1. 경찰이 마약판매책이던 한 남자를 입건했다 police bo__ed a man, who was a drug d___er
2. 경찰의 과잉대응, 경찰의 과격대응, 경찰의 난폭함 polkce bru_____
3. 경찰이 두 건의 살인죄로 sb를 검찰에 송치했다 police ch___ed sb with two cou___ of murder
4. 경찰청장, 경찰서장, police comm_______er = chi__ of police = police super________
5. 미국 경찰순찰차 ; 순찰대 police cru____ = sq____ car
6. 경찰서 police depart____
7. 경찰은 타살혐의를 의심하지 않고 있다 police don't suspect f___ play
8. 경찰들이 시위대보다 수적열세였다 police officers were ___numbered by the r___ers
9. 이미지를 포장하다 po_____ the image
첫댓글 1. police booked a man, who was a drug dealer
2. police brutality
3. police charged sb with two counts of murder
4. police commissioner = chief of police = police superintendent
5. police cruiser = squad car
6. police department
7. police don't suspect foul play
8. police officers were outnumbered by the rioters
9. polish the image