The title of this book is "Time to Wake Up, Everybody."
Most chickens are raised on special chicken farms. The rooster is telling everybody it's time to get up. Chickens and turkeys use the sharp claws in their toes to scratch for bugs and worms. Feathered animals don't have teeth, so they swallow littemle little stones. Ducks**'** and geese's beaks are flatter**,** and rounder**,** and longer. The feathered animals raise their babies from eggs. Cows chewed chew their food two times twice. Horses wear shoes. All these animals live in on farms.
Score: B+
- 'two times' 대신 'twice'를 써주세요! (더 자연스러워요)
- 시제를 맞춰주세요! ('chew'처럼 현재형으로 써요)
- 닭과 칠면조는 왜 돌을 삼키나요? (이유를 설명해보세요)
- 말은 왜 신발을 신나요? (자세히 써보면 좋겠어요)
- 농장 동물들이 어떻게 새끼를 키우는지 써보면 좋겠어요! (자세히 설명해보세요)