NTF is an all factions playable (included emergent) in one and only mod. This was made with the excellent work of Hip63 who created a user interface that controls all the previous individual mod and enables automatically the selected mod. Also using the same UI you can play a vanilla game or any other mod you have installed. version 1.0
* GUI has been added by Hip63. * If you play as emergent, all the other emergent are present in campaign's start.
First of all keep a backup of your user.script.exe if you have made one.
1. Download the Napoleon Total Faction.7z and extract it on your desktop.
2. Open Napoleon Total Faction folder and run NTF_v1_Installer. Follow instructions and install NTF in napoleon total war folder. The mod uses its own mod folder and do not overwrite any of vanilla files.
3. Install NTF_Update.
Run NTF.exe. Press Default Campaign repeatedly and select the desired mod that includes the faction you want to play, checking the description in lower left corner and START GAME.
If you want to play vanilla game or another installed mod, return in Default Campaigns and START GAME. In the case of a mod you can edit user.script by clicking the third button.
Do not forget to rep Hip63 for his major contribution to Startpos Mods.
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
In this project all factions are unlocked for all campaigns. As you might already know there is a 4 faction limitation in Napoleon UI, so there are releases with separately files for every 4 factions. I do hope a scripter can solve this problem.
All the following mods include a startpos.esf and a scripting.lua file. Both must be placed in [NTW]/data/campaigns/mp_eur_napoleon what ever the mod is about and you can play it by starting a new coalition campaign. Keep a backup of the vanilla files.
Note: If you have a black screen when you enter in campaign, just click on the mini map in the left of the hud and you'll be o.k.
NOTE: If you play as Britain add some money (see here how) because you will bankrupt in the second turn.
3. European Grand Campaign - Updated (06-03-2010)
* FoW bug fixed so only player's regions are non shrouded. * Victory Conditions have been reworked. Factions have the same targets, the number of regions have been increased and they are from all around the map making victory more challenging.
Download All_playable.7z and extract it on your desktop. Find the folder with the faction you want to play as and copy it's content in [NTW]/data/campaigns/mp_eur_napoleon. Start a new coalition campaign.
The included folder for Netherlands, Ottomans and Spain is the old one so ignore it and download this one.
1. If you have a black screen when you enter in campaign, just click on the mini map in the left of the hud and you'll be o.k.
2. Some factions cannot recruit fleets. See here for the solution.
4. Emergent for European Grand Campaign
Emergent are provided individually for every faction. Since there are not many available uploading slots I release them in groups of three. Download the group, extract it on your desktop, find the folder with the name of the faction you want to play, copy the file in [NTW]/data/campaigns/mp_eur_napoleon and start a new coalition campaign. Usually it is only the modded startpos.esf. In these cases you have to keep the vanilla scripting.lua file. Always keep a backup of the vanilla files be fore replace them. FoW is working properly and only player's regions are revealed.
The deference of this new version of emergent playable is that emergent are all present in campaign game from the start. To install it download the Emergent_All.7z file, extract it on your desktop, find the folder with the faction you want to play as and copy the included startpos.esf in [NTW]/data/campaigns/mp_eur_napoleon. Start a new coalition campaign.
5. France playable in Coalition Campaign.
Download the FR_campaign.7z and extract it in your [NTW]/data folder. This mod uses it's own mod folder ([NTW]/data/campaigns/FR_mod) and will not overwrite any of your files. It will also add FR_campaign.pack in your data folder which you don't need to activate. It will be activated automatically.
To play the mod just start a new Coalition Campaign and choose France in game menu. If you want to disable the mod you have to remove FR_campaign.pack from your data folder.
첫댓글기존에 올팩션은 안개 맵핵모드 때문에 사용하지 안았습니다만 이모드는 안개부터 오스만 무역선등 다 손봐 놓았고 간단설치로 입맛대로 변경 가능합니다. 인스톨러로 인스톨하시고 업데이트하시면 끝입니다. 다만 유저스크립트를 손봐야하는 모드시 추가로 수정해주셔야 하는 번거러움이 있습니다. 대신 쉽게 바로 수정하게끔 메뉴를 제공하는점 또한 센스가득하네요. 강추입니다.
첫댓글 기존에 올팩션은 안개 맵핵모드 때문에 사용하지 안았습니다만 이모드는 안개부터 오스만 무역선등 다 손봐 놓았고 간단설치로 입맛대로 변경 가능합니다. 인스톨러로 인스톨하시고 업데이트하시면 끝입니다. 다만 유저스크립트를 손봐야하는 모드시 추가로 수정해주셔야 하는 번거러움이 있습니다. 대신 쉽게 바로 수정하게끔 메뉴를 제공하는점 또한 센스가득하네요. 강추입니다.
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