RA is basically belong to degenerative joint disease from age
though it is classified into one of autoimmune arthritis in western
medicine. Details of RA will be omitted for simplicity.
The important thing is RA is one of autoimmune diseases which
means that there is no way of effective treatment but herbal
medicine requiring precise in addition. However lots of people
who have not high education think the tablets from physical doctors
are will recover their disease completely in someday because
the physical doctors teach them so same as it is.
The chemical drungs will worsen the liver and the kideny, which
will do arthritis so much as they do. Long times of taking chemical
drungs make the symptoms infiltrate into five organs and at last
get serious diseases on liver or kidney or heart.
The following is the case of RA of 71 aged woman.
1. Personal Information(04003)
Kim 0 0, Female, 71 years old
Address : Busansi, South Korea
2. Chief Complaints
Rheumatoid arthritis on two hands and other autoimmune
symptoms. She got diagosis as RA by Physical doctor after the
examination of blood test two years ago and taking drugs from
then on.
Deformed finger joints
Gelling, locking and stiffening on hands in the morning
3. Other Symptoms and Signs
Diagnosed as hypothyroid one eyars ago and taking hormon.
Taking a depressant for 16 years.
Got a surgery vocal cord paralysis a month ago.
Usually asthma, rhinitis and coughing
Sometimes sudden palpitation.
Other autoimmune skin troubles such as erythema
Past history : pleurisy, hysterectomy, irretention of urine.
Family history : CVA
Pulse : Float, big, a little fast and tensed
Tongue : Deep yellowish coated, dark purple on sides.
Abdomen : Stiffness and pain on the right upper
Stiffness and pain on the lower over all
Uneven peritoreum like the surface of straw bag
Low back : Dull pain on both low back
4. Diagnosis
Liver large and congestive
Heart small
Lung weak
Kidney weak
Generally input energy is big but output energy samll.
5. Pathology
Due to the phycial surgeries and chemical drugs and other health
foods not mentioned in the above, autoimmune symptoms are more
widely progressing.
6. Prescription
To release liver
To get rid of humidity
To purify blood
7. Results
1st Prescription
To release and to get rid of humidity is main.
1st Result
She said nothing had changed but the coating of her tongue has
gotten thiner than before. This means the herbs are working in
good order.
2nd Prescription
Added for purifying blood.
2nd prescription
Physical doctor said "Mom, your blood have been more clean
than before. Now you may take rheumatoid drugs in half, so
I will reduce the dosage."
Other symptoms remain.
3rd Prescription
For the consideration of her voice, I added for the improvment of Ki.
3rd Result
Felt some energy from her voice.
She reduced the depressant to two third than before.
4th Prescription
Same as 3rd
4th Result
Very easy to voice.
She got 9th prescription for more recovery in over all condition.
She now does not take rheumatoid drugs any more and
reduced the dpressant to half but she does not feel any trouble.
As other autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid is also treated easily
in conition that we regulate the balance of five organs with herbs
or living care.