Moon promulgates prosecution reform legislation
문 대통령, 국무회의서 의결..'검수완박 법안 공포'
검찰청법·형사소송법 개정안 국무회의서 처리
Politics 17:12 May 03, 2022 Yonhap News
By Kim Deok-hyun and Joo Kyung-don
SEOUL, May 3 (Yonhap) -- President Moon Jae-in on Tuesday promulgated two controversial bills on prosecution reform at the final Cabinet meeting before his term ends next week, paving the way for eventually stripping the prosecution of its power to investigate.
The promulgation came hours after the ruling Democratic Party (DP) railroaded the last remaining bill on prosecution reform through the National Assembly amid opposition protest, completing its push to reduce and ultimately remove the prosecution's investigative powers.
"Concerns about political neutrality, fairness and selective justice in the prosecution's investigation have still not been resolved," Moon said of the need for prosecution reform. "And there are evaluations that (reforms) have not been enough to win public trust, which is why the National Assembly has taken a step further in separating investigations and indictment."
Outgoing President Moon Jae-in (3rd from R) salutes the national flag during his last Cabinet meeting at the presidential office in Seoul on May 3, 2022. His term will end on May 9. (Yonhap)
One of the laws is aimed at limiting the scope of the prosecution's supplementary investigations, while the other is to reduce the prosecution's investigative powers to only two types of crimes -- corruption and economic crimes -- from the current six before removing them completely.
The main opposition People Power Party (PPP) expressed frustration and anger.
"It did not even take a day for the country's 74-year-old criminal justice system to collapse and for parliamentary democracy and the rule of law to die," the PPP's floor spokesperson Park Hyeung-soo said. "What do they really want to achieve by depriving the prosecution of its investigative powers?"
The PPP claimed that separating investigation and prosecution rights is not a trend that can be seen in advanced countries and that it will cause "extreme inefficiency" in the criminal justice system.
The legislation will go into effect four months after its promulgation.
The DP and the PPP have been wrangling for weeks over the bills on prosecution reform, as the DP has insisted they are necessary to ensure the prosecution does not abuse its investigative powers for political purposes, while the PPP has countered they will leave the people with fewer means to seek justice for crimes.
The two sides reached a compromise deal under which the prosecution's investigative powers would be reduced from six crime types to two before being removed completely, but the PPP backtracked following criticism that lawmakers colluded to shield themselves from prosecution investigations, as the agreement calls for stripping the prosecution of its right to investigate election crimes.
The DP, which holds 171 out of 300 seats, has tried to pass the two bills and get them signed into law before the May 10 inauguration of President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol, because Yoon would be expected to veto the bills.
Following the promulgation, Deputy Prosecutor-General Park Sung-jin told reporters the reform bills were not passed through a legitimate process, pointing out that the National Assembly and the government did not undertake in-depth discussions and deliberations required to gain public support.
"The Supreme Prosecutors Office will review all possible legal measures (to reverse the legislation), including a constitutional suit," he said.
On the other hand, police said in an official statement that they will reinforce their organization to improve their probe capacity and cooperate with the prosecution with mutual respect. Police are expected to have greater investigative power following the reform.
"We will work to conduct thorough investigations into criminal cases to minimize possible inconveniences people may feel," police said.
문 대통령, 국무회의서 의결..'검수완박 법안 공포'
김태규 입력 2022. 05. 03. 16:18 뉴시스
검찰청법·형사소송법 개정안 국무회의서 처리
[서울=뉴시스] 전신 기자 = 문재인 대통령이 3일 청와대 본관에서 열린 국무회의를 주재하고 있다. 2022.05.03. photo1006@newsis.com
[서울=뉴시스]김태규 안채원 기자 = 문재인 대통령이 3일 국무회의에서 형사소송법·검찰청법 개정안 등 이른바 '검수완박'(검찰 수사권 완전 박탈) 법안에 대한 공포안을 의결했다.
문 대통령은 이날 청와대 본관에서 주재한 임기 마지막 제20회 국무회의 소집 배경에 관해 "국회에서 통과되어 정부에 공포를 요청한 검찰청법과 형사소송법 개정안 등 검찰개혁 관련 법안에 대해 우리 정부 임기 안에 책임 있게 심의해 의결하기 위한 것"이라고 말했다.
앞서 국회는 국회는 이날 오전 10시 본회의를 열어 재석 174석 중 찬성 164명, 반대 3명, 기권 7명으로 형사소송법 개정안을 가결했다. 지난달 30일 본회의를 통과한 검찰청법 개정안까지 2건의 검수완박 법안은 법제처의 법률공포안 작성 과정을 거쳐 이날 국무회의 안건으로 상정됐다.
형사소송법 개정안은 검찰의 별건수사를 금지하고 보완수사의 범위를 축소한 것이 핵심이다. 적법하지 않은 절차로 체포·구속된 것으로 의심되거나 고소인 등이 이의신청 하는 경우, 또 시정조치 요구를 받은 송치 사건에 대해 검찰이 '동일성을 해치지 않는 범위 내'에서만 보완수사를 할 수 있다는 내용을 골자로 한다.
검찰청법 개정안은 검사가 수사를 개시할 수 있는 6대 범죄 중 공직자범죄, 선거범죄, 방위사업범죄, 대형참사 등 4개 범죄를 제외(선거범죄는 연말까지 유예)하고 부패·경제범죄만 남기는 것을 핵심 내용으로 하고 있다.
두 법안은 공포 4개월 후인 오는 9월 초 시행될 예정이다.
☞공감언론 뉴시스 kyustar@newsis.com, newkid@newsis.com
죄와 벌 Crime And Punishment / 표도르 도스토예프스키(Fyodor Dostoevskii)
1. 죄와 벌[ Prestuplenie i nakazanie , 罪─罰] 개요
도스토옙스키 |
장편소설 |
1866년 |
1866년 잡지 《러시아 통보(通報)》에 발표된 세계 문학 걸작의 하나로 한국에서도 애독되는 작품이다. 근대 도시의 양상을 배경으로, 작중의 하급 관리 마르멜라도프의 말대로 ‘아무데도 갈 데가 없는’ 사람들로 가득찬 상트페테르부르크의 뒷거리가 무대이다.
가난한 학생 라스콜니코프는 병적인 사색 속에서, 나폴레옹적인 선택된 강자는 인류를 위하여 사회의 도덕률을 딛고 넘어설 권리가 있다는 결론에 도달하여 ‘이(蝨)’와 같은 고리대금업자 노파를 죽여버림으로써 이 사상을 실천에 옮긴다. 그런데 이 행위는 뜻밖에도 그를 죄의식에 사로잡히게 하고, ‘인류와의 단절감’에 괴로워하는 비참한 자신을 발견하게 되는 결과를 낳는다. 민감한 예심판사 포르필리가 대는 혐의에 대해서는 논리적으로 맞서나가면서도 죄의식의 중압에 견딜 수 없게 된 그의 심정은 자기 희생과 고뇌를 견디며 살아가는 ‘거룩한 창부’ 소냐를 찾아 고백한다. 또 정욕을 절대화하는 배덕자 스비드리가이로프의 수수께끼 같은 삶과 죽음에 자기 이론의 추악한 투영을 보고 마침내 자수하여 시베리아로 유형된다.
작자는 그리스도교적 신앙의 입장에서 서구의 합리주의 ·혁명사상을 단죄하려고 한 것같이 보이지만 작품은 그러한 의도를 뛰어넘어 폐색적(閉塞的)인 시대상황 속에서 인간 회복에의 원망(願望)을 호소하는 휴머니즘을 표출하였다.
Crime and Punishment (pre-reform Russian: Преступленіе и наказаніе; post-reform Russian: Преступление и наказание, tr. Prestupléniye i nakazániye, IPA: [prʲɪstʊˈplʲenʲɪje ɪ nəkɐˈzanʲɪje]) is a novel by the Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky. It was first published in the literary journal The Russian Messenger in twelve monthly installments during 1866. It was later published in a single volume. It is the second of Dostoevsky's full-length novels following his return from ten years of exile in Siberia. Crime and Punishment is considered the first great novel of his mature period of writing. The novel is often cited as one of the supreme achievements in world literature.
Crime and Punishment follows the mental anguish and moral dilemmas of Rodion Raskolnikov, an impoverished ex-student in Saint Petersburg who plans to kill an unscrupulous pawnbroker, an old woman who stores money and valuable objects in her flat. He theorises that with the money he could liberate himself from poverty and go on to perform great deeds, and seeks to convince himself that certain crimes are justifiable if they are committed in order to remove obstacles to the higher goals of 'extraordinary' men. Once the deed is done, however, he finds himself racked with confusion, paranoia, and disgust. His theoretical justifications lose all their power as he struggles with guilt and horror and confronts both the internal and external consequences of his deed.
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