림팩 2024에서 실시된 강습상륙함 타라와를 표적으로 실시된 SINKEX 훈련에서, MQ-9B 시 가디언에 장착된 SeaVue 다임무레이더로 표적을 탐지해 추적 데이터를 F/A-18 E/F 슈퍼 호넷에 넘겨 호넷이 LRASM을 발사했다고 합니다.
SeaVue는 x밴드 레이다로 AN/APS-137 기반으로 개발된 경항공기용 다목적 레이다라고 하네요. 피크 파워가 50kW, 평균 출력이 500W이고 탐지거리가 250해리, 빔폭이 1.3도라고..
RTX's SeaVue multi-role radar provides targeting data at RIMPAC - Naval Today
RTX’s SeaVue multi-role radar provides targeting data at RIMPAC
Training & Education
August 29, 2024, by Fatima Bahtić
Raytheon, an RTX business, has demonstrated the SeaVue multi-role radar’s long-range target detection at the U.S. Navy’s Exercise Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC).
As disclosed, SVMR is a modern, software-defined radar that provides all-weather surveillance and superior multi-mission performance for crewed and uncrewed aircraft, including fixed, rotary-wing and aerostat platforms.
Performing a Sink Exercise, or SINKEX, an MQ-9B SeaGuardian unmanned aircraft system from General Atomics Aeronautical Systems used SeaVue multi-role radar surveillance and imaging to survey multiple targets and send track data to F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet aircraft.
The aircraft was able to use the data provided by the radar to fire a long-range anti-ship missile (LRASM) at a decommissioned amphibious assault ship, the USS Tarawa (LHA-1).
“SVMR proved its ability to capture high fidelity targeting data needed for successful weapons engagement in a maritime environment,” said Bryan Rosselli, president of Advanced Products & Solutions at Raytheon.
“The live-fire exercise enabled us to test and validate SVMR to ensure it can provide the situational awareness required in an operational environment – allowing faster decision making and more efficient kill chains.”
SeaVue XMC - Radartutorial
SeaVue XMC
SeaVue is a X-band radar based on the Raytheon AN/APS-137 for light fixed winged aircraft. SeaVue is a modular design that is upgradable, with three line-replaceable units. The AN/APS-137(V5) was renamed to AN/APY-10 later.
The SeaVue XMC (eXpanded Mission Capability) maritime surveillance radar’s innovative features provide both radar and mission system advanced capabilities, such as automatically detecting, tracking and sorting thousands of maritime targets simultaneously and correlating radar tracks with Automatic Identification System (AIS) contacts. The system also geographically registers radar detections to AIS data and digital nautical chart features, allowing for more precise target tracking, locating of threats and accurate cross-sensor cueing to the electro-optic system.
When a radar operates in the ISAR mode, its antenna no longer scans, but constantly illuminates the target in a searchlight mode.
Figure 1: AN/APS-137
첫댓글 같은 X-밴드여도 펄스반복주파수(PRF)가 300 kHz까지 올라갈 수 있는 F-16의 APG-68보다는 PRF가 꽤 낮네요.
APG-68이 파파파파파파 펄스를 쏠 때 SeaVue는 파~~~~~ 파~~~~~ 하는 셈입니다.
오래 전에 사놓고 삼각함수 등 수식의 압박으로 다 보지 못한 '해군 무기체계의 원리' ( 크레이그.M.페인, 한티미디어, 2015) 56쪽을 보니 펄스 레이다는 최대 탐지거리로부터 반사 펄스가 되돌아올 수 있는 충분한 시간을 가져야 한다고 하네요. APG-68보다 이 레이다가 멀리 보기 위한 목적이라고 봐야겠죠? 최소 탐지거리를 증가(문맥상 줄이는 것?)시키기 위해선 펄스 지속시간이 짧아야 한다고 하고..