1. 독후감 줄거리, 책 요약 pl__ summary
2. 배관공사, 배관작업 plu__ing
3. 활주로로 곤두박질치다 plu___ into the run___
4. 중세시대 med_____ era
5. 총리가 정부를 이끌다 the PM he__s the governement = the PM le__s the governement
6. 내 자존심을 접어두다 poc___ my self-esteem = set as___ my self-esteem = swa____ my self-esteem
7. 내 sb에게 사소한 것들 하나하나 지적하다 poi__ out every little thing to sb = ca__ out over every little thing to sb = pi__ up on every little thing to sb 대체가능
8. 서로를 지목하다 poi__ fingers __(전치사) each other
9. 점잖게 지적하다, 기분 나쁘지 않게 지적하다 point out ni__ly
첫댓글 1. plot summary
2. plumbing
3. plunge into the runway
4. medieval era
5. the PM heads the government = the PM leads the government
6. pocket my self-esteem = set aside my self-esteem = swallow my sef-esteem
7. point out every little thing to sb = call out over every little thing to sb = pick up on every thing to sb
8. point fingers at each other
9. point out nicley