운동선수의 스트레스 골절에 대한 모든 자료
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Stress fractures
A stress fracture can be defined as a partial or complete bone fracture that results
from repeated application of a stress lower than the stress required to fracture the
bone in a single loading [75,76]. Stress fractures develop when bone fails to adapt adequately to the mechanical
load experienced during physical activity. Ground reaction forces and muscular
contraction result in bone strain. Bone normally responds to strain by increasing the
rate of remodeling. In this process, lamellar bone is resorbed by osteoclasts,
creating resorption cavities, which are subsequently replaced with denser bone by
osteoblasts. Because there is a lag between increased activity of the osteoclasts and
osteoblasts, bone is weakened during this time. If sufficient recovery time is
allowed, bone mass eventually increases. If loading continues, however, microdamage
may accumulate at the weakened region. Remodeling is thought to repair
normally occurring microdamage. The process of microdamage accumulation and
bone remodeling, both resulting from bone strain, plays an important part in the
development of stress fractures. If microdamage accumulates, repetitive loading
continues, and remodeling cannot maintain the integrity of the bone; a stress
fracture may result [77] .
Stress fractures account for 0.7% to 20% of all injuries presenting to sports
medicine clinics [78] . Track and field athletes have the highest incidence of stress
fractures when compared with athletes in other sports such as football, basketball,
soccer, and rowing [79] . Great variation exists in the absolute percentage of stress
fractures reported at each bony site, but the most common sites seem to be the tibia,
followed by the metatarsals and fibula [75] . The site of stress fractures also appears
to vary from sport to sport. Among track athletes, navicular stress fractures
predominate; tibial stress fractures are most common in distance runners; and
metatarsal stress fractures predominate in dancers [75] .
Although numerous risk factors for stress fractures have been proposed,
research is needed to confirm anecdotal observations. Presently, most studies in
athletes are case series, and are confined to injured groups only, or are crosssectional
designs that do not allow the temporal relationship between risk factor
and injury to be assessed. Results from large military epidemiological studies
cannot be readily generalized to athletes, given important differences in training,
fitness level, footwear, and services. These results may provide additional insight,
however, especially given the deficiencies in the athletic literature [77] .
One important risk factor is that of a history of a previous stress fracture. Low
bone density is an identified risk factor in women, although this has not been as
clearly studied in men [77,80] .Women in the military appear predisposed to stress
fractures compared with their male counterparts, but this has not necessarily been
confirmed in athletes. Overall training levels may influence this result [75] .
Menstrual irregularity, in particular amenorrhea of longer than 6 months duration,
is a risk factor [77,81] . A family history of osteoporosis is considered to be a risk
factor for low bone density and osteoporosis in both females and males, but it is not
clear that this necessarily predisposes to stress fractures in athletes [77,82,83] .
Nutritional status, in particular low calcium intake, may contribute to stress
fracture. Other dietary factors such as fiber, protein, alcohol, and caffeine intake
may play a role but have not been as well studied [77] .
Biomechanical factors may predispose to stress fractures by creating areas of
stress concentration in bone or promoting muscle fatigue. High arches may predispose to increased risk for femoral and tibial stress fractures, whereas pes
planus may predispose to metatarsal stress fractures [77,84–86] . Leg length
inequality has been postulated as a risk factor. Friberg reported a higher incidence
of tibial, metatarsal, and femoral fractures in the longer leg and a higher incidence
of fibular stress fractures in the shorter leg in military recruits [87] . A leg-length
discrepancy has also been reported to be associated with a higher incidence of stress
fractures in athletes [77,88,89] . In particular, a leg-length inequality of greater than
0.5 cm was reported in 70% of women with stress fractures, compared with only
36% of women without stress fractures [89] . Other biomechanical variables linked
to increase stress fracture risk have included hip external rotation of greater than
65 [90] , greater forefoot varus, restricted ankle joint dorsiflexion, narrow transverse
diameter of the tibial diaphysis, and smaller calf circumference measurement
[79,90,91] . No studies have reported the effects of such physiological factors of
muscle mass or muscle strength on predisposition to stress fracture [77] . Additionally,
no consistent relationships have been observed between body size or composition
and stress fracture risk.
Anecdotal observation and clinical case series suggest that a transition in
training, in particular increasing mileage, as well as a higher absolute volume of
training can predispose to stress fractures in athletes, although little controlled
research has examined this aspect [77] . Additionally, although no data exist on how
stress fracture risk is specifically affected by training surface, it may be prudent
to advise athletes to minimize the time they spend training on hard, uneven surfaces
[75] .
A higher incidence of stress fracture was reported in military recruits using older
or worn running shoes [92] . It is unclear if this is a direct result of decreased shock
absorption or perhaps decreased mechanical support [75] . Reports are conflicting
about whether or not insoles can prevent stress fractures. From a practical
standpoint it is important for individuals to train in shoes appropriate for their foot
type. Athletes with high arched rigid feet should select cushioned shoes. Athletes
with low arches should select shoes providing stability and motion control [75] .
A patient with a stress fracture typically presents with a history of insidious
onset of activity-related pain that progressively worsens over time. The most
obvious physical examination feature is localized bony tenderness. Special clinical
tests, such as the ‘‘hop test’’ for femoral stress fracture and spinal and hip extension
used in diagnosis of pars stress fractures, may be helpful. Clinical reports have
suggested that the application of ultrasound or a vibrating tuning fork may be
helpful in the diagnosis of stress fractures by increasing pain at the fracture site;
however, current literature neither supports nor refutes these commonly used
clinical tools.
Commonly used imaging studies include radiographs, bone scans, and MRIs. In
approximately two thirds of symptomatic patients, radiographs are initially
negative and only half ever develop positive radiograph findings [93] . The most
common sign in early stress fracture is a region of focal periosteal bone formation.
The gray cortex sign (a cortical area of decreased density) may also be seen [94,95] .
In those cases where clinically indicated, advanced imaging such as a bone scan or MRI should be employed to confirm the diagnosis. Bone scans will confirm the
diagnosis as early 2 to 8 days after the onset of symptoms [96] . MRI has shown
promise in grading progressive stages of stress fractures severity. A four-stage
grading system has been developed: grade 1 injuries demonstrate periosteal edema
on the fat-suppressed images, grade 2 injuries demonstrate abnormal increased
signal intensity on fat-suppressed T-2 weighted images, and in grade 3 injuries
decreased signal intensity is seen on T-1 weighted images. In grade 4 injuries, an
actual fracture line is present, typically visualized on both T-1 and T-2 weighted
images [94,96] .
Stress fractures can be generally classified as noncritical and critical. Noncritical
stress fractures in the lower leg, foot, and ankle include the medial tibia, fibula, and
metatarsals 2, 3, and 4. Treatment of these stress fractures requires relative rest.
Athletes may benefit from a short period of immobilization in a walking boot (ie,
3 weeks), or in the case of metatarsal stress fractures, from a stiff sole shoe or steel
insert. Return to full sport activity is generally achieved within 6 to 8 weeks.
Critical stress fractures require special attention due to a higher rate of nonunion,
and include the anterior tibia, medial malleolus, talus, navicular, fifth metatarsal,
and sesamoids [75,77] .
Medial tibia
Stress fracture of the medial tibia present with medial shin pain aggravated by
exercise. Tenderness is most commonly localized in the posteromedial border of
the lower third, which is the most common site. Biomechanic examination may
reveal either a rigid, high-arched foot that is incapable of absorbing load, or an
excessively flat foot that causes muscle fatigue. Treatment involves relative rest
until the pain resolves. Athletes may benefit from a short period use of either a
walking boot or pneumatic brace (an air cast), which may be removed for
nonimpact cross training. The air cast brace is believed to unload the tibia by
compressing the lower leg, thus redistributing forces and decreasing the amount of
tibial bowing [75,97–99] . Bony tenderness typically disappears between 4 to
8 weeks, after which the athlete may begin a gradual return to activity.Although the
time to return to full activity varies considerably, the average period for full release
to sport activity is 8 to 12 weeks.
Anterior cortex of the tibia
Stress fractures of the anterior cortex of the midshaft of the tibia are among the
critical stress fractures because they are prone to delayed union, nonunion, and
complete fracture. As with other stress fractures, in the acute phase plain radiographs
are often normal and diagnosis may require bone scanning or MRI. In later
stages, plain radiographs may demonstrate the ‘‘dreaded black line.’’ This
appearance is due to bony resorption, and indicates nonunion. At this late stage,
bone scanning will often be normal and patients may only have minimal symptoms
and thus may be fully participating in sports. It is believed that the mid anterior
cortex of the tibia is vulnerable to nonunion due to poor vascularity and increased tension because of morphologic bowing of the tibia [75] . Treatment programs have
included prolonged periods of rest and immobilization (up to 4 to 6 months), bone
stimulation, and surgery. Brukner recommends the use of a long pneumatic leg
brace combined with electric stimulation for 10 hours per day for both the acute
stress fracture and the established nonunion, as denoted by the presence of the
dreaded black line on plain radiographs. Fracture healing is monitored both
clinically and radiographically. Athletes do not return to activity until evidence
exists of cortical bridging on radiography. If after 4 to 6 months there is no evidence
of healing either clinically or radiologically, surgical intervention is indicated
(drilling at the fracture site, bone grafting, or insertion of an intramedullary
rod) [75] .
Fibular stress fractures
Because the fibula has a minimal role in weight bearing, it is believed that fibular
stress fractures result from muscle traction and torsional forces. Although most
stress fractures are in the distal third of the fibula, proximal stress fractures have
been described. Patients are treated with weight bearing rest until bony tenderness
resolves (usually 4 to 6 weeks). Athletes may benefit from a short period (ie,
3 weeks) in a walking boot. Sport activity is then gradually commenced. Soft tissue
tightness should be corrected, as should biomechanical abnormalities such as
excessive pronation or excessive supnation [75] .
Medial malleolus
Medial malleolar stress fractures generally present with a several-week history
of mild discomfort followed by an acute episode that results in seeking medical
attention. Although the fracture line is frequently vertical from the junction of the
tibial plafond and the medial malleolus, it may run obliquely from the junction to
the distal tibial metaphysis [75] . Excessive pronation and accompanying tibial
rotation distributes excessive forces to the medial malleolus.
Undisplaced or minimally displaced stress fractures of the medial malleolus are
treated conservatively in a pneumatic leg brace for 6 weeks. A displaced fracture or
a fracture that progresses to nonunion should be treated operatively.
The talus
Talar stress fractures most commonly involve the lateral body near the junction
of the body with the lateral process of the talus. Talar neck stress fractures have
been reported but are considered rare. Athletes may present with prolonged pain
(for several months) following an ankle sprain despite rehabilitation. Excessive
subtalar pronation is felt to predispose to talar stress fractures by allowing
impingement of the lateral process of the calcaneus on the concave posterolateral
corner of the talus. Treatment involves non-weight–bearing rest for 6 weeks
followed by rehabilitation. Orthotic control of pronation is recommended if present.
Nonunion fractures respond well to surgical excision of the lateral process [75] .
The calcaneus
Calcaneal stress fractures present with localized tenderness over the medial or
lateral aspects of the calcaneus. The most common site is the upper posterior
margin, just anterior to the apophyseal plate and at a right angle to the normal
trabecular pattern. Plain radiographs may show a sclerotic appearance on lateral
radiograph parallel to the posterior margin of the calcaneus. Bone scanning and
MRI are more sensitive. Treatment is achieved with 6 to 8 weeks of weight-bearing
rest with the use of a soft heel cushion. Joint mobilization and flexibility of the calf
muscles are indicated when appropriate. Orthotics may be prescribed to control
excessive pronation. Running is usually resumed after 6 weeks.
The cuboid and cuneiforms
Stress fractures of cuboid and cuneiform bones are rare. These are generally
considered noncritical stress fractures that may be treated with weight-bearing rest
until bony tenderness resolves, after which a gradual return to sport activity is
commenced. As for other noncritical stress fractures, a short period in a walking
boot may provide comfort. One report did propose a period of non-weight–bearing
on crutches for 4 weeks for a cuboid stress fracture, followed by progressive weight
bearing and return to sport activity at 8 weeks [75,100].
The navicular
Navicular stress fractures occur most commonly in the central third, which is
believed to be susceptible to stress fracture and subsequent delayed union or
nonunion because of relative avascularity and the presence of shear forces in this
region. Pain is typically insidious in onset and somewhat nonspecific in location.
Critical to clinical examination is palpation of the ‘‘N’’ spot in the proximal dorsal
portion of the navicular. Plain radiography has low sensitivity and advanced
imaging such as bone scan, computed tomography (CT), and MRI should be
pursued early in suspected cases. Initial treatment requires 6 weeks of non-weight–
bearing immobilization. If at this point clinical tenderness remains, another 2 weeks
may be required. Patient should then undergo a gradual return to activity coupled
with physical therapy for joint mobilization, soft tissue work, muscle strengthening,
and biomechanical correction. Patients that do not respond to the conservative
treatment regimen undergo surgery (screw fixation with or without bone grafting of
the established nonunion) [75,77,101].
Metatarsal stress fractures involving metatarsals 1, 3, 4, and the distal aspect of
metatarsal 2 are usually uncomplicated and can be treated with relative rest.
Patients may benefit from a walking boot or the use of a steel plate insert or
counterforce arch brace. Once tenderness to palpation and pain with ambulation
has resolved, a gradual return to running program is commenced. Fractures of the base of the second metatarsal and proximal fifth metatarsal require special
Stress fractures at the base of the second metatarsal are most common among
ballet dancers. Most of these fractures can be treated with weight-bearing rest but
patients must refrain from training activity for 6 weeks.
Three types of proximal fifth metatarsal stress fractures have been described:
(1) the tuberosity avulsion fracture, (2) the Jones fracture at the junction of the
metaphysis and diaphysis, and (3) the diaphysial stress fracture [75] .
The most common fracture seen is a simple avulsion fracture of the tuberosity,
usually caused by the contraction of the peroneus brevis tendon as a result of an
acute inversion injury or the lateral band of the plantar aponeursis. This is usually
an uncomplicated type of fracture that will respond to a short period of immobilization
for pain relief, followed by progressive activity. The Jones and more distal
diaphyseal stress fractures are critical stress fractures prone to nonunion and require
6 to 10 weeks of non-weight–bearing rest. Athletes that fail to heal conservatively
or those who require more rapid treatment undergo surgical fixation with placement
of a fixation screw. Displaced fractures may require open reduction internal
fixation. After screw fixation, progressive weight bearing is initiated at 2 weeks,
with return to running in 7 weeks. When bone grafting is used, running activities
are delayed for 12 weeks to allow for bony healing.
The sesamoids
The medial and lateral sesamoid bones at the first metatarsal phalangeal (MTP)
joints act to increase mechanical advantage of the flexor hallucis brevis tendon and
stabilize the first MTP joint in association with the plantar plate capsule. They also
protect the flexor hallucis longus tendon and absorb weight-bearing stress on the
medial forefoot. The medial sesamoid bone is more commonly affected. Radiographs
are often negative and diagnosis may require advanced imaging. A bone
scan or MRI is also useful in differentiating a bipartite sesamoid from a true stress
fracture. Stress fractures of the sesamoid bones are prone to nonunion. Treatment
involves non-weight–bearing rest for 6 weeks. Weight bearing is commenced
when bony tenderness is no longer present. Padding is used to distribute weight
away from the sesamoid bones in the form of a sesamoid or dancer pad. If nonunion
occurs, or if the bone is splintered, excision is recommended [75] .