인생도 마라톤도 일도 숨안차게 끊임없이 뛰는 법을 배워야 오래뛰고 완주한다.
오늘은 1km 내일은 2km... 그렇게 뛰다보면 속도와 부와 명예는 따라온다.
어휘와 문법
인생 life, 마라톤 marathons, 일 work, ~도 too, 숨안차게 breathlessly 뛰다 run, 뛰는 법 the way of running, 배우다 learn, ~아야/어야/여야 to the end of a clause to indicate that one “must” do an action, 성공success, 완주하다 finish the race, 오늘 today, 내일 tomorrow, 그렇게 like that, ~다(가 ) to indicate that one does an action and then stops 보면 if one looks/reflects on it, 속도 speed, 부 wealth, 명예 fame. 따라오다 follow, ~ㄴ다(ending word make present)
so it means.
In life, in marathons, in work, you have to learn how to run breathlessly and continuously to run long distances and finish the race. Today is 1km, tomorrow is 2km... If you run like that, speed, wealth, and fame will follow.