In overseas territories, “Peninsula” also did strong business. In Taiwan, where it is handled by MovieCloud, it earned $4.7 million over five days. With some 2,300 screenings per day, it enjoyed a market share of 76%. In Malaysia, it topped the box office for four days. Those four days and midnight screenings on Wednesday combined for a $955,000 (RM4.07 million) total. In Singapore, “Peninsula” had five days of release and became the top opening Korean film of all time, besting the “Train To Busan” opening weekend by Saturday – despite 50 seats per hall restrictions. In Vietnam, it played for three days from Friday and topped the chart each day. Including sneak previews from July 17, it earned $1.17 million.
Korean smash zombie thriller Peninsula has come in slightly higher than estimated on Sunday, with sales agent Contents Panda reporting a $20.82M take in five Asian markets. The clear No. 1 in Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore, this is a terrific boost to the international box office which hasn’t seen these kinds of numbers from a single title since the early days of the coronavirus pandemic. In mid-March, for example, the Top 5 movies overseas did a combined $30.7M.
Peninsula, Yeon Sang-ho’s follow-up to his 2016 hit Train To Busan, continues to demonstrate audience hunger for new blood, particularly such an anticipated sequel. It did a confirmed $13.2M in Korea. It set a 2020 opening day high on Wednesday, and through Sunday overtook another recent Korean breakout, #Alive, which has now cumed $13M there. In Taiwan, Peninsula grossed $4.7M with 76% market share and approximately 2,300~2,400 shows per day. Vietnam, where the movie was in sneaks, did $1.17M, the best debut ever for a Korean title. Malaysia, which opened Peninsula on Thursday, added $955K; and Singapore took in $795K to best Train To Busan‘s launch weekend (doing so on Saturday).
버라이어티와 데드라인에 따르면 반도는 대만, 베트남, 말레이시아, 싱가포르에서 1위에 올랐고
코로나 바이러스 사태로인해 3월 중순에 해외에서 박스오피스 TOP 5 작품의 수입을 합한 금액은 3070만 달러에 불과했으나
반도는 누적 수입 2082만 달러를 기록해 국제 영화시장에 대단한 활기를 가져다주었으며
싱가포르에서 개봉 첫 주말 성적이 한국 영화 역대 1위가 됐는데 전염병 사태로 1개 상영관마다 객석을 50개로
제한하는 상황임에도 기존 1위 기록을 보유했던 부산행을 제쳤다고 하는군요.
베트남에서는 아직 정식 개봉일(7월 24일)이 아닌 시사회 기간임에도
3일 동안 상영해서 117만 달러를 벌어 한국 영화 개봉 성적 역대 1위가 됐다고 합니다.
첫댓글 K_좀비
해외에서는 잘나가는구나
먼가 지난 몇년동안 한국이 아시아의 표준이 된거 같아 뿌듯