbu Punggai)와 충돌한 이유는 밝혀지지 않았습니다.
Navigational Error Led to KD Pendekar Sinking - Malaysian Defence
Navigational Error Led to KD Pendekar Sinking
29 October 2024 Marhalim Abas RMN 12
KD Pendekar sinking on August 25. via source.
SHAH ALAM: RMN investigation into the sinking of KD Pendekar found that navigational error led the Handalan-class FAC to sailing on to a well charted reef. And once the ship’s hull was breached, her old age meant that efforts to save her were futile.
The board also found that strong currents and low visibility as the main factors that led to the drowning of a navy diver tasked with the initial salvage work on the wreck.
In a statement released last night, RMN said the investigation board found two main factors in the Pendekar incident. The first was that the FAC deviated from it planned route which resulted in the collision with Stork Reef (Terumbu Punggai) on August 25. It did not say however why pennant number 3513 deviated from its planned route and instead sailed directly to or over the reef which resulted in the breach of the hull.
Her old age directly led to her sinking. The 45-year-old hull was weak and once it was breached (following the collision with the reef) caused difficulties in the damage control efforts and led to the quick flooding of other compartments. (It was the flooding of the other compartments which likely led to her commanding officer ordering the crew to abandon the ship). She sank four hours after running over the reef.
KD Pendekar refloated. RMN picture.
The release also said the local company hired for the salvage operations for Pendekar completed its work on October 15. The wreck was refloated three days earlier. The wreck is now moored at Tanjung Belungkor, near Penggerang.
KD Pendekar (3513) and KD Selangor going out on patrol during the 2023 CNY holidays. Like her sister ship, Gempita, Pendekar is also equipped with a satellite dome and an EO turret. RMN
The board also found that strong currents and limited visibility as the main factors leading to the death of a navy diver during the Pendekar’s salvage operation on August 28.
Orbituary for the RMN diver.
It said Leading Seaman 1 Arman San Hermansa’s safety line became entangled with the ship, which made it impossible for him to alert the others of his predicament. As a result, emergency procedures were not implemented which led to his drowning.
KD Pendekar (nearest) and KD Perdana at the Mawila 1 open ship day on April 27 2023.
“The investigations indicated that diving SOPs and safety measures were followed prior to the dive. The diving equipment was functional before and after the operation, and the diver was confirmed to be certified,” it said.
Based on the report, I believe Pendekar will be struck from RMN roll of active ships.
–Malaysian Defence