몇몇 오너들께서 R56 오토 사용법을 정확히 알고싶어하시는것 같아 올려봅니다. 외국 포룸에 어느 유저가 간단하고 정확하게 요점정리를 해놓은게 있네요. 도움이 될것 같습니다.
D(Pull to the left side for DS or Manual Shift Mode M/S + -)
This is a 6 speed automatic gearbox.
On a MCS automatic:
Sport Button Off:
Laggy throttle
Lighter steering @low speed
Smooth but slow shift
In D:
"D" in gear indicator
Full automatic mode (2nd to 6th)
Smoothest/slowest shift, upshift @ ~2500rpm.
Manual override with paddles last 30 secs, then back to automatic.
Starts from 2nd gear.
In DS:
"DS" in gear indicator
Full automatic mode (1st to 5th)
Smoothest/slowest shift, upshift @ ~3000rpm, hold rev for longer period
Manual override with paddles last 30 secs, then back to automatic.
Starts from 1st gear.
In M/S +/-:
"M" in gear indicator
Full manual mode (M1 to M6)
Won't upshift until redline.
Won't downshift until <1100rpm
Starts from 2nd gear (M2).
Sport Button On:
Responsive throttle
Heavier steering@low speed(more feel?)
FAST but slightly jerky shift on 1-2 and 2-3
In D:
"DS" in gear indicator
Full automatic mode (1st to 5th)
Hold rev @ ~3000-3500rpm, upshift@5000rpm to redline?
Manual override with paddles last 30 secs, then back to DS.
Starts from 1st gear.
In DS:
"DS" in gear indicator
Same as D with SPORT BUTTON ON.
Starts from 1st gear.
In M/S +/-:
"M" in gear indicator
Full manual mode (M1 to M6)
Won't upshift until redline.
Won't downshift until <1100rpm
Starts from 2nd gear (M2).
Manual Overide with paddles:
Slower than shift lever but only requires one hand on steering
Easier to jump gear (e.g. M1 to M3 upshift, or M6 to M4 downshift)
Pull the paddle for upshift/push the paddle for downshift
No difference between left/right paddle so it's very handy during hard corning
Shift Lever:
Fastest 1-gear up/downshift speed
Optimize for sequential upshift/downshift, it's hard to jump gear.
You need one extra hand to operate
첫댓글 1.기어쉬프트 DS모드나 2.스포츠버튼누른 DS모드나 같은거 아닌가요 단 차이점은 1번은 패들쉬프트가 완전 수동모드고 2번은 패들쉬프트 작동 후 몇초후에 오토매틱으로 전환되는 걸루 알고 있는데, 엄청 복잡하게 써놨네요ㅋㅋ 글구2단출발이 말이되는지???
좋~습니다. // 패들로 기어점프가 되나요? 처음 알았네요... 별로 사용하고 싶진 않고... ㅋ
흠....좋은얘기네요 ㅋㅋㅋ
D가 2단출발인가요?? 아닌것같은데요..ㅎㅎ
저도 과연 2단출발인지 1단출발인지 너무너무 궁금해요~~~~~~~!!
저기... 꼬브랑 글씨 모르는사람들에게도 좀.... 알수있게.. 한글없나요 ㅠㅠ??? 헉헉 힘듬 ㅋㅋ 이거완전 ㄷㄷ D가 2단출발인걸로 알구있는데요....
저말대로면 2단출발 맞나보네요
스포츠 모드랑 일반 모드랑 출발에 차이가 뭔가했더니 단지 기어 차이였다니 - _-;; 왠지 속은 느낌이..