What should we do if someone repeatedly hurts us, but they apologize each time?
I’m sure this won’t be a very popular answer. Here goes anyway. If someone repeatedly hurts you and then apologizes for the hurt they caused I believe it’s up to you. If you’re in a relationship that you want to hold on to then by all means forgive them and simply move ahead. I mean I’m not sure what type of hurt you’re speaking about but honestly it’s none of my business. Everyone of us gets to decide how much shit we put up with. Everyone of us has or will fall in love with a person just like you’re talking about. Personally I keep forgiving her. Broke every damn rule I lived by just for the chance that she would at some point realize the damage she was causing me/us and put her shit behind her. It’s been 7 years now and there’s no end in sight but when I said I’d love her and never judge her I meant that shit. Like I said no one else gets to tell me different. I am the only one who gets to make the call. I don’t give a fuck what friends, family, strangers, or you think. People always want to tell you “you deserve so much more” or “there’s someone out there for you” or any number of stupid shit they can think of. According to most everyone is simply replaceable. Well, all I have to say to them is stay the fuck outta my business! Maybe I was put in her life so at some point she can believe that she deserves to be happy. Who knows why our paths crossed but they did and I’ll never throw her away. Now obviously she’s a special woman to me. If the person you’re speaking of isn’t that special to you fuck it run off. However, if you can love someone through their self defense mechanisms I truly believe that they will be able to put them down at some point. It may or may not happen in my lifetime but I’ll do whatever I can in what time I’m given to try and make her feel safe.